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zenzen's avatar

Should I update my ipad to 8.1?

Asked by zenzen (4082points) November 15th, 2014
12 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have a 16 gig mini ipad so I really dont have the space without dumping almost everything for this update. I am curious though as to whether it is really necessary, and, if you have updated, what is the difference if any?

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osoraro's avatar

I’ll ask my daughter and get back to you. She did it last week.

2davidc8's avatar

Go to the Apple website here and click on What’s New in iOS8, and see if you’re interested in the new features. The answer to whether you should upgrade or not depends on what want or would find useful, so the answer would be different for different people. I upgraded, and personally, I like it very much. I like the improved Siri and the upgraded on-screen keyboard, which makes typing longer messages much faster.

RocketGuy's avatar

I heard that iOS 8.1.1 will be tuned to work better on older devices. Supposed to come out this month.

2davidc8's avatar

Yes, be sure to get at least 8.1 and not 8.0. 8.0 caused my iPad’s battery to drain much faster than usual. This was corrected in 8.1.

zenzen's avatar

Thanks Jellies.

osoraro's avatar

My daughter told me that she doesn’t notice a big difference. She uses her ipad for school far more than I use my ipad.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@2davidc8 “Yes, be sure to get at least 8.1 and not 8.0. 8.0 caused my iPad’s battery to drain much faster than usual. ”

That explains so much… I guess I’ll be updating as soon as possible!

RocketGuy's avatar

8.1.1 just came out. I will check the reviews before updating my iPad2 and iPhone 4S.

osoraro's avatar

Okay, I updated mine. I don’t notice much of a difference except it seems to move a little slower. But that could just be perception.

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_fandoms_8_'s avatar

yes defiantly

RocketGuy's avatar

What is there to be defiant about?

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