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OpryLeigh's avatar

What is your opinion on women who choose not to vote?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25305points) March 30th, 2015
19 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I recently saw a post on Facebook that said “Arrested, jailed, beaten and tortured to win you the right to vote and you’re not going to use it…. Really?!” under a picture of four suffragettes. I am really torn on how I feel about this because I admire these women for their fight and am thankful that they had the guts to stand up for women but I also hate the feeling I am being guilt tripped for what was someone else’s choice and actions, even if it did mean that I could eventually have rights that women before me didn’t have.

This is the first year that I am struggling to decide who to vote for and I am considering not voting at all for that very reason. I think that the suffragette movement gave us the right to CHOOSE whether we vote in the same way that men have the right to choose. What are your thoughts? Is this kind of guilt tripping justified or merely self righteous of the poster?

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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

The same way I feel about anyone else who chooses not to vote. Women had to wait longer to get the vote, of course, and I’m not saying we should forget that. But it’s not like men had been voting for all of human history before that. Democracy has always arisen out of a triumph over totalitarianism or oligarchy or some other more restrictive form of government.

Even the ancient Greek democracies were descended from more autocratic regimes. It’s sad that the men who won their right to vote in ancient times didn’t see that their arguments applied equally well to women (and that they continued to hold slaves), but it remains the case that every group has had to fight for its right to vote.

That said, women tend to vote less often then men, so it makes sense that there is a campaign specifically aimed at them. But if the reason you don’t want to vote is because you don’t like any of the candidates, consider registering a protest ballot instead. That at least gives some indication that you are not just being lazy and is still a way to participate in the process.

ucme's avatar

I haven’t got one.

Pachy's avatar

Her choice and none of my business.

Of course, Susan B. Anthony would not be proud.

Blackberry's avatar

Are they attractive? I think more liberals and democrats need to vote.

I do think voting should be mandatory though.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Everyone should vote, but if one chooses not to that is their business .

Safie's avatar

The Suffergettes were a group of women in Britain who fought for women’s right to vote, it was a long time before women got the right to vote, but it’s their choice if they don’t want to vote that’s their right, who am i or anyone else to judge i mind what’s going on in my own back yard.

janbb's avatar

@Safie There was a woman’s suffrage movement in the United States as well.

cazzie's avatar

I would remind them that if they don’t decide for themselves there are plenty of men out there who are all too willing to decide for them whether or not they can even decide over their own bodies and who are happy as pie to continue to pay them one third less than men for equal work and they will also decide who they can and can not marry and whether or not they have a right to report whether they have been physically or sexually abused. I would hope that might pique their interest in voting.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Same as I do for men who don’t vote. It’s your right and privilege. But I can’t force you to vote.

If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain,.

jca's avatar

I feel that if anyone’s right to vote were to be taken away, they’d probably hit the roof in protest. So I don’t understand people not voting. I also feel like if you don’t vote, you should not complain, yet everyone seems to love to complain.

On a local level, the fact that you voted for someone or have the potential to vote for someone means a lot when you ask for a politician to listen to your issue.

I work for an organization that helps campaign for politicians, and it’s always amazing to me how many people have no clue what occurs politically on the town/city level, the county level, the state level and the federal level.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
syz's avatar

Sure, everyone has the right not to vote. But I immediately lose respect for the person who does not perform their civic duty. And for those groups who struggled so hard to gain the right (people of color, women), to not vote is a disavowal of all that those who came before accomplished, IMO.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (3points)
chyna's avatar

Anyone that chooses not to vote but wants to bitch about the people in office annoy me.

dappled_leaves's avatar

My opinion of people who choose not to vote, for any reason, is very low.

I don’t care if you have to choose between two evils. Choose the lesser of the two. There is always a better choice and a worse choice. If you can’t tell the difference, learn more.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That they are exercising their right to wait until there is someone worth voting for.

johnpowell's avatar

Can we just kill this whole the two parties are the same thing. Sure both take money.

Democrats didn’t just pass a bill saying businesses can refuse to serve GLBT people for religious reasons.

Democrats didn’t fight against net-neutrality.

Democrats don’t fight for forcing Transvaginal ultrasounds.

Democrats fought for birth control being covered by insurance while Republicans called you a slut for wanting it.

If you think the two parties are the same you are a fucking idiot.

prettypenny's avatar

It doesn’t bother me and I’m not going to think less of someone for not voting.

I vote for individuals, not for a specific party. If I don’t like an individual they won’t get my vote. I have every right to complain and voice my opinion about candidates I don’t like, even when I don’t vote. I don’t like to be forced, bullied or guilted into do something I don’t want to do, especially after I’ve given it much thought. I am a woman and I have that choice.

janbb's avatar

Oops! Wrong question. Stupid iPad!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I think we should all vote and I do think of the sacrifices made by suffragettes and those who fought in wars to ensure our freedom to vote. However, that’s the point, they fought so we have the right and freedom to vote. Not so we would be compelled to vote. As I’ve said elsewhere, I would prefer people make a conscious and considered choice to vote rather than being forced to mark a ballot paper.

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