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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can fluctuating weather cause health problems?

I caught a cold. When it got to the coughing coughing stage I went to the doctor as a precaution. When I was released from the hospital in 2012,where I had been for 2 weeks because of pneumonia,the doctors told me to stay on top of anything like that.

The doctor made a comment that a lot of people are getting sick because of the weather fluctuations this time of year, and in spring.

I was surprised to hear her say that. For one thing, the fluctuations haven’t been particularly extreme at this point. But the biggest thing is that Illnesses are caused by bacteria and viruses, not by weather fluctuations. Going outside with a wet head when it’s cold will not cause you to spontaneously develop a cold virus. Neither will running outside, barefoot, in the snow (which I have done!)

Weather fluctuations may cause us to change our habits. For example, when it’s cold we tend to spend more time inside, in closer contact with other people than we would if we spent more time outside.

The fact that a doctor said it makes me want to get more information. No better place to get information than the tide pool.

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