General Question

lilakess's avatar

Can you recommend a durable, light, summer hiking boot?

Asked by lilakess (789points) July 13th, 2007
3 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I'd like something with ankle support, but I won't be climbing rocks or anything like that. Also, I'd like them to be attractive.

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mirza's avatar

north face has a pair of boots called trek light that might be perfect for your situation

marabu's avatar

I have a pair of hiking boots from LOWA and they are very comfortable and give good ankle support. I don't know what you consider attractive, but they are relatively light so they don't look like you're on a himalaya-expedition :)

I don't know how and where you wanna hike, but I've heard from regular hikers that those old adidas that go up your ankle and have these little changeable things you can put in the soles (I forgot the name...) are very good too. Some people even climbe mountains with them!

mvgolden's avatar

Personally I love Vasque. I have a pair that I have had since high school some 15 years ago. I have resoled them once. They have taking me up many a mountian, including half dome. They are great for me cause my foot tends to run a little narrow. But really the best pair of boots are the ones that fit.

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