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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What are you scared of?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) May 19th, 2015
22 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I asked about ouiji boards, but let’s open it up. What scares you? Carnies and nuclear winter?

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Lack of oxygen.

Coloma's avatar

Being homeless which I have come very close too this last couple years and gory car accidents. Otherwise nothing. Not afraid of death, bugs, animals, heights, flying, snakes, no phobias at all. I am very grounded but I’d never make it as a homeless person.

dxs's avatar

Spiders, horror movies with realistic plots (The Shining, Halloween), rural/isolated areas (how many times must I mention this on Fluther?), ℂ.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Blackberry's avatar

Guys that are always angry.

Mariah's avatar

In the past I’ve been so riddled with fear that I’ve even been the curator of a group self-help thread series dedicated to overcoming fears here.

I’m still afraid of driving and right now I’m nervous about starting my new job and the possibility that it won’t be a good fit for me, but I’m not nearly so fear-ridden anymore, and I don’t entertain wild worst-case scenario thoughts anymore.

Coloma's avatar

@dxs Well come on out to the ranch here. The floodlights on the shop have burned out so walking down to the barn after dark is the perfect horror movie scenario. Winding little path, pitch black, can’t see your hand in front of your face on a moonless night, rustling things in the weeds, wind blowing, and a deserted 10 acres of wilderness all around you. There’s a psycho in the barn waiting to stab you with a pitch fork. I’m home alone for the next 7 days, spooky nights are here. lol

Blondesjon's avatar

Sock monkeys.

chyna's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

Losing my eyesight

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m mostly afraid of an unknown and unforgiving future. I don’t dwell on them but there are so many things that I have no control over that can make my life a living hell.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Illness, fear itself, narrow-mindedness, religion. Just a few of the many things.

Kardamom's avatar

It would be a much shorter list to name the things of which I am not afraid, but I’ll indulge you in a few of the regular stuff that scares me. Some of the other stuff is too humiliating to mention.

The combination of flying, heights, dropping unexpectedly (which created my phobia in the first place) and actually falling. There are sub-categories of flying such as being in a situation where I might need to use the restroom, and I’m unable to get in there, because it’s occupied, and it might be too late, by the time it is free. Fear of angering people because I might need to disturb them to get out of my seat to use the restroom.

Pit bull dogs. My friend’s brother had a pit bull and it killed her pug dog. My aunt was mauled by a pit bull. There’s been a number of maulings in our town by pit bulls. I love dogs, but those few bad experiences have given me a real fear of them.

Large trucks on the freeway, especially those ones that have two sections to them, like train cars.

People with road rage.

Food poisoning. Had it once, prayed for death when I had it, don’t want to get it again.

I’m a wee bit germaphobic. I have multiple family members with compromised immune systems so I’m always trying to make sure that they don’t get infected with anything.

jca's avatar

The future of this planet for my daughter who is going to be living on it, hopefully, far longer than I am. Weird weather that’s been occurring, lack of water resources which is probably going to get worse, terrorism spreading and not containable, the growing gap between rich and poor, the fact that a college degree is so expensive now and people who have one are lucky if they can get a clerical job. Those are the big things I can think of off-hand.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
dxs's avatar

@Coloma That sounds like a terrible idea!

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
ucme's avatar

Flying, or more to the point, crashing.
Baggy vaginas
People who point at clouds/birds.

Coloma's avatar

@dxs You must face your fears, come hither. lol

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Kardamom why would large trucks scare you, and what you described is exactly what I drive, stay out of their way and nothing bad will happen.
Stupid people scare me the most you always have to be on guard as to what they will do next.

Jewel10's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I do stay out of the way of them, but that doesn’t mean that if they drive poorly that they’re not going to cause a lot of damage. A lot of truck drivers in my area, and I live in the land of freeways, drive way too fast, don’t use turn signals, tailgate and make unsafe lane changes. Other people do that too, but when a person is driving a huge truck, it’s just way worse.

Stinley's avatar

I’ve mentioned this here before but I have a fear/phobia of mould. Specifically unexpected mould. If I can steel myself to deal with it before I actually see it then I can be ok, but if I come across mouldy food unexpectedly then I freak out. I have left a half a loaf of bread in my holiday house and I keep having dreams about it. Even though I know my husband will be going there a week before I get there to do some work on the house, it’s still haunting me in my sleep. Most of the housework I do is mould prevention, rather than a genuine desire for cleanliness.

tedibear's avatar

I fear being inadequate, lacking intelligence and making mistakes/being very wrong about something.

“I could handle being called crazy, Johnny, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being wrong.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@tedibear I hate mistakes, but I don’t fear them. We’re human, it’s going to happen. Your other ones scare me too.

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