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longgone's avatar

Will you help me help this kid?

As you may know, I’m a tutor. I enjoy this, and the kids like me…usually.

For a couple of months, I’ve been working with a thirteen-year-old girl. She does not want my help, and she is honest about this. She never smiles, always seems angry. At times, she refuses to talk, and she’s even walked out on me once.

She’s been disappointed by adults up to now – I know her parents. I’d love to help her, but we haven’t made any progress yet. I’m thinking the job may be too much for me, but that, of course, is exactly what she is expecting. I don’t want to let her down, if I might be able to help even a tiny bit.

Do you have any ideas? I’m not looking for a quick fix, I know this will take some time…

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