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The_Inquisitor's avatar

Are tampons better than pads? which is better?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3163points) July 14th, 2008
32 responses
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I’ve heard that tampons may have side affects, is that true? which is better, tampons or pads?

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gailcalled's avatar

The only side effect from tampons that I ever experienced was losing the string (you know where.) Sometimes on heavy days I used two and a pad. I had periods from aged 12 to 57.

Allie's avatar

Back in the day girls worried about TSS. It’s not as common now. Anyways, in my opinion tampons are better. They don’t feel as bulky, you can swim with them.. I’m sure you’ve heard all this from your friends. But since you asked, I put my two cents in.. and now I’m done.

PupnTaco's avatar

Some women need to use both and sometimes that isn’t enough.

cyrusbond's avatar

For stopping bleeding on bullet wounds, tampons definatly…other than that, I’m a little outta my league :P

gailcalled's avatar

PnT; on really heavy days double both (causing a slight waddle.)

@cyrus: are you serious? (definitely)

cheebdragon's avatar

Tampons are way better, never had any problems with them.

eadinad's avatar

If you like the feeling of wearing a wet, bulky diaper and having blood all over your skin, go with a pad.

Otherwise, if you like feeling clean, being able to move freely, not worrying about which outfit will best hide the bulk, etc, go with tampons.

TSS is the only risk and should really only occur if you leave the same tampon in for waaaaaaaayyyyyy longer than eight hours. I used a pad for about five minutes and never went back.

[Yes I feel very strongly about this. : ) ]

cyrusbond's avatar

@gail, yes mam’. Thats what army and navy medics are issued…I never had the chance to try it on the ambulance myself, because well, I dont carry tampons. Sorry bout the spelling…I was hyper caffinated at the time.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

It’s really just a matter of what you personally find more comfortable. I agree though that the tampon does leave you feeling fresher and takes away most of the worry of leaking and such. I do suggest that if you’re not sure how heavy your flow is or if you’re trying a new tampon to back it up with a thin pad just in case until you know what you need. Tampons do leak sometimes.

girlofscience's avatar

Tampons are FAR superior to pads. I would never use a pad. There are no side effects. If you are worried about TSS, then, you’re crazy, as you have less of a chance of having that happen to you than millions of other things that are out of your control.

gailcalled's avatar

@Girl: Have you never been caught somewhere when the string acts like a wick?

simone54's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

This Q has made me remember. Any of you girls know of (or use) the diva cup?

cheebdragon's avatar

I have heard of that actually…

Allie's avatar

Ewww, that seems really sick. =\

girlofscience's avatar

@PnL: I tried that a few times. It was ok. Didn’t work perfectly with the shape of my…canal though. So there was some leakage. I know other women who love it because it works well with their shape.

girlofscience's avatar

@gailcalled: A wick?! What?!

gailcalled's avatar

String of tampon (after tampon gets supersaturated and you are onstage, singing in white dress in choir perhaps.)

jlm11f's avatar

@GoS – i only know of one person who uses it, and she LOVES it. I can’t get myself to try it, especially since it’s pretty expensive.

for whoever doesn’t know what we are talking about…diva cup

gailcalled's avatar

PnL; Would that be appropriate for young women who have not yet had intercourse?

jlm11f's avatar

@ gail, i checked their faq and it seems to be okay. according to them, many of their customers are as young as 11 (they did address the actual Q too).

deaddolly's avatar

I can’t use tampons anymore. Seems I’ve too much scar tissue down in the valley, after my daughter was born. They hurt too much. So, I’m a pad connoisseur.

ilovemetrostation's avatar

well i think when your at a younger age, the pads work better, but once you get a little older the tampons are the way to go.

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girlofscience's avatar

@jackie_054: Wow, why do you like them? I’ve never heard a woman say that she actually liked pads. I’ve heard some say that they use them when they sleep, or I’ve heard of very young girls using them because they weren’t yet comfortable inserting tampons. But I’ve never, ever heard someone say that she liked pads.

I’m genuinely fascinated: Why do you like pads?

locofoco's avatar

I like pads. Unless attached to a male, I don’t like the idea of something stuck inside me. haha I’m just constantly thinking about the fact that there is a foreign object inside me, but with the pad I don’t. And someone wrote earlier how pads are bulky and wet and blood will be all over your skin. Um…maybe you’re are just a really disgusting person, because you’re suppose to change them every time you go to the bathroom, unless there’s no blood.

And pads do not feel like a diaper!!! It’s like sandals. The first time you wear a sandal, you’re constantly aware of the part between your big toe and second toe in. Maybe on a hot day the pad will stuck to your butt, but that is probably because you’re wearing a big pad. After you get used to wearing one, you’ll forget it’s there. I physically forget I’m wearing a tampon, but I can’t mentally forget that it’s inside me.

Also, I noticed tampons made my cramps worse. (?)

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