@wildpotato For example, here I see a straightforward, often asked and easily answered question by students in logic and moral philosophy, and apparently everyone else sees an opportunity to jump all over a potentially interesting new member and call him or her a psychopath.
In short, that question challenged the sacred cow of some people. Some people have to believe the Golden Rule is true and pure as men apply it. If it is busted or flawed that has to point back to mankind, and if so, how can it be fixed by the very people who busted it? That would point to where some people do not want to go; the supernatural. People of logic scientific minds do not want to consider anything of the supernatural because it cannot be seen, felt, measured, weighed or smelled. The best way not to have that possibility to even be entertained is to attack the question or the questioner as flawed; if they are flawed the question has to be flawed, thus incorrect or invalid at its core. The napalm and white phosphorous dropped in that thread left me with no wonder and I was not surprised.