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flo's avatar

Does Trump's attempt to buy the presidency "make America great again"?

Asked by flo (13313points) November 11th, 2015
47 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

And if it’s not buying the presidency what is it then?

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Means anything is attainable for a price.

flo's avatar

He says he wants to make America great again. Is greatness about being bought?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
tinyfaery's avatar

When was America great? Great for white men or everyone else?

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m not a Trump supporter, but how is he buying the presidency?

Pandora's avatar

@Darth_Algar , I think its the same principle as with any job. If you had two people going for the same position but it will cost the company money to train either one of you, and one of the people offered to pay his own way, then who do you think will get the job offer.
Essentially Trump is doing the same thing. He’s offering to pay his own way for the position and some people find this appealing. They think it means he isn’t paid for by wall street.
So in a way it is like paying for the Presidency. The better man may not be selected because he couldn’t pay his own way. This also will send a poor message. In the future, only the rich will be able to run.
But I could’ve sworn he actually borrowed most of the money. Meaning banks saw him as a good bet. But he will file for bankruptcy if he doesn’t win. And do I pray he doesn’t win. I never thought I would see the day that someone would make Sara Palin look almost normal.

Cruiser's avatar

He hasn’t yet spent a dime of his own money. Just look back 7.5 years where Obama broke all Presidential election spending records to elicit the answer to your question.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

When was this country ever great? Maybe after WWII, when the U.S. reaped the rewards of having had oceans between itself and the European and Pacific theatres. As filmmaker Michael Moore said in “Capitalism: A Love Story,” “it’s easy to be number one when you have no competition.”

Since that era, the U.S. has made a mess out of its healthcare non-system, made post-secondary education exorbitantly expensive, told the impoverished elderly to take care of themselves, and let greed and workaholism obliterate balanced lives. Oh yeah…there are also gun violence and capital punishment, non-problems in other developed countries.

Rarebear's avatar

I’m over the whole “buying the presidency” thing. They all do it—not just Trump.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Of all the supporters I’ve seen for Trump not one has mentioned the notion that he’s offering to “pay his own way” (whatever is meant by that), so I don’t really think it’s that.

Buttonstc's avatar


“in the future only the rich will be able to run.”

It’s been that way for a long long time now and will continue in the future.

When was the last time there was more than one candidate (if that) who could not be classified as rich? (...compared to the average American who stands about as much chance as a snowball in hell.)

Perhaps Eisenhower? A military career isn’t known for being the most lucrative choice for one’s life, even tho he did work his way up to General.

Let’s face it, the field has long been overwhelmingly populated by lawyers and career politicians; both categories which effectively keep them out of touch with the common man.

I think that’s one of the factors which made Obama such a popular choice. Even tho he became a politician, he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

It floors me when Trump tries to minimize by saying that all he had to start out with was “a small loan from my Father of a million dollars.” I doubt that most Americans would regard a loan like that as “small” :D

Give me a break already.

We should all be so lucky :)

JLeslie's avatar

How is a Trump buying the Presidency?

He only recently started advertising. His popularity has been about what he is saying and his recognition by the masses.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Doesn’t every President these days “buy” the office? Trump isn’t the first in the country to simply dip into his own pockets. Rather than state he is buying the office, it’s more accurate to state that he bought his candidacy. The furor is over the fact that he used his own money. But then, he can’t be accused of being the tool of some special interest.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Our entire political system is bought and paid for, and for some reason we keep playing along with this easy to manipulate, two party system.
Trump isn’t buying the Predidency. He’s splitting the Republican Party and although many democrats like Bernie Sanders, the process is so easily controlled, that most won’t vote for him “because he doesn’t have a chance,” and we will be left with another Clinton presidency.
This country is becoming a joke and while it isn’t technically a dictatorship, the process is so controlled, that it may as well be called a dictatorship.

Let’s stop pretending that the two party’s are different. They are not. It just keeps us divided and fighting with each other.

George Carlin- The owners of America

Seek's avatar

I’m still wondering what exactly the dude means by “make America great again”. I’d be hard-pressed to name a point in which it was particularly great at all, nor a desirable trajectory toward any point in history.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar


The guy is worth billions of dollars. America IS great for him and most of the people on these stages.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

Cruiser's avatar

@Seek I will offer my take on Trumps message of make America great again.

One of his strongest points is about better foreign trade ‘deals’. He is highlighting the gross trade deficits we currently have with countries like China where these trade deficits are not just economic and financial imbalances that favor China these lousy trade deals means more jobs going overseas. Trump promises better trade deals and who has a stronger resume for brokering big times deals than Trump.

The most controversial point Trumps makes for making America great again is about illegal immigration. Illegals pouring across their borders is a huge burden for any country including America that consumes resources that could be put to better uses. Just imagine hosting a party in your home where those you invited brought their friends who brought their friends who brought their friends many of who are drug dealers, murderers, terrorists and rapists. I doubt you would consider that a great party in fact I would wager you would consider that a disaster. Your home would be trashed and your bank account would be overdrawn feeding and entertaining a crowd of that magnitude. Not to mention many of your belongings would be missing as well.

Now imagine that same scenario where you had a party that all are welcome provided they sign in at the front door, are reasonably well kept, provide a side dish, are not a criminal or have a contagious disease, and pledge to help clean up after the party. That would be a great party. So Trump is saying a secure and well managed border will help make America great again.

He is also saying that to shrink the size of our government by eliminating many redundant Federal agencies will help make America great again.

He is also championing a much needed reform of the VA. He feels very strongly about providing better care and services for our veterans and to do so will help make America great again.

Trump is offering specific and sound ideas for a much needed tax reform that will help make America economically stronger.

For the record as a conservative I agree with most of the points Trump is heralding to “make America great again” but cannot wrap my head around him as President. The points he makes will require strength of conviction of a leader to make these changes our country sorely needs and have yet to see any other candidate on either side of the isle rise to the level of leadership and conviction it will take to lead the charge to make these changes happen other than Donald himself. This is the most bizarre presidential primary I have ever witnessed.

janbb's avatar

I think Trump’s slogan should more accurately read “Make America White Again.”

Seek's avatar


That’s a pretty strong retcon game you have going there.

I think you’re giving him way more credit than he deserves by cutting and pasting his inane ranting together in an attempt to make sense of it.

Cruiser's avatar

@seek Those are my words and interpretation of the intent of Trump’s policy statements that qualify his trademark of “Make American Great Again”. I only pasted links to substantiate the points I made in my attempt to answer this question.

flo's avatar

@Cruiser Has he said anything about the consumers and the promoters of drug use? I’m not claiming that he never did, I just haven’t heard it. If there is no/little demand there is no supply. I dare you to address that.

One has to twist oneself into a pretzel, to not see Trump as hateful to a whole group of people, (illegal immigrants/Mexican immigrants, and women) Has he said anything about the people who come illegally because they’re escaping life threatening siituations? He is hateful to women (see what he said to about Fiorina, and other women, and women in genneral) He only wants beauty in women. Beauty pageants! A president can’t be against people who don’t qualify as beauty pageants. It’s like being anti- handicapped people, to promote beauty. You have to be pro equality, and he is not.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

@JLeslie and @Darth_Algar re. attempting to buy the presidency, he has billions the other candidates on the other hand,....No. He doesn’t have to have spent it on advertizing, all he knows is how some people grovel at people with money and how they are blind to all the horrid things they say.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
JLeslie's avatar

@flo My husband is Mexican.

Plenty of people are here illegally and never were in threatening situations. The ones who are, of course we should have compassion for them, and give them asylum.

From Latin America it usually is poverty that brings them here. Sometimes they are escaping for their lives during violent times, but that is less often the case.

The Republicans crucified John Kerry for being wealthy.

Pandora's avatar

@Darth_Algar, I’m referring to him funding his own campaign. I know the post isn’t the most reliable source but you are welcomed to look anywhere on the internet. I’ve even heard him brag about it quite a few times on different news stations and on one of the debates.
@Cruiser, Doesnt’ the TPP deal handle Trumps problem with China. Which by the way he doesn’t support. Even Rand Paul pointed this out to Trump. And here’s another article to show how Trump really feels about the chinese taking american jobs. You may say that these are lies about Trump, but he loves to sue. If it was a lie, he would’ve tried to sue them by now or at the very least ask for a retraction. No such luck. So it must be true.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Sure, he’s funding his own campaign (at least to some extent), but I don’t see how it follows that in doing so he’s “buying” the presidency. If the concern is money in politics then there are people involved who make Donald Trump look like a piss poor chump by comparison (examples: Charles and David Koch on the Republican side, George Soros on the Democratic side).

Pandora's avatar

@Darth_Algar I was just attempting to explain what I thought @flo may have been referring too. I really don’t care to waste too much valuable time on Trump. I actually prefer to waste my time on watching tv than talking about a guy who really couldn’t give a crap about me or any voter, and is irrelevant to my life. Yep, going to go catch up on some of my shows.

flo's avatar

@Darth_Algar and @JLeslie
You haven’t responded to most of my post.

@JLeslie “My husband is Mexican”
That’s no different from any racist saying, as a self defence, “I have black friends I have Jewish friends….” So, it doesn’t help.
@Darth_Algar “If the concern is money in politics then there are people involved who…Charles and David Koch on the Republican side, George Soros on the Democratic side).”
Except this is not about who has money in politics, it is about who says outrageously hateful things knowing there are “tools and fools and racists who would vote for me.” as whoever it is said that.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (1points)
flo's avatar

@Darth_Algar and @JLeslie Please respond to my response to @Cruiser My last post should’ve read “You haven’t responded to my last 2 posts”

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
JLeslie's avatar

@flo Mexicans who come here legally go through all sorts of time, money and expense, and stress. Do you think they are thrilled about Mexicans, or any immigrant, getting benefits and bio adding all of that? I was against local authorities acting like INS, but my SIL, who is Mexican, was just fine with it when there was an uproar in AZ a few years ago. Her answer was,“they have a right to protect their boarders.” She at the same time says the US for years purposely ignored illegal immigrants, turns a blind eye to it, so big business can have cheap labor. It’s complicated.

Latin American-Americans are usually annoyed Cubans can still get asylum from putting one toe in the sand of our shores.

My mom, who usually is very liberal on issues, and lives in an extremely diverse community, gets really pissed off when illegal immigrants are in gangs killing people. She is all for immigration, but doesn’t want to deal with criminals who aren’t even legal here, we have enough American criminals. That doesn’t make her racist.

There absolutely are immigrants who come here on student visas, not poor, they pay a small fortune for school, and then overstay their visas.

I friend of a friend of mine from
Chile lived in America for 12 years. The 12th year she had a business card in her luggage when returning from a visit to Chile. An American business card. She had been earning money while living here on a tourist visa. The put her right back on a plane back to Chile and she cannot come back. She wasn’t living in horrid conditions in Chile.

I know multiple people who got married to get papers here. None of them were in desperate situations in their country.

I do know people who fled their country to save their own lives from the government, or the poverty was incredibly extreme. Of course those situations exist, but it’s not all

Trump just says things really badly, that is a serious problem, I mean it, but I don’t think he is racist.

He employs a ton of women, and has many women in top
Positions in his company. I wouldn’t want to marry him, but I would feel fine working for him.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I see no reason to respond to your post to @Cruiser, as it has no relevance or relation to the conversation between you and I. As to your last post…honestly, it seems like you’re attempting to shift the goalposts now.

Cruiser's avatar

@flo The reason I have not responded to your comments is because there is nothing I can say that would open your mind without you changing your course to suit your narrative agenda.

JLeslie's avatar

I have a big typo. I wrote, “Mexicans, or any immigrant, getting benefits and bio adding all of that?” It should be, “Mexicans, or any immigrant, getting benefits and bipassing all of that?”

flo's avatar


@Darth_Algar When people can respond /counter/correct a points in anyone’s post in a thread, they do, esp. if they are asked. I’m willing to bet if you could you would have. Are you saying you acknowledge that I’m completely right? By the way I’m not shifting goals but responding to the answers I’m given. Re. ” has no relevance or relation to the conversation between you and I.” This is not only just a conversation between you and I, so, again I’m asking you to, if you can.
@Cruiser Pretend the exchanges in Q&A sites are public and it’s not just about opening my mind.
”...there is nothing I can say that would open your mind without you changing your course to suit your narrative agenda” But that ‘s something anyone could say to anyone whenever they can’t, not whenever they can.
@JLeslie if you’re confident enough, make your post short enough, not TLTR (too long to read.)

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
JLeslie's avatar

@flo You don’t seem to be getting my point so I wrote out examples and more details. If you don’t want to read it no sweat.

Cruiser's avatar

@flo All one needs to do is read this thread and your responses to mine and others comments and you clearly have no intent to have an open minded discussion with points that don’t fit your narrative so why should anyone even try??

flo's avatar

1)You haven’t responded to my response to your “My husband is Mexican” remember?

2) That fact that you ”...would feel fine working for him.”(Trump the one who said “Look at that face would you vote at that face”, about Fiorina in order to cheat because he’s scared of her) is not evidence based fact that it’s a good thing. How about like a paedophile about Ben Carson,

Imagine if I said “I would have no problem working as a manager or something like that for a sweatshop labor business owner.

*“I do know people who fled their country to save their own lives from the government, or the poverty was incredibly extreme. Of course those situations exist, but it’s not all
immigrants”* That is a waste of a paragraph waste of words. Who said it is all immigrants? Who even said that it’s the majority of them? See? a lot of long posts, seem to be empty of facts or actual arguments.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

@Cruiser Edited:

Because since this is a public forum, other people may be following this thread and maybe they have an open enough mind, that is why.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
JLeslie's avatar

@flo You wrote: One has to twist oneself into a pretzel, to not see Trump as hateful to a whole group of people, (illegal immigrants/Mexican immigrants, and women) As I said even my Mexican SIL feels we have a right to protect our borders. I’m not saying I have a Mexican husband so it proves I’m not a racist or anti-immigration or anti-Mexican (although I would think if I’m willing to sleep with a Mexican, intertwine all of my money and property with a Mexican, that I wanted to make babies with a Mexican, and let him get his green card attached to our marriage, that it counts for something) I’m saying I know a lot of Mexicans, they are my family through marriage, and I don’t believe Trump is necessarily hateful to the whole group.

Has he said anything about the people who come illegally because they’re escaping life threatening situations? I don’t know. Who are you referring to exactly? Usually people fleeing for their lives are given asylum. They come in legally.

He is hateful to women (see what he said to about Fiorina, and other women, and women in genneral) He only wants beauty in women. Beauty pageants! A president can’t be against people who don’t qualify as beauty pageants. It’s like being anti- handicapped people, to promote beauty. You have to be pro equality, and he is not. I think he is over-focused on beauty, but I think when it comes to work he tries to find the best people. He isn’t perfect.

Pandora's avatar

You can look to this site for how to gather information about charities.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@flo Your posts to @Cruiser have nothing whatsoever to do with what I’m talking about. Nothing. At all. You’re carrying on multiple lines of conversation in this thread and I’m not particularly interested in any of them other than the one I’ve been involved in. I don’t care about your conversations with @Cruiser, nor about you conversations with @JLeslie about her husband. The only line of conversation in this thread I’m interested in is your assertion that Trump is buying the presidency. Get it?

And on that note….

“Except this is not about who has money in politics, it is about who says outrageously hateful things knowing there are “tools and fools and racists who would vote for me.” as whoever it is said that.”

Yes, @flo. You are shifting goalposts. First you claim that Trump is attempting to buy the presidency. That is about money. You claim that people will follow the person who has money. That is about money. When I point out that there are already big money players involved in politics, players who spend more money than Trump could ever afford it, to influence elections then you claim it’s not about money. Sorry, but that is shifting the goalposts.

flo's avatar

@Darth_Algar I have to admit I stand corrected about ”...Charles and David Koch on the Republican side, George Soros on the Democratic side).” being more wealthy than Trump. But re. the rest I tried @Darth_Algar I understand why you’re not interested in addressing the hatefulness etc. It would sound like you don’t want to sound like In The Nile as the expression goes, @Jleslie

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Darth_Algar's avatar

Or maybe I’m just not interested in trying to follow wherever your brain leaps to in the course of any given thread (which, so far in this thread, has been money, buying the presidency, drugs, fools, pedophiles, immigrants, racism and whatever else I may have missed).

flo's avatar

@Pandora I think you meant to post in the other OP about charity.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
flo's avatar

@Darth_Algar, Money or not buying the presidency or not, it would sound ridiculous to argue that Trump is not really horrid plus, that it is not, (added) a crime that he or Bern Carson can actually run for presidency in America.

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Darth_Algar's avatar

Okay then….

JLeslie's avatar

@flo I think you shouldn’t vote for Trump.

flo's avatar

@JLeslie “I think he is over-focused on beauty,” Hi-lie-ree-yes. Are you his mom?

flo (13313points)“Great Answer” (0points)
JLeslie's avatar

@flo You really have lost me.

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