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L1952's avatar

How do you use evening primrose oil to help induce labor?

Asked by L1952 (206points) October 13th, 2014
22 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

When can you start using it? And do you take it orally or vaginally? And if vaginally do you open the pill up and only use the oil or do you just put the pill in there? Thanks!

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Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I have no idea, but I don’t think anyone should induce labour but your obstetrician. I certainly wouldn’t be taking anything or putting anything in my vagina when I’m about to give birth. When your baby is ready to depart, it will. If you need help getting things started (for whatever reason) speak to your doctor.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Um, shit. That sounds like a bad idea. Please see a doctor or possibly a psychologist.

L1952's avatar

It’s actually really common and popular lol I just can’t figure out how to use it, Thanks.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Who knew, it’s a folk remedy but unproven. I would be careful, speak to your doc about it. Apparently orally is the method.

canidmajor's avatar

If it is indeed so “common and popular” you should be able to simply google it.
That said, it is still dangerous to use any sort of phytopharmacological intervention without your physician’s approval. The standard methods of promoting labor at home (sex, certain exercises, spicy foods, etc) have been proven not harmful, but are still best done when suggested by an OB.
If your doctor wants you to promote labor with evening primrose oil, I’m sure s/he can tell you how to use it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

After culling through several internet articles, here is one that answers your questions.

Evening primrose oil has been used to help induce labor. Because it contains GLA, it’s considered a good source of prostaglandins, which can help soften the cervix and prepare it to open [source: Birthing Naturally]. It’s the same reason some people claim having sex can induce labor. Semen also contains prostaglandins, which stimulates moisture production at the mucus membranes.

Because it may cause contractions, it is recommended that you don’t take evening primrose oil until you are at least 34 weeks into your pregnancy [source: Hudson]. You can take it orally or apply it directly to your cervix using your fingers or by inserting the capsule vaginally. And again, evening primrose oil’s ability to induce labor is still strictly theory. Some midwives swear by it, but most experts say it does nothing more than what the body was already ready to do naturally. Source

As others have stated, please check with your doctor before taking this.

L1952's avatar

I would do it the natural way but unfortunately I am going through divorce.

canidmajor's avatar

Do you not have medical care available to you?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

What does going through a divorce have to do with this? I’m sorry, you’ve lost me there.

L1952's avatar

a doctor? Yes I have a doctor.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey do not screw with Mother Nature. What’s a divorce got to do with messing with the health of you and your baby? This sounds bad on so many levels.

canidmajor's avatar

Like @Earthbound_Misfit I don’t see the connection between getting a divorce and promoting labor, especially when you have a doctor.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Here’s a discussion of some of the risks associated with using evening primrose oil for this purpose.

I think what we are trying to explain on this thread is that sometimes, people associate the word “natural” with “healthful” and “safe”, when in fact, natural products are simply less likely to have been through a rigorous testing process. So, exercise caution, and do some research – or, better, ask your doctor.

L1952's avatar

I meant I can’t have sex lol which is typically the natural way of inducing or helping induce labor. Thank you @Pied_Pfeffer that’s what I wanted to know.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@L1952 thank you for explaining. However, please do read the information @dappled_leaves provided that points out the potential risks of using evening primrose oil.

L1952's avatar

Yes I will, thank you everyone

lillycoyote's avatar

I would second @Earthbound_Misfit in her (?) advice to read the article that @dappled_leaves links to. There is no evidence to support the notion that Evening Primrose Oil does not induce labor and some evidence that it could be dangerous. Why would you want to risk the health of your baby and yourself taking something that apparently doesn’t work and could harm you?

Stinley's avatar

I know that when women are induced medically, the pain is very intense straight away which is harder to cope with than if it’s been building up naturally.

I would just let things happen in their own sweet time. Once labour starts you are going to wish it hadn’t! Your body will know when that baby is ready to come out. It’s a really frustrating wait but try to enjoy these last days before baby is born, preparing yourself mentally especially since you are going to be a single parent. You won’t have much time afterwards, so it may help ward off any post-natal depression etc.

Good luck and let us know how you get on. We all love a Fluther baby!

jca's avatar

I agree with others who question why you would do something without the advice and consent of your doctor, especially when it may put the baby’s health at risk.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Pixidust's avatar

OMG! Please see your doc before you try to do anything.

Cupcake's avatar

I agree with everyone about contacting your doctors.

Are you after your due date?

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

If there were an immediate need to induce labor, your doctor would be the one to decide that. Unless there’s a medical reason to get a baby out quickly, let it happen naturally.

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