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Araphel's avatar

What is your threshold for pain?

Asked by Araphel (1675points) October 18th, 2014
26 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

How much pain do you think you can tolerate before you say enough?

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talljasperman's avatar

0 ill tap out now. I have emotional pain at nights, that I deal with daily. I don’t want any more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty damn high. Two pregnancies, no drugs at all for any part of the labor.

Paradox25's avatar

Despite suffering from a great deal of it due to my line of work, being in car wrecks, fights and living with horrible headaches my entire life my threshold for pain is quite low I still think, and I still fear pain regardless.

flip86's avatar

Does being cold count as pain? I work in a dairy cooler and freezer at my job. I stock milk in the cooler and also stock ice cream. I’m the only one there who can stock milk in the cooler(It can easily take 2 hours to stock milk, juice and creamer)in just a t shirt. The cooler is always 36 to 38 degrees. I also go into the freezer with just a t shirt to stack away ice cream or get ice cream to stock. I’m in there for 15 minutes at a time sometimes. People think I’m crazy, especially the women.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have gone to great lengths to expand my threshold of it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It depends on the pain. I’ve been through labour too and it hurt but I did fine. Toothache and I’m a big baby. I also had abdominal pain once and was rolling around on the bed crying until my husband took me to the hospital. So some things I have a high tolerance for, others, not so much.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I hate pain, emotional or physical. It’s strange, because I have a freakishly high tolerance for either. I don’t know if that’s because of the shit life has dealt me or my really stubborn side.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not very much, both physically and emotionally. However, I make up for it with my ability to recover very quickly. The pain can seem devastating, but it won’t stay for long.

Maybe it’s because I’ve got so much distraction and I have the tendency to seek for solution.

JLeslie's avatar

I have a pretty high tolerance, but it does somewhat depend what it is. I was in a really bad accident and people around me could not believe how calm I was. I was in a lot of pain, but I was able to handle it. I didn’t break any bones, bit I have cuts and road rash and my chest was hit so hard I had a tear in my lung. Not being able to breath well was way scarier than the pain.

I had chronic pain for years. Sometimes it drove me to the back office at work to cry, but most days I just lived with it and kept right on working. Every day, every day for about 8 years I was in constant pain.

I have never taken all the pain meds prescribed to me by a doctor after a surgery or an accident. Sometimes I don’t take any.

I had a small something on my breast once that was like a little dot and it was very painful. If I brushed against it was super painful. Finally, after a year, a doctor knew what it was and just zapped it with a laser and it was taken care of. Amazing how some doctors just ignore shit and others know how to cure it. Even though I was grateful to that doctor for curing it, she had to throw in that she felt I am over reactive to pain, because of my chronic pain. I really hate that. It is what doctors believe, that if we complain about aches and pains we are hypersensitive, we get no credit for actually being in a lot of pain. Around the same time I was hospitalized because I had an ectopic pregnancy and the ER doctor said to me he was surprised how well I was tolerating the pain.

Damn doctors.

Coloma's avatar

Pretty high, but..I am taking Norco right now after wrenching my back and bruising my ribs last week on a bad ass horse. It was an acceleration / deceleration blunt trauma injury. haha
A CT scan, ultrasound and Xrays to make sure I didn’t rupture any organs. It felt like my kidneys exploded and my liver ruptured. lol

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Reasonably high. I’ve had enough fights and falls that pain doesn’t really bother me any more. It takes a split second to compose myself, then I’m good to go. That’s a bit of a problem though, because pushing through pain during physical activity has led me to ignore developing injuries on occasion.

Smitha's avatar

I think I too have a high pain tolerance, just gone through one labor and not experienced any thing serious than that.I was wondering why I never screamed like those women in movies!!

snowberry's avatar

I broke my toe several weeks ago. I screamed for maybe 5 minutes, then the pain went away. By the time I went to the emergency, I was cracking jokes. The ER doctor took a look at my blood pressure and scolded me for not being on high blood pressure medication, and said that he had a mind to put me on it right away. Silly man. He didn’t take into account my BP might have been high due to the trauma my body had just received, regardless of my perceived lack of pain. About a week later my BP was back to normal. My toe didn’t hurt again, unless I forgot and put weight on it before it was completely healed.

jerv's avatar

Dangerously high. That’s why I didn’t think much of my migraines until they got bad enough to emulate a stroke.

That said, loud noises and bright lights (like sunlight) will cause unbearable pain to my senses.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Physical pain, pretty high, walking on a knee with bursitis, have walked away from two past injuries which resulted in my abdominal wall being punctured, finished a wrestling tournament on a broken foot, etc.

With emotional pain, I’m a giant wuss. I rather just shut down my emotions than deal with them.

jca's avatar

I am pretty tolerant of pain. I have had 3 surgeries in my life, and had three dental implants, and with all that, only took one Vicodin one time.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
anniereborn's avatar

my pain threshold for the emotional type is very high.
as for physical pain, I’m thinking it’s low to mid.

flutherother's avatar

Pain is so subjective it is difficult to say. What do you compare your pain tolerance with? I don’t take pain medications but I haven’t experienced much pain apart from toothache. I cracked a rib once without knowing it and felt discomfort rather than pain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good point @flutherother. What one person would call “excruciating,” another might call it “uncomfortable.”

A few days ago people were talking about shingles. Some of them described them as “excruciating.” I had an outbreak once and I called it “uncomfortable.” But then…I didn’t’ experience the other people’s outbreak, so how do I know?

jerv's avatar

How I rate my migraines;

If they make me wince, they’re uncomfortable.
If they make me cry, they’re just above the line of actually painful.
The one I got this morning that made me unresponsive to outside stimuli was excruciating.

UnholyThirst's avatar

I don’t think I’ve been challenged, enough…

Paradox25's avatar

@jerv Yes, my headaches can range anywhere from uncomfortable, to agonizing to completely paralyzing, the type of pain where I actually wish for death when I feel it.

@Dutchess_III People likely feel pain differently. It’s also likely, that despite suffering from the same problem, that another person’s pain really is more intense.

jerv's avatar

@Paradox25 My neurologist introduced me to Petadolex. As it was an herbal remedy sold as a dietary supplement I was skeptical, but when she gave me some I tried it anyways. Turns out that it works better and quicker than Butalbital, and without the nasty side effects. Your mileage may vary, but it’s worth a look.

Paradox25's avatar

@jerv I’ll look it up. Traditional medications don’t seem to have much of an effect on my headaches anyways.

jerv's avatar

@Paradox25 Make sure to get the ASAP variety for as-needed use. The regular stuff is more preventive than curative, and I’m not sure how well that works. But the ASAP variety generally knocks a skullcrusher down in ~10–15 minutes.

Paradox25's avatar

@jerv Even the skullcrushers!? Wow, I’m sold.

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