Social Question

crissy14's avatar

If a woman bends over in front of you with a loose top on, do you look? NSFW?

Asked by crissy14 (636points) September 25th, 2014
32 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I think everyone looks. I’m female and I look. It’s human nature to be curious or nosey, or even judgemental.

This just happened to me at work. A man looked straight down my top when standing behind me. Should I had said something even though I may have done the same?

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zenvelo's avatar

Yes. I do. I even asked a question a while ago about women wearing low cut tops and if they wanted people to look.

But I am confused, how could he look down your front if he is behind you? That would mean he had his head over your shoulder by your ear to look down your top.

crissy14's avatar

@zenvelo I was sitting down and he was standing over and behind me. We were both looking at my computer screen, or so I thought.

zenvelo's avatar

@crissy14 Oh. If you were facing me and bent over, that would be one thing, and at least a bit normal, but anything more than a glance down your top while looking over your shoulder is creepy.

crissy14's avatar

@zenvelo , thank you! That’s very gentleman like!

Pol_is_aware's avatar

I agree, everyone is going to glance. Some people stare and day dream and fantasize and make life decisions.

ucme's avatar

Depends on what the woman looks like & calibre of her tits, if she’s pug ugly & has spaniel’s ears boobs, then i’m not looking.
Otherwise, you betcha!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not giving a quick glance is nearly impossible.

filmfann's avatar

Mea culpa. Every time.

Mastema's avatar

I look at their neckline.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t deliberate. It’s like blinking, and when I catch myself doing it the reflex is to jerk my head around to pull my eyes off target thereby embarrassing all concerned by calling attention to the fact that I was looking. The looking is nearly always unavoidable. Thank God the jerk reaction can usually be checked in time. For an event that occurs so frequently, it’s astonishing that one can still be taken by surprise.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Of course I do. Unless it’s my boss.

Strauss's avatar

Always, but usually very sur·rep·ti·tious·ly!

whitenoise's avatar

@zenvelo said it all.

Not from behind, that’s creepy. If you flaunt it, however, then all is fair…


janbb's avatar

How did you know he was looking at your boobs if he was behind you? (I must be the dumbest person on the planet – or have very unnoticeable boobs. Although a stranger did ask me to dance when I was wearing an uncharacteriscally revealing top.)

flutherother's avatar

I look, it’s unavoidable. I guarantee your breasts were more interesting than the computer screen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What that guy did was just creepy!

AshLeigh's avatar

I do. Every time.

longgone's avatar

I have an automatic look-away which prevents me from staring at messages on others’ mobile phones and down tops.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I have to say if I glance and how long is more in line with @ucme, if she looks like the offspring of a Wookie who mated with Godzilla and is large enough to command two time zones by herself, not only will I not look, I try to avoid seeing any part of that. If she is cute and attractive my gaze will linger, if she appear to have natural non-plastic injected breasts that can pass the pencil test, it will get the longest gaze. It is like seeing someone with something stuck in their teeth, you may not stare all in their mouth, but you are going to notice it.

ibstubro's avatar

I have the same look-away reflex @longgone has. However, if you bet over and flashed me, it would be unavoidable.

I would never stand above/behind someone and check out the goods. I agree that that is creepy.

LornaLove's avatar

Yes! Just as a look at the plumbers crack! So, if they didn’t want me to look why do they wear plumbers pants.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Sometimes you just can’t avoid seeing. If someone bent over in front of me and her breasts were on display, I’d notice. As @LornaLove said, it’s there and sometimes you see things you would rather unsee.

@zenvelo, I think if a woman’s breasts are absolutely out there, then yes she’s inviting people to look. However, I have tops that aren’t tarty, but are low enough to show a bit of cleavage. I’ve got blouses that if I have to bend down over a desk to say sign a document, would drop sufficiently for someone to look down. I’m not inviting people to perve, but there have been occasions when it’s happened.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit – does it bother you?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It depends how it’s done. If it’s a subtle glance, it doesn’t bother me at all. Having a man talk to your breasts rather than your face is disconcerting. Or leaning over a counter working with a customer and looking up to find three men standing together leering at you and realising what they’re doing is also somewhat offputting. Both of which have happened. I have breasts. Some men like breasts so they’re going to look. As long as its subtle rather than leering, I might not even notice.

I have to say I’ve worked with women who do put them out there. I remember working with a woman who would deliberately lean against men so her breasts pressed against them. A couple of them complained to me about it (I wasn’t her boss so they weren’t expecting me to do anything about it). If a woman does that, she can hardly complain if a guy notices her breasts.

rojo's avatar

Yes, I look. Sometimes it is hard to avoid such as when you are standing at a high counter and the person behind the counter is bending over to work at the lower desk height counter-top in front of you, then you have a quick look and find something else to do or look at so as not to make either of you uncomfortable.

Surely it must occur to the ladies who know they are working in a situation like this every day that if you wear a low neckline top and a loose bra, knowing you are going to be bent over several times a day assisting customers, there is going to be some flashing going on. But it doesn’t bother some I guess.

I know my wife has said that her employees have mentioned many times that when drawing blood, with the patient seated and them standing, they have looked up to find patients, both male and female, staring down their scrub tops. She’s had it happen to her and, according to her, “I don’t even have anything to look at!”.

Strauss's avatar

I once saw a well endowed young women wearing a t-shirt on which was printed: My face is ↑ up here!

ibstubro's avatar

Which immediately made you Focus, down there, @Yetanotheruser.

rojo's avatar

Thought I would pass this on:

Q: What is the origin of the word “Boob”?

A: The “B” is the aerial view, the “oo” is the front view, the “b” is the side view.

ucme's avatar

Twat time is it?
Tampax two.
Durex pect me to believe that?
I johnny well think so.
Wank you.
Tits a pleasure.

neanderthal laugh

flutherother's avatar

Men shouldn’t stare at women’s breasts period. Make that two periods . .

ibstubro's avatar

Depends on if she’s a Guernsey in a room full of Herefords?

majorbacon's avatar

Yes as long s we’re not related

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