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Coloma's avatar

Are you experiencing Fluther trouble the last day or so?

Asked by Coloma (47193points) August 30th, 2014
37 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Lagging page changes, lagging and delayed responses, errors and delays. Is it me or is it Fluther?

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talljasperman's avatar

Not being able to access the website. I always think it is my fault, but it is good to know that it isn’t.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I thought Ben has taken care of all the errors already.

I don’t remember encountering any issues after Ben’s interference, except for some occasional chatroom bugs though.

marinelife's avatar

Not a bit.

dxs's avatar

My Questions for You are back, so no.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good to know, I have been experiencing lagging pages but that’s about it, thought it was on my end glad to know it isn’t.

janbb's avatar

Slow to load at times.

hearkat's avatar

Please clear your browser. There’s a link to instructions on this post:

Coloma's avatar

I cleared ny cache a few days ago, it seems better this morning, we shall see.

Buttonstc's avatar

My experience is that when this keeps happening, it’s because one of the servers is down.

When that’s been the case, it doesn’t matter whether I clear my cache or not.

Usually, I just stop aggravating myself with it and come back in 6–12 hours of the next day.

And, yesterday it was lagging and just not loading pages at all. I really didn’t feel like bothering with the whole cache clearing thing (since iPhone already does a lot of it as part of normal functioning anyhow).

And even tho no extra cache clearing was done by me, everything is done today.

So, my conclusion is that yesterday’s problem was likely a server issue which got noticed either by the founders or the web hosting service and resolved.

If it had been due to a cache issue on my end, I’d still be in the same predicament today since I did no extra clearing.

But now everything’s fine.

hearkat's avatar

Yes, @Buttonstc, the problem is often with our servers, which actually are set-up to be fairly self-maintaining, from what I’m told. However, if someone logs on when one of those problems is happening, the cache gets messed up; so people might be experiencing problems even after the server issue is resolved, as you mentioned. This is why we always recommend cache-clearing as a first troubleshooting step, even if it was cleared a couple days earlier.

Buttonstc's avatar

Is this regardless of device?

The reason I’m asking is because if I do a reboot of my iPhone due to other unrelated problems, that pretty much clears the cache. It SOMETIMES also eliminates my auto password function as well as any web pages I had open. That’s annoying and I don’t want to do it unnecessarily if I don’t have to.

You also mentioned that the server trouble itself messes up someones cache. What determines whether this happens or not? Because, i’ve never experienced that happening at all.

When the server issue is resolved, I can navigate normally as usual even if I did NO cache clearing either before or after.

As I said, anytime I did go into settings and cleared out everything, it never made a bit of difference. Even if I cleared out EVERYTHING, it didn’t enable me to navigate around the site one iota better. Why ?

Because the server issue had not yet resolved. And anytime when I did not bother clearing
anything at all, I’d know that the server issue was fixed because I could navigate the site as normal.

Maybe my experience would have been different had I been on a regular computer, but I haven’t done that for the last several years. I’m ALWAYS Fluthering on iPhone (or tablet).

So, hence my question as to whether the need for cache clearing is device dependent ?

I’d be interested in what other phone users experience with this has been.

hearkat's avatar

@Buttonstc – I am not an IT person, I am just going based on what I’ve observed as I’ve surfed the web and Fluther, in particular, and also what I’ve observed and been told since becoming a Fluther Mod, so I can’t give you the technical answer.

The Mobile Fluther site doesn’t seem to be as prone to the server difficulties that the regular site experiences, so if that’s the page you access on your smartphone and tablet, you may not have as many errors as you notice others commenting about on the site.

I mostly use the iOS devices to access Fluther, and I can completely relate to the frustrations of losing the login information. It was nice in the early days of iOS when we could clear the cache independently of cookies and other stored data. I use the full site, though, and not the mobile site, so I do notice the problems when Fluther is acting wonky.

I guess a general rule of thumb would be to wait a half-hour before clearing the cache, because the server problems are likely to have been addressed by then, so if the problem persists it may be in the cache. Hopefully, someone more tech knowledgeable will be able to provide a more specific answer.

johnpowell's avatar

@Buttonstc :: While not ideal you might want to give this a try. If there is a problem you can force quit Safari. You do this by:

1. Tap the home button
2. double tap the home button to bring up the application switcher.
3. drag up on one of the Safari windows (not the Safari icon)

This won’t (shouldn’t) clear all your tabs. But when you click on a tab it will force it to reload the page. And this shouldn’t mess with your passwords.

And fluther is loading really slow for me which could lead to lead to corrupting the cache.

hominid's avatar

It is very slow for me right now.

Buttonstc's avatar

Thanks, John, I’ll try that the next time there’s a problem and see what happens.

For right now tho, I’m on my old 3G due to an incompatibility between my 4S and the new Wifi router that my landlord allowed himself to get talked into. It’s supposed to
Increase the speed (which I thought was just fine as is).

Even the Tech guy who installed it couldn’t figure out why my 4S wouldn’t pick up the Wifi (even tho I get it just fine on my old 3G). Makes no sense at all.

You’d think that ATT would make sure that their fancy dancy routers would be compatible with ALL of their products (I got my 4S from the ATT store).

The whole thing is ridiculous.
But if and when I get my 4S connected, I’ll keep your suggestion in mind. As you know, that feature isn’t available on the old 3Gs :(

johnpowell's avatar

You are correct. It is a iOS 7 thing.

But it appears that this might work for you too.

Force Quitting: To force an application to quit, Apple recommends that you bring the app you want to quit to the foreground. Then press and hold the sleep/wake button for several seconds, until the Slide to Power Off control appears. Release the sleep/wake button and hold down the Home button for another 7–10 seconds. Your screen will flash briefly and you will return to the main iOS 4 Springboard home page with its icons. This method works for all operating systems from iPhone OS 3 forward, and is the preferred method listed in the iOS 4 documentation.”

Brian1946's avatar

My lurve total is upside down! ;-o

Brian1946's avatar

Now it’s upside up: what a relief!

Pachy's avatar

Running slower than usual for the past few days

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah for me too, and I cleared my cache.

Coloma's avatar

Slow here too still and I cleared my cache again for the 2nd time in several days. Fluthers laggin’.

johnpowell's avatar

Still slow.

johnpowell's avatar

Seriously, whoever runs this joint ask us if you need some help paying for another server to make the site work better. We are starting to hit the point where I just bail when it hangs.

hearkat's avatar

Seriously strange. We had a major spam attack last night, but since that’s been cleared, it’s running better for me. Anybody else?

janbb's avatar

Very slow to load answers still for me. I saw the spam when I went in first thing this morning; it was all over the place.

hearkat's avatar

The only posts that are slow to load now are those with many responses, like the “something great that happened today” post. At times, I’m still encountering a minimal lag, but it connects before I lose patience and click something else. It’s frustrating how inconsistent these issues can be.

johnpowell's avatar

Internal Server Error

It has been pretty bad the last few hours.

Katniss's avatar

Very slow here. Just tried to send a PM. No dice.

janbb's avatar

This was just very slow to load.

ibstubro's avatar

Constant problems and time outs.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No problems except an occasional slow page turn.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mostly very slow page turning.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, slow page turning still…very s-l-o-w this morning.

janbb's avatar

Fluther has been terrible for me today. I keep getting server error messages and I did clear my cache.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Third time today I got

“Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.”

ibstubro's avatar

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Once for me, yesterday, so far tonight 9–3 @ 9:52 PDT things seem to be running smoothly, but I have only been here for about 6 minutes. haha

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