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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fluff time: In general who has the best mail order brides, Ukraine/Russia, Central America, Thailand, Vietnam, China or Brazil?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) August 31st, 2015
35 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

The bride has to not only be hot and sexy but loyal like a hound dog, not picky who she marries, not a gold digger, speaks some English, traditional, and not a scammer. I have my ideas, but just for snorts and giggles, where do you believe the best mail order brides in general are found? Might be fluff, but might help someone find love…yeah right…

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elbanditoroso's avatar

Any time a question says “what is the BEST?” I always answer – “what is ‘best’? According to what criteria?

So if you are looking for a M.o.b, you need, @Hypocrisy_Central , to lay out the standards by which a bride is to be evaluated.

I have no experience in m.o.b.s myself, so I cannot even begin to answer the question you asked.

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’s good to get informed about the various product options before making such a substantial purchase, but I suspect this may not be the most informative site for that product.

Coloma's avatar

Pffft! Mail order brides are part of the sex trafficking industry IMO.
Men wishing to purchase and possess another human for personal gain and exploiting women that wish to find a better life in a new country. None are the “best”, they are all the worst.
The women is selling herself for opportunity and the men are, almost always, dangerously controlling, egotistical and yes, wanting a lap dog and servant that will provide them with adoring ego strokes. Gag me with a green card!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@elbanditoroso So if you are looking for a M.o.b, you need, @Hypocrisy_Central , to lay out the standards by which a bride is to be evaluated.
Like the dozens of other emails that get passed spam, with a M.O.B. you have something to go off unlike meeting fit singles, a girlfriend over 50, MILF this and MILF that, etc. Apparently depending on cultural upbringing some women would actually make better wives to Western men, or men in industrial nations who want an ”ethnic wife”. They all have women they say pretty much fill the bill in the OP. Some M.O.B. places have women but and they are said to be very dedicated and family oriented but as far as overall attractiveness, who they post don’t seem that attractive or hot. Some seem to have women that are too hot, like ”why are these women on that site?”. It is not about personal experience but personal opinion.

@Coloma Men wishing to purchase and possess another human for personal gain and exploiting women that wish to find a better life in a new country. None are the “best”, they are all the worst.
Are they really purchasing? It is not like they pay the money, look through the choices, pick on and she is sent on a jet to the US, Germany, Canada, or the UK, etc. and she has no say. Once he buys her ticket or go gets her and bring her back to his nation, she can bounce on him or shut him down but his money is spent. So how is he the one in control of exploiting? And if a woman who lives in way deeper poverty than anyone here could ever imagine feel it is better to marry a man and move from their home nation for a better life is bad? People sneak across borders, take passage on rickety dangerous vessels, or travel inside shipping containers for a better life, at great peril of life, why is this way any different if she sees it as a way out of a dismal life?

cazzie's avatar

And if a woman who lives in way deeper poverty than anyone here could ever imagine feel it is better to marry a man and move from their home nation for a better life is bad? That’s not falling in love and getting married. That is prostituting yourself for the potential of a better life and treating a woman like a commodity. I’ve come to expect nothing less from you, HC.

Berserker's avatar

Lol, fucks if I know. But here, from Beavis & Butthead.

Butthead; Uh…hi. I’m a rich American with a big wiener. Uh huhuhhuh.

Agent; Haha, yes. And what package would you be interested in, sir?

Butthead; Uh…her package, uh huh huh huh.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ That’s not falling in love and getting married.
That truly is a rarity here, if it were, people would not bail as soon as things got rough or they did not get their way.

Are you ready to go on the record and say it is better for her to put her life in the hands of human traffickers and coyotes for a price that she certainly cannot pay back, to sneak her into a country for a better life? Who is to say she won’t end up in a brothel to pay off the debt owed to the human trafficker(s)?

If that is the only option to escape poverty than I certainly expected more of you….maybe you should cut them a check and send some money so they will not have to think of marrying for position and wait on love.

wsxwh111's avatar

You want a “wife” like that and you come here to ask, wow.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ You want a “wife” like that and you come here to ask, wow.
You read a lot into what isn’t there, Fluther would be the LAST, no the VERY LAST place I would ask for marital, much less, relationship advice. I suppose you never get tons of ads from every dating site known to man in your inbox, your spam, and running on pages you visit. There is a member of another church, a <gasp> Godly woman whom my sights are on, thank you.

wsxwh111's avatar


cazzie's avatar

Are you ready to go on the record and say it is better for her to put her life in the hands of human traffickers and coyotes for a price that she certainly cannot pay back, to sneak her into a country for a better life? Are you saying that these two options are her only ones? Of course they aren’t. Staying put and making a life for themselves and not requiring any rescue from an ignorant American would be another option. Most people know that poverty isn’t the worst that can happen to a person. Selling yourself into sex slavery, either as a mail order bride or having your family sell you would be much worse. Shows us once again what you think the role of women is in our society. Objects to use and then justify it with a very ignorant viewpoint.

Stinley's avatar

I don’t find this subject fluffy at all

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That clip has what relevance to a woman using marriage to foreign nationals to escape dire poverty, or to go to a safer nation than the one she is in? There are women here in the US who would marry a man in a ”power position”, or who is famous because she believes it will enhance her status, way of living, or fame, it is hardly something indicative of foreign women from the 3rd world (though you cannot really call Russia and China the 3rd world).

cazzie's avatar

That clip was you as the doctor. (Straight over his head. I think I heard a whooshing noise)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ No, that was a whiff over your head because that doctor and I have nothing in common.

extremely_introverted's avatar

” That’s not falling in love and getting married. That is prostituting yourself for the potential of a better life and treating a woman like a commodity ”——- THIS.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@extremely_introverted That’s not falling in love and getting married. That is prostituting yourself for the potential of a better life and treating a woman like a commodity
Let’s entertain that thought; in your opinion would a woman be in a better situation if she put herself in the hands of coyotes or human smugglers that if she survived the passage on a rickety boat or slogging through a hot desert there is a good chance she will end up in a sweat shop, undocumented labor camp, a brothel or as a call girl for some criminal organization to work off the cost of them being taken to the land of promise of their choice. If those glomming onto foreigner, wealthy are not so, but in a better nation are prostituting themselves and there is no love in their marriage, are they worse off than the aforementioned women using a different method to escape a terrible situation for a better life? There is no guarantee those who married will have a happy life and prosperity but over those trusting human smugglers or making risky trips, who has the better chance gaining what they seek, honestly?

cazzie's avatar

I think I’ll immediately order myself a mail-order husband. Such a convincing argument. I’ll save him from a life of slavery and prostitution and let him cook and clean and meet my sexual needs as and when I want. He’ll be so grateful, and it will be such a completely different life for him… oh.. wait..

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ That happens every year in the US, women seek to marry the 1%ers, athletes, celebrities, and other power brokers, and when the bubble burst, they can walk away with a fat payday, it is about position, “What’s love gotta do with it?” Tina Turner.

cazzie's avatar

No. I don’t want or need one like that. I want to save one so they will be greatful I saved them from a horrible life….

extremely_introverted's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central With all due respect but I think you are trying to justify a wrong doing because your goal is good. In your scenario, your good intention/goal does not make the wrong doing right. The end does not justify the means.

cazzie's avatar

and @Hypocrisy_Central how does your scenario of a woman marrying a wealthy man and then walking away with half even begin to equate with your initial mail order bride story? Please, explain…. Especially the part about who has holds the control and benefits of the relationship….

Darth_Algar's avatar

It really amazes me the degree to which @Hypocrisy_Central, Fluther’s most Godly, most moral poster, is going to try to justify an essentially immoral practice. Oh wait, actually, it doesn’t.

talljasperman's avatar

I wonder if a poligamist can get a bulk discount?

Berserker's avatar


Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@extremely_introverted With all due respect but I think you are trying to justify a wrong doing because your goal is good. The rub is, it cannot be proven as wrongdoing off its base tenets. One cannot be inside every coupling to know if it is all about her getting a Green Card, and him getting a sex slave any more than those who marry or shack up here with famous, wealthy or powerful people do so just for what they can get out of it. I am all open if you can make that case.

@cazzie [… and @Hypocrisy_Central how does your scenario of a woman marrying a wealthy man and then walking away with half even begin to equate with your initial mail order bride story?
The same way as your comment about slavery and prostitution has anything to do with it. Unless I read you and some others incorrectly, as to say a woman who would be willing to marry a foreigner in a better nation or situation is somehow a prostitute trading her body to him sexually to be rescued, one could make the same claim of millions of women in the US who marry men of fame, wealth, or political power; they are marrying to better their vertical position in society or to escape the ”hood” or the barrio.

@Darth_Algar It really amazes me the degree to which @Hypocrisy_Central, Fluther’s most Godly, most moral poster, is going to try to justify an essentially immoral practice.
First off, I am not advocating an immoral practice; they are ending up as man and wife; one man, one woman, in marriage—straight biblical.

Second, if we were using a better system, that of the Lord’s, we could get to the bottom of things fine, but since you (and others) can’t rise up high enough to dwell there and use it, there is only the system of this world left, so that is where I have to deal with you on. If the system is flawed, look at the source and you have your answer why it doesn’t work, or it turns against you.

@talljasperman I wonder if a poligamist can get a bulk discount?
Maybe something close to of the Middle East might have an answer. It is a good question, maybe you can investigate and report back, as with most dating sites, I don’t think they advocate users dating or marrying several people at once, but I don’t know if they would do anything to prevent it.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Somehow, amazingly, most of us Godless folks on here have somehow managed to find life partner’s without having to resort to purchasing one.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Darth_Algar Somehow, amazingly, most of us Godless folks on here have somehow managed to find life partner’s without having to resort to purchasing one.
None of that spaghetti is sticking but you keep slinging it on the wall hoping it sticks, show me where someone is being purchased? Do the women belong to the agency they worth through? If that is your criteria that because they use one, they are owned by it, what does that say of and all of the others? Last I checked the women are free entities with the right to choose whom they will marry. Since you slung it out there, I am sure you must have found an article or something where openly operating agencies own women and like picking a car, you can just click a mouse and have a woman in your house. People may not LIKE IT, but it is as legal as, and its many clones.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I never said anything about legality, I spoke of morality. Surely you are not trying to argue that legal = moral.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Surely you are not trying to argue that legal = moral.
I surely I am not saying that, but if I went back over years of threads some will have tried to make that connection. I know there are many immoral things that are legal, and some moral things that are illegal. I am merely pointing out, logically if there are no law against it, people will do or utilize it.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Yup, people will do legal things. Very astute grasp of the obvious.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Yup, people will do supposedly immoral things because they are legal legal. Very astute grasp of the obvious.

cazzie's avatar

And people justify misogyny and bigotry using their religion above the secular laws and social norms.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@cazzie And people justify misogyny and bigotry using their religion above the secular laws and social norms.
And one can count on some people always trying to justify their social morals or laws off the backs of those who misused their religion when in a nutshell, there is no way to determine the social norms is not immoral because there is no one with authority to set a standard.

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