Meta Question

AshLeigh's avatar

What are your favorite Fluther quotes?

Asked by AshLeigh (16340points) May 17th, 2014 from iPhone

Two years ago I asked This question. It’s been a while, so what are your favorite quotes by fellow jellies?

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28 Answers

Dan_Lyons's avatar

I just got this one:

I do the same with 4:20.. You are seeing the pattern you want to see. I do it so I can get high.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Just wait for me @AshLeigh. I have a lot of quotes that I really want to share. All I need is to gather them in one space and it will take some time :p

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“I don’t know of anything worse after an all night binge than waking up next to someone and not being able to remember her name, how she got there, and why she’s dead. That’s when I say, ‘I’m never doing this again!’ And this time I mean it!”
~ AstroChuck.

There have been so many really great ones, both hilarious and serious. I’ll be back…

Really great question, by the way.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This is one of my all-time favorites. Living abroad, you sometimes get a little sentimental and this one really got me.

Q: What is Socialism?

Communism—People under the shadow of the State
Capitalism—People under the shadow of the Corporations
Nazism—People under the shadow of Madness

@flutherother—Is there no “shadow of Liberty?”

@CaptainHarley—Liberty is full of shadows but at least she comes with a torch.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Heh! Here I come.

- There isn’t anything we do that’s risk free, or we aren’t living much. If we have to go let it be quick. – Adirondackwannabe.

- In my interactions with people on Fluther, I try to respond to things people say in a way that shows that I haven’t written them off as decent, well-meaning citizens of the tide pool. That may mean just letting some sharp remark slide on by, counting it as a miscommunication rather than a personal affront. It always means abstaining from ridicule and insult; as good as it may feel to deliver a good burn, it clearly signals to your target that you have no esteem for them, and they will feel no compunctions at all about behaving like an asshole toward you. It may mean taking a deep breath and reaching out a hand of friendship—adding them to your fluther or sending a positive PM, for instance—to someone you’ve had some conflict with. I’ve seen that completely transform the way someone interacts with me. – thonimmud.

- Not if the invading country was Vietnam- it’s about time that we had a Mafiosa president! Brian1946 Love that word “Mafiosa” :D

- Those aren’t rich people; they’re common people with lots of money. The mindset is completely different. Common people tend to run into issues when they have more money than they’re used to, and thus sometimes wind up back where they were after a year-long shopping spree, but unlike the truly rich, they’re at least aware that not everybody can afford the things that a millionaire could buy with relative pocket change. They don’t get that, to those living paycheck to paycheck by necessity, buying a $15,000 certified used car instead of a $1,500 Craigslist car simply isn’t an option, and truly don’t get what it’s like to choose between rent or food. And I’ve even seen previously poor people that worked their way up lose touch. – jerv

- No one (that I know of) is really a wizard fighting the dark forces of an evil powerful wizard while going to wizard school, but so many love reading Harry Potter. It’s because we can let our imaginations fly into a different world with different rules. – zenvelo.

- I would say, “If you’re just being yourself, enjoy it.” Those other people are probably knocking you down because they don’t have the courage to not follow the crowd. You are much more likely to be a happy and well adjusted adult than they are. ibstubro.

- Ugliness – as with beauty – is as ugliness does. You might want to turn your focus to other people and not worry about your looks. janbb.

- I must say more often than not, it feels like we’re all stuck in one house and boarding up the windows against a zombie invasion. Symbeline.

There’s more, but now I can’t find them all. So… let’s just consider it part 1. I’ll return with part 2 soon :p

OpryLeigh's avatar

This one from Coloma is my most recent favourite: ”@Leanne1986 Once, I freed a lizard stuck in a stack of flower pots in one of the drainage holes. I used Astroglide and he slipped right out. haha
Lubing Lizards. :-p” This was after I confessed that there was a tube of lube on my bedside table in ucme’s question about what is directly to your left!

ucme's avatar

The ones where the author thinks they’re being clever or authoritive, correcting grammar or wading into a situation that was intended as harmless fun & getting it badly wrong.
They amuse me greatly.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Coloma’s shaved nutsack preference. Not a guy in that room will ever forget it. I wonder how many shaved their nuts that night.

longgone's avatar

Too hard. Last one I laughed out loud at:

“Blew a kiss to the random stranger that was sitting by me at the movie theater yesterday. She was not amused.”


Dutchess_III's avatar

“I don’t know of anything worse after an all night binge than waking up next to someone and not being able to remember her name, how she got there, and why she’s dead. That’s when I say “I’m never doing this again!” Followed by “And this time I mean it! ~ AstroChuck.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just read this one, by Jerv “The fact that light is both a wave and a particle is why physicists drink…..”

AshLeigh's avatar

“I read from the Wall Street Journal during sex. I like to know who else I’m getting fucked by. Makes it feel like an orgy.” –Darth_Algar

Kardamom's avatar

@Kardamom “It only takes one prick” works on so many levels!

by @janbb in regards to my answer to This Question

Coloma's avatar

I’m starting to sound like a female perv. Lubin’ lizards and shaved testicles. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Too crocked to cook”~ @Coloma just said that in another Q. :D

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III At our age now, being too crocked to cook is a hard eraned award of middle age. lol

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma You should write a slow cooker cook book called Too Crocked To Cook.

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom Haha…funny! It could be recipes that all use alcohol. lol

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Lol. That reminds of a self-published cookbook I saw once in a used bookstore. On the cover was a little, sad-eyed elderly woman standing next to her microwave in a stark apartment kitchenette. The title was Microwave Cooking for One. I laughed my ass off at the unintentional sadness of the whole thing. I always thought it would be a great title for a Richard Brautigan-style book of poetry.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oops… poetry short prose.

Adagio's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus My my eyes immediately opened wider when I read the name Richard Brautigan in your post, I discovered him in the mid-70s, absolutely love “A Confederate General From Big Sur” and “In Watermelon Sugar” but especially, especially “A Confederate General From Big Sur”, been years and years since I read it but still sitting on my bookshelf. GA to you. And thank you for invoking this wonderful sense of nostalgia.

Coloma's avatar

Todays nomination comes from our dear @JLeslie

It’s either foliculitis or at worst herpes.

In relation to a Q. about someones irritated pubic area from shaving. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

[NSFW] I was just browsing around and stumbled upon the quesion “What is this thing in my girlfriend vagina that feels like a nose?”
The former Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard or TexasDude has 115 great answers for “I’m sorry to say this but your girlfriend actually has a second nose in her vagina. It’s the only logical explanation. Don’t take the news too hard.”

I died.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This just in—

“We don’t have a ‘left’ here. We have a fascist religious right and a tiny voice begging them to use a little K-Y when they fuck us up the ass.” ~ @Seek

Coloma's avatar

Today i nominate @Darth Algar for this little gem….

Hey, drink all the magical rock water you want but don’t expect anyone else to just take the word of some guy who heard from a guy who heard from another guy that heard from some other guy lol

Araphel's avatar

Something to the effect of, Now lets get back to the topic of happiness!!

jonsblond's avatar

“webt out fort drinks with @richardhenry & @cage lolol opmgs too mcug southern comebrtgt adn lempidabade. lolo00o”

That’s @chels drunk fluthering

She also did it here on the same thread.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. I’ve drunk Fluthered before. The next day I was surprised ‘cause you couldn’t tell, thanks to extreme concentration and spell check!

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