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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How do we start this conversation?

[Typing this on a phone.]

I am distressed by the racism I see in the US. At a rally for Trump today in Alabama, a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement was kicked and beaten by the white mob while Trump shouted, “Get him out of here.” The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to make it more difficult for refugees to enter the US. I have witnessed grotesque racism directed at our president.

All this sickens me. I feel so small. I feel helpless in the face of millions of supporters of Trump who honestly like his racist remarks and his facist ideas for marking Muslims.

What do we do?

How do we revive civil discourse, which is dead in this country?

I feel weak. I abhor confrontation. I am speechless in the face of stupidity. I simply don’t know how to react to racism and fascism and hate.

Last month, I started writing a series of letters to my children explaining my ideas. This is one action I can take. I can let my children know my thoughts. Is that all I can do?

For what it’s worth, I vote in every election and will continue to do so. What else can I do?

What else can we do?

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