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trolltoll's avatar

Why does everyone hate Hillary Clinton?

Asked by trolltoll (2570points) February 11th, 2016
90 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

No one that I’ve asked who knows anything about HC has a neutral stance on her. They either like her or hate her freaking guts.

Being (relatively) young and politically unaware, I don’t know anything about this woman except she was a senator, then first lady, then secretary of state under our current president. Why is there so much hate for this woman? What did she do?

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elbanditoroso's avatar

Quick answer:

She’s smart
She’s outspoken.
She’s female.
She’s a democrat
She didn’t freak out when her husband got in trouble.

A lot of the American population cannot deal with smart women.

trolltoll's avatar

@elbanditoroso I’ve always suspected it was at least partly rabid sexism but I didn’t want to say it. Ty

filmfann's avatar

She was first lady before she was a senator.

She seems to always have had people angry at her, and they have been slanderous. They have accused her of being a lesbian, a murderer, a slut, a bitch, a liar, a thief, and an enabler. Her opposition has blamed her for so many things, it is hard to take any of them seriously.

trolltoll's avatar

@filmfann Thanks for the correction!

Yes, my SO has a relative whose hobbies seem to be posting Republican/Conservative facebook memes, hating Muslims, being in the NRA, and comparing Hillary Clinton to Hitler. He absolutely despises her but has never been able to articulate why, or at least he doesn’t seem to think it worthwhile to explain his position. He always uses slurs when he talks about her but he never talks about her policies or anything she’s done as a politician. But you can be sure that he hates “that fucking cunt”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@trolltoll – the same point could be made with Obama. No one would ever say “I hate him because he is black” but there is an undertone of racism in a lot of the opposition against him.

zenvelo's avatar

@trolltoll Look at your own question: It’s not “everybody” but enough people keep saying that and those who are not committed believe it to be true.

trolltoll's avatar

@zenvelo, ok, not everybody. I guess I should phrase my question as “Why do the people who hate Hillary Clinton, hate her?” I definitely see a lot more vicious shade thrown around for that woman than for any other presidential candidate so my question still stands.

Edit: Maybe I don’t understand your point. Are you saying that people who are ignorant about HC see other people’s hate for her and then conform to their views?

Pachy's avatar

I agree with @elbanditoroso, adding She’s got heavy baggage

Show me ANY politician somebody doesn’t like and I’ll show you… NOBODY.

Lawn's avatar

I don’t hate her, but I have a hard time respecting her judgement after she voted in favor of the war in Iraq, arguably the worst foreign policy decision in my lifetime for many reasons – most of them articulated by Bernie Sanders in 2002 at about 2:45 into this video:

I understand she’s been in politics a long time and there is a lot of baggage… but that is one vote I have a hard time getting over.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

She comes across as arrogant, vain and generally self serving. She is a political insider who has demonstrated a lack of honesty. She is also indirectly playing the female card to get herself elected. Just another politician. I see her and Trump in about the same light.

Jaxk's avatar

Let’s see what stands out in her past.

Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

That’s the short list. Lootergate actually makes me chuckle. She stole the furniture from the White House. How brazen can you be?

LostInParadise's avatar

Beyond her politics, I can’t relate to her on a personal level. There is no warmth or humor. She strikes me as arrogant and calculating. I don’t feel as if I can trust her.

As for her politics, she seems to be riding on her husband’s coattails. She has no vision, as evidenced by several reversals she has made on various issues. Name something, anything, that she accomplished as first lady, senator or secretary of state.

I would like to see a woman elected president, but Hillary is not my choice. Elizabeth Warren completely outshines her.

JLeslie's avatar

Parts of the media and right wing spend a lot of time putting out negative messages about her. The media does this at least a little to all candidates, but since Hillary has been in politics (including being First Lady) a long time, there is a lot of stuff to bring out, and they being up her husband also, and her reaction to her husband’s antics. I’m really quite disgusted that anyone gives a shit that she decided to stay married and support her husband. That’s none of anyone’s business. Half those people slamming her for that probably had a father or husband who cheated or cheats. Imagine if every man who cheated was outed to the public? Give me a break.

Some of the questions about her conduct are certainly warranted and legitimate. I’m not saying she did anything grossly wrong, I’m saying the questioning and investigation is worth doing to see where it goes. Benghazi for instance I’m glad they looked into it. We need to learn from it. Do I think she is culpable? Not in any way that is criminal or negligent or worse than any politician before her where similar things have happened. Her emails? I think she was innocent in why she used one email. Did she email
Information that should not be in that server? If so, that’s a serious problem in my opinion.

Most people who hate her hate her husband and Democrats in general. There is also a percentage if women who seem really disgusted by her example. They want Hillary to defend Monica Lewinsky as a victim, all sorts of feminism sorts of things that I feel are just over the top.

stanleybmanly's avatar

People hate her because they’ve been instucted to do so. It’s tough to be objectiveabout politicians. But the right in our country has a huge bounty of “low information” constiuents that will believe anything the so called leadership might concoct. The big clue is as with your relative most of them can’t name a single act good or bad attributed to her. And for the few like @Jaxk who can, I suggest you examine that list of offenses and see exactly what they all have in common. If you have better things to do, allow me to save you some time.

First, each and every one of them was cooked up by right wing fanatics and served up to the the knuckle dragging illiterates by the propaganda bureau (FOX)

Next, the heinous crimes are noticed and pursued by the right EXCLUSIVELY.

And last but certainly not least each and every one of them has been picked at and investigated to the tune of millions of dollars from public treasuries, and not A SINGLE ONE OF THEM, zip, zero, nada, nothing, NONE of it has EVER proven to have ANY substance. The beauty of a low information base is that “those guys never catch on”.

ucme's avatar

I don’t care that she’s a woman, I have no interest in her being a Democrat, i’m not an American & so my opinion of her is pure, not muddied by political affiliation.
I don’t hate her, but suggest a lot of people do because, she’s a bit of a cunt.

Cruiser's avatar

@elbanditoroso lists her positive qualities that are undeniable…She’s smart,
She’s outspoken.
She’s female.
She’s a democrat

@Jaxk lists the real reasons many people (which IMHO should be all people) are disgusted by is her blatant disregard for our laws and her “I’m above the law” attitude with all her controversies…
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal
And they have only begun to peel back the layers of the Clinton Foundation scandal. Hillary is the embodiment of why so many people are fed up with establishment politicians. The only coronation she should get is the crown as the most deceitful crooked politician to grace the halls of Congress.

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme so people hate her because she’s a cunt? This is an example of circular logic. Like saying that you shouldn’t drink soda because “it’s bad for you.” There is no actual explanation in your statement as to why people don’t like her.

ucme's avatar

@trolltoll She’s a self serving, disingenuous, odious politician, ergo…a cunt.
Explanation enough?

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme can you explain how she possesses these qualities to a greater extent than other politicians? Can you name examples of what she did that prove her odiousness?

I can already infer that if someone thinks that someone is a cunt, they believe that that person has undesirable qualities, e.g. the things you just named.

ucme's avatar

Along with the numerous examples you were already given, i’d say she oozes sleaze from every pore.
The way she presents herself when public speaking, she comes across as such a blatant bullshit artist, you don’t believe a word she’s saying & feel zero empathy with her cold manner.
Putting it simply, she has the personality of a shit stained rock.

Jaxk's avatar

@ucme – Don’t sugar coat it, tell us what you really think.

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme those are all opinions, not things she’s actually done, but you’re right, a very substantial list of past offenses has already been presented to me.

gondwanalon's avatar

What about e-mailgate?

trolltoll's avatar

I actually have no idea what any of these “gates” are. Also, with regard to email-gate, I think that if there was any actual proof of illegality or wrongdoing she would have been charged with a crime, so I don’t buy into that.

ucme's avatar

@Jaxk I was asked to define my opinion, so I told them what I really thought, kinda what I do.

Jaxk's avatar

@trolltoll – She deleted 35000 emails from the server. That is ‘Obstruction of Justice’ regardless of what was in them.

@ucme – My comment was in jest.

ucme's avatar

@Jaxk Then we’re all good.
@trolltoll While it’s true to say those were opinions, if it looks & smells like shit chances are that it is indeed shit.

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme If it looks and sounds like a broken record, is it a broken record?

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Not everyone hates Clinton.

One of the reasons I weep for the future.

ucme's avatar

Haha, wait stop!
You @trolltoll were the one constantly asking me to clarify myself, butthurt over Hellary are we?

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I have a narcissistic, know it all, defensive, entitled harpy mother already.

I’m grown up enough to not hate her.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

She should have never, ever had a private email server. Huge no no when it comes to sensitive and up documents or email. This one thing is actually kind of a big deal. Secretary of state should know better and I’m guessing she did. She could not have ever deleted anything on a properly hosted one. Dubious to the max.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So why isn’t she behind bars?

SecondHandStoke's avatar

What grates on me the most about Clinton is her sense of entitlement.

Based on her observed countenance and manner it’s clear to me she believes she should be elected simply because she is Hillary Clinton.

She is obviously irked that she should have to work to get elected. She believes the Presidency should be handed to her.

Trump, for all his over the top pronouncements, at least acts like winning the minds of the public is a difficult job.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@stanleybmanley that’s a good question.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^No matter the outcome Clinton will not spend a single day breathing sieved air.

In the US persons of her high political position just don’t. She’s also a former first lady. Besides she knows a good lawyer or two.

She has been under investigation by the FBI for some time. It has been announced that the investigation has been, how shall we say, stepped up. in recent days. The FBI was not willing to disclose more information than that.

If busted Clinton will be fined, rebuked and or ordered to describe her illegal acts. (sorry, I’m just not able to recall the correct legal term for the latter).

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme and you’re the one who seems to think that opinions are the same as facts, a trend that I’m noticing among Hillary’s detractors. This thread has been very informative.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly Because she is Hillary Clinton…duh!

ucme's avatar

She remains a cunt :D

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme and that remains, once again, an opinion.

trolltoll's avatar

@ucme and in fact I only asked you once to clarify yourself, after pointing out the circular logic in your initial response.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

@ARE you kidding me It’s a good question for more reasons than one. Why is she time after time exonerated? Why is it only folks on the right able to perceive these endless evils? Why are liberals, moderates and everyone South of Genghis Khan oblivious to her demonic nature?

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SecondHandStoke's avatar

Douchebag. Jerk. Asshole. Person of low character. Etc.

None of these pack quite the punch of “cunt.”

I’ve seen @ucme use this term before on Fluther before.

In the British tradition he does not save the word to describe only females.

For that I applaud him.

See You Next Thursday.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s not a political thing except that it’s likely her own political pull that is keeping her out of trouble. The people who safeguard info let this one by too so it’s probably part of the reason…they had egg on their face.

trolltoll's avatar

I like how the theme of this thread has evolved from “why do people dislike hillary clinton” to “why is hillary clinton a cunt”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Cunty is as cuntish does.

Seek's avatar

“Hate” is a strong word that I reserve for those I spend my precious time thinking about, but I’m not terribly fond of Hillary because she’s currently the best Republican in the presidential race.

longgone's avatar

[Mod says] Flames off, please.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is a mistake on the part of the right to unceasingly run around howling “wolf” at the Clintons. Each time she is acqitted the conservative brand takes a bigger whuppin, and she emerges more popular than ever. There is no greater example on the persistence of stupidity than the concerted hounding from the right of the Clintons. I’m no great fan of Bill or Hillary, but their behavior is not only typical of politicians in this country, the list of wing nuts formerly at the forefront of the persecution and now in prison or forced from office in disgrace expands daily. I sometimes wonder whether or not the conservative movement has the collective sense that God gives a grapefruit.

rojo's avatar


Re: the various “blahblahGates”

Once, long ago, there was a serious crime committed by Richard Nixon and his Republican colleagues for which he was forced to resign in disgrace. Republican Operatives broke into the Watergate Hotel in order to steal from the Democratic Party’s National Committee offices (Watergate Scandal).

Since that time the media has thought it cute to use the word “gate” as a suffix on anything having to do with a political mess.

Republican types really push hard on this with anything having to do with Democrat impropriety in an altogether vain attempt to tar it with the same brush and make it a comparable dastardly act to that perpetrated by Nixon and his cronies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Let me put it this way. If indeed Clinton is as sleazy a character as the folks here claim and yet is able to consistenly escape the clutches of what conservatives regard as “justice”, she may be evil incarnate, but she must be by implication the mosy skilled and able politician to emerge in my lifetime. The list of wing nut politicians formerly after her head and now themselves jailed or in disgrace is formidable, and she just chugs along impervious. My hats off to the woman and I wish all the hypocrites foaming at the mouth at the sight of her the well earned strokes such agitation brings about.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

@trolltoll Said in the OP “Being (relatively) young and politically unaware…”

When I was younger I too was confused by the seeming battle between two mindsets.

I eventually developed mine through observation, research and a hard look at my personal convictions.

But I will try to give you a head start. I have never come across anything that so accurately describes the difference between what has become basically the two main political parties better than the following:

trolltoll's avatar

@SecondHandStoke I have to admit that as soon as I opened up the link to that video I had to back out. I’ve seen other videos of his, he has an overtly anti-liberal bias that admittedly offends me, and I probably won’t be able to take anything he says seriously.

trolltoll's avatar

@SecondHandStoke for example, he doesn’t believe in climate change, and I very much look down on that.

tinyfaery's avatar

I do not hate her, but why I’ll never vote for her:

1. I have no respect for her. Her husband had a mistress for decades and he was/is such a womanizer and she obviously didn’t care enough to leave him. IMO she either has no respect for herself or is so determined to be in the political spotlight that she put it aside. I have no respect for either choice.

2. She used to be a Republican and campaigned for Goldwater who was a right ring extremist who wanted to repeal civil rights laws.

3. She is a liar. Do some fact checking.

4. She’s an opportunist and will say anything and “evolve” to fit her needs at any given moment.

5. She’s a politician in the most heinous of terms.

6. She is for fracking, she pushed hard for the TTP and now says she changed her mind, she was against gay marriage in 2013, and only became a supporter once the Supreme Court began opening arguments on the Prop. 8 case.

7. Her underhanded, patronizing tactics against young women who support Bernie.

I have more, but I’m sick of thinking about her.

trolltoll's avatar

@tinyfaery thanks for a thoughtful answer and for not using slurs. By the same token, thanks to @elbanditoroso, @filmfann, @stanleybmanly, @rojo, @JLeslie, and @LostInParadise.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think even you cannot deny the double standard that is applied to either Clinton when there is alleged misdeeds. Bill and Hillary are treated with kid gloves where with anyone else, the full measure of the law is swiftly and without prejudice or reservation is applied.

Just look at the Petraeus incident. Lets put aside the fact that his “crime” was discovered in the summer of 2012 and that both the FBI and Holder sat on this information until after the Nov election then on Nov 2 Petraeus was confronted with the evidence against him and 5 days later he resigns and ultimately convicted and fined $100,000. Contrast that to Hillary’s mishandling of her personal email server and classified emails which all involved (except her) know is a much greater crime than what Petreaus did and it is months and months of denial of any wrong doing and serious foot dragging by the FBI.

Why the double standard @stanleybmanly? My answer again is because she IS Hillary Clinton plus all her alleged controversial activities happened on Obama’s watch and why none of these alleged misdeeds have been afforded the traditional investigatory protocols all to protect Obama’s legacy and all for the sake to make history in coronating our first woman president.

One small wrinkle though…the American public is not as stupid as you are the other desperate liberals are to not see her for what she is…I would not use @ucme‘s descriptor, but it is increasingly harder not to call her for what she is…deceitful, a liar, and desperate to say and do anything to deny she did anything wrong all to get elected President.

That is IMO not the character becoming of someone I want as President of our country and I know I am not alone on this. A favorite slogan of the Dems years back I will use was you can put lipstick on a pig but she is still a pig.

trolltoll's avatar


Was Clinton not impeached?

Cruiser's avatar

Yes @trolltoll he was impeached for perjury and abuse of power but acquitted by the Democratically controlled Senate. Can you say double standard?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SecondHandStoke the holes in that guy’s arguments are so wide that those armies that invaded Iraq and Vietnam both can be driven through them. Take for example the claim that peace activism doesn’t win wars. Anyone making the claim that activism here at home had nothing to do with our withdrawl from Vietnam is a straight up fool.

And it is really important to look at the claim that both Vietnam and Iraq are worse off because we left those places. You notice that he neglected the issue about them being MUCH better off BEFORE we arrived. The entire issue of whether or not these places would be better off had we LET THEM ALONE TO BEGIN WITH is mysteriously missing from the lecture.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Cruiser Well lipstick or not, she’s a very popular pig, and unlike Petraeus is just too slippery for the snares laid in front of her. Actually there are tremendous differences between the 2 cases and the conservative position that her actions are crimes are being thoroughly investigated. Petraeus deliberately handed over classified materials to a journalists he was screwing. The problem with Clinton and the reason she hasn’t resigned like Petraeus is because it is NOT a crime to delete materials from your PERSONAL server. It is a very serious issue and distinction, and one that all of those Republicans clamoring for her head should reflect upon. I mean considering the skeleton laden closets of ANY Washington politician, should a person’s personal computer be up for inspection. The law is not definitive on the issue and the fools pressing the point are assuredly digging their own graves.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

@stanleybmanly “Take for example the claim that peace activism doesn’t win wars.”

Peace activism does not win wars.

Withdrawl does not mean the same thing as win.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Cruiser you still miss the important point about the attempt to impeach Clinton and why it was the salvation for the fools pushing it that it never went forward. I’m not exaggerating when I state straight up that fhe stupidity of conservatives is apparently limitless. An impeachment involves an open trial of the accused before the entire Senate. For an instant, consider the allegation that the hurdle of lying about a blow job passes scrutiny as an impeachable offense. Clinton sits in the dock, and his lawyer brings up the fact that vittually EVERY President in since Garfield “entertained” women other than their wives in the building

It was a dangerously thoughtless episode and an alarming demonstration of conservative inability to see 2 steps in front of them. Those guys are stupid and dangerously so.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SecondHandStoke You’re missing the point. Peace activism here won the war for Northvietnam.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly I know it is not a crime to delete emails from a personal server and if you think Hillary is lily white on this issue you have your blinders on too tight. There is already ample evidence she had classified emails on her personal server and that they have recovered classified that HC or Huma or someone was ordered to delete. Personally this issue would not register on my radar had she not gone to great lengths to hide her stupidity of using her personal server in this reckless way and the extent of her lies and denials is where I have a greater desire to see this thoroughly investigated.

We are talking about the Secretary of State here and the breach of security has the potential to be unprecedented and because of the magnitude of this scandal she should not be given a free pass just because she wants to be President. Pile on the fact that the FBI now has leverage to trade Felony charge sentencing deals with Clinton’s aides and the State Department today subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation. Things are not looking good for Mrs Clinton.

stanleybmanly's avatar

We’ll see what comes of it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that just as with the previous “grave” charges certain to derail her, she’ll “evade” the Fox model of justice. And NO politician at the level of Clinton is lilly white. The great dissonance in all of this lies in the fact that it is people in the flimsiest of glass houses so eagerly hurling rocks.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly The real problem at hand is people are living in houses turned to glass by twelve years of abandonment from those that have made promises they didn’t keep and many are now not buying the establishment message of only career politicians can make your life better. What could reinforce this sentiments than the surging popularity of a Socialist Independent and a ridiculously bad comb over celebrity wannabe. Things have to be bad…really really bad for this reality to take shape in a Presidential primary race.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I have no argument with that!

jerv's avatar

Many people prefer politicians to have ideological consistency. Hillary wanders whichever way she feels will get her votes.

Others prefer politicians who haven’t done anything that gives even the appearance of impropriety. The e-mail scandal alone is enough to tarnish Hillary’s image, and some of the recent happenings within the DNC like giving more delegates to the person who got 40% of the NH vote than to the person who got 60% doesn’t help either. To be fair, that’s more Debbie Wasserman-Shultz’s doing than Hillary’s, but the court of public opinion doesn’t always worry about facts so Clinton is catching some heat for that.

A lot of people just hate any politician that has a D after their name with no other reason needed. Hillary is a Democrat and therefore automatically earns the enmity of those who think Ted Cruz is too liberal.

dxs's avatar

Thank you for saving me some typing, @tinyfaery. Let me add to the list, and you certainly don’t need to agree with the rest.

8. She is fake. That is, politically cliché. Bernie makes her look even worse. It seems like she’s just in it for the money. Go explore the campaign website. You can see everywhere how she’s trying way too hard to relate to people. Take a look at her Abuela campaign tactic. I dare you to look at the link.
9. She’s backed by millionaires. This is the reason she has such a campaign, and I think the amount of money spent is ridiculous.
10. She’s being thrown into everyone’s face. This is due to the previous reason about her lavish campaign funding. The onion covered it really well in an article. On aol mail the other day there was a huge picture of her face with a booger up her nose.
11. She is an outsider. Even though she is supporting workers and minorities and whatever other groups, I feel like she doesn’t understand them. She is putting on an identity that is not hers. This becomes evident by certain convictions of hers that are supposedly left in the past. She’s just saying nice words and people are buying it.

I don’t understand the word “hate,” so I cannot say that I hate Hillary Clinton. I do not like Hillary Clinton.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
gorillapaws's avatar

I don’t hate Clinton. She comes across disingenuous to me though. Her answers feel rehearsed, calculated, and polished in a way that makes them seem hollow and not authentic. It’s like hearing a cheerful prerecorded corporate voice reminding you how appreciative “she” is that you are holding and that a representative will be with you “shortly.” I just want her to “break character” and get real with the public.

In the same way I want that bitch on the Comcast (or wherever) to be like: “Ok, so we don’t actually value your time at all. Bill, our VP of customer communication decided to fire 40% of our phone support staff and transfer another 20% to the sales lines to increase revenue by badgering our existing customers for upgrades to their service. Also, our cancellation staff has been instructed to make the cancellation process as long and difficult as possible because it has a 37.2% chance of making you give up, and that will save us roughly of $56.42 million this year. So continue to hold, or don’t because we’d love it if you just gave up trying to cancel your service. Go fuck yourself. We have absolutely no respect for you whatsoever.”

Ultimately, I think Clinton would probably do a reasonable job as president, but I don’t expect much to change with the status quo under her presidency. That’s why I’m currently supporting Bernie. I think this country needs big changes to how our political system works. I think we need to roll back our tax policies to Pre-Reagan days.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Actually when I am shredding junk mail I ask my nephew ir he want’s to play Rose Law Firm.

trolltoll's avatar

@gorillapaws @dxs @jerv see, those answers are so much more helpful than just telling me that she’s a cunt.

jerv's avatar

@dxs To be fair, Bernie makes everyone look disingenuous.

@gorillapaws I forget where I saw it, but it showed Clinton actually changing accents. I find a New Yorker born in Chicago picking up a Suth’n drawl then discarding it when they move on the the next stop on the campaign tour to be pretty damn inauthentic. By now, I don’t think she could break character if she tried; there probably isn’t much left behind all those masks.

rojo's avatar

@Cruiser states “he was impeached for perjury and abuse of power but acquitted by the Democratically controlled Senate. Can you say double standard” Nixon, guilty of a far worse crime (IMHO) than getting a blowjob in the oval office was pardoned by Gerald Ford. Can you say double standard?

And the email thing is an distraction. There was no breach of security, She did NOT pass on classified information. Any information that has been deemed sensitive or classified has been done so after the fact.

I cannot find fault with anything @tinyfaery, @dxs or @gorillapaws has said above but the sad thing is, as devious, underhanded and dastardly as she may be, she is still a far better candidate for President than anyone the Republicans have put forward with the possible exception of John Kasich

trolltoll's avatar

@rojo I feel like if she had actually done something demonstrably bad, the media would be fixating on that and not this “scandal” about her deleted emails.

trolltoll's avatar

@dxs ok, that Abuela thing is really cringey.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Clinton is an old line mainstream politician-nothing more. The apparent need for her villification is tiresome but worse than that. Because it’s a dangerous and malicious changing of the rules in order ro avert her possible election. It is a tactic of desperation on the part of a party whose membership is heavily loaded with political operatives so patently flawed that were such tactics utilized against them, they would be ruined and disgraced. Where will they run when the cannon swivels toward them?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The thing that makes the harassment so disgraceful is that it is SO obviously transparent and factional. The right fails to realize that they can’t walk down this road alone screaming “criminal” and expect people to take them seriously. You would think by now that they would appreciate this. I swear they are the most inept and clueless crowd of dummies to ever assemble in a public space. They’re just a never ending embarassment and an insult to abstract thought.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly – I agree with you wrote above, but I want to add that it isn’t really changing the rules. The whole idea of villification of politicians dates back to Richard Nixon in 1952, 1956, 1960 and subsequent years. It probably goes back further than that as well.

The difference between the 1950s and the 2016 political process is that now news gets out faster (internet, cable, Fox) and therefore has a better chance to spread and poison the minds of voters. If Nixon had had Fox News in 1960, the world would be way different.

Finally – all of the litany of this-gate and that-gate…..stems from the my main points in the first post I made—she’s a smart woman, and the republicans don’t like that. So they invent scandals.

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly and @elbanditoroso I don’t agree with your name calling, and I would be sure to point out that the “right” doesn’t include all Republicans if I were writing. although, I’m sure you are talking about the extreme people in the party who also never bother with fact checking and love to embrace anything negative about any democrat.

I also don’t agree that people don’t take the “screaming criminal” seriously. A whole portion of America takes it seriously. The ones your calling stupid. I can only assume that a big section of Republicans live to get wound up about Hillary, because during every Republican debate many if the candidates mention her name over and over. They mention Obama too. That to me means in focus groups Republicans increased their like, or loyalty, to candidates that mentioned her/their names. The people who don’t like the rants about Hillary done by the right are for the most part Democrats. The Republicans don’t care about that.

Sure there are some Democrats who now are disgusted with Hillary, and some of the rants helped that along, and sure there are some Republicans very tired of the far right obsessing over hating the other side, and going as far as lies, but for the most part the ranting and exaggerations (on both sides, but I do feel more by Republicans) seems to be still working overall. Unfortunately.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@JLeslie My rants are about the agenda of sitting Republicans in the Federal legislature. I agree with you that the average Conservative is not an idiot, but in view of the policies emanating from the collective it is difficult to make the case that the defectives aren’t at the wheel. It is a very bad thing when any group comes to be defined by the worst of its membership.

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think the question is how many people agree with those people you call the worst in the party. I thinks it’s a lot. At least 30%.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I don’t like Hillary Clinton much as a politician – she seems to me to be a bit to the right of Obama, who is already a centrist. But I don’t hate her. I hear a lot of Clinton supporters saying that Sanders supporters hate her, and to me it sounds like they are implying that there’s no rational reason not to vote for her, so it must be due to some kind of emotional response, or better yet, fanatical hatred.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Because she belongs in prison.

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