Meta Question

Mariah's avatar

How can I help?

Asked by Mariah (25883points) March 3rd, 2016
52 responses
“Great Question” (9points)

Hey guys, as many of you know I’ve signed up to provide some technical changes on Fluther. I haven’t done anything yet, though, partially because some glitches were just resolved right before I signed up, so now I don’t know what needs work anymore.

What things are broken still? Are there any relatively simple new features you’d like?

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Mimishu1995's avatar

How about adding a “first” and a “last” buttons in the pagination?

rojo's avatar

Hey, @Mariah Here you go.

Brian1946's avatar

Thanks for being proactive about helping us, @Mariah. You’re the Bernie Sanders of the tech staff!

How about restoring the visibility of the text in the Coral Reef and 20,000 Leagues sections of the awards?

I used to be able to read those sections of the awards because the text color contrasted with the background, but now we have pale yellow written on white. Now the only way I can read them is by dragging my cursor over that section.

How about red, black, or dark blue text instead?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I don’t know if it’s possible, but some new greetings would be neat. I liked not knowing what kind of silly little greeting I’d read any time I logged in or refreshed the page.

johnpowell's avatar

@DrasticDreamer :: I wrote a greasmonkey script a long time ago that replaced the greetings with ones I picked. If I have some time this week I could bring that back and fire up a site where people could add ones of their own. This could, of course go horribly wrong.

Soubresaut's avatar

This probably means I give too many GQ—but I always find myself forgetting whether or not I’ve GQ’d a question—so I’ll press the button [again] just to check.
If you’re still looking for things to do: could the GQ buttons remain “pressed down” after giving a GQ? Kind of like the links on GAs go away after you’ve pressed them. :)

All the awards texts look normal for me… the default navy/charcoal font color. Is that a matter of different browsers? Or something else? (I’m sure I’m using a different browser than most people, which is why I guessed that first.)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@johnpowell I like that idea. Or maybe, so it stayed appropriate, you or the mods could just enter them in. Maybe if people sent in their ideas, or whatever ones got the most GAs? Or something like that.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m using Firefox.

ucme's avatar

Changing my avatar on an iPad still don’t work, it takes days to change & then after showing a different pic while typing to the one in my profile.
I don’t expect you to be able to fix this even if you wanted to because it has been the case for well over a year now despite attempts from other mods to remedy it.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

How about creating an app that allows us to climb through our screens and actually move into one of these mansions l keep hearing about? And make it so we can bring our pets.

Thank you for being here, Mariah.

janbb's avatar

Get rid of “View retired fields (temporary)” when you go into your account. It’s been temporary for a gazillion years.

@johnpowell I’ll ask a Meta question now for greeting suggestions and you can pull from there.

JLeslie's avatar

To be able to stop following at the bottom of a page.

dxs's avatar

What @Soubresaut said. Would it be easier to bring back the old GQ button?

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
dxs's avatar

Oh and is there anything you can do about the search engine? It kind of sucks.
I really appreciate your willingness to help.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
dxs's avatar

@johnpowell What is ”@mentions” right below Activity for You?

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
rojo's avatar

Yeah, what @dxs said about the search engine.
Does it work?
Can it work?
Whenever I have tried typing in a word all it pulls up are other flutherites who have that word in their name.
I would like it to search questions and pull up relevant ones.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t think the search engine was ever updated to mobile?
Works decent on desktop.

Soubresaut's avatar

I’m using Edge

Ooh there was an old GQ button?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This might be too big an issue. When I open Fluther on my laptop, a Dell XPS 13 with touch, it goes first to the mobile site. I imagine it has something to do the the fact the computer is touch enabled.

It’s not really a big deal. I simply scroll to the bottom and switch to desktop.

When am I ever going to get the extra butter I ordered for my pancakes?

Stinley's avatar

This is more of a policy change but could we have the limits for lurve raised?

NerdyKeith's avatar

Oh I’ve already submitted this as feedback to the site. But would it be possible to have a link on the mobile view that allows us to be directed straight to our profile page?

johnpowell's avatar

@dxs :: The @mentions thing is my idea. So say after I hit the Answer button on this it lets you know that someone did a @dxs and then it could bring you right to it so you could respond.

dxs's avatar

@johnpowell Where do you get one? Why do you find it useful?

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
johnpowell's avatar

For example I randomly came back to this question. There should be some sort of notice you did a @johnpowell that would be sent to me so I would know without randomly clicking shit.

dxs's avatar

Ohh so you’re saying when someone mentions you on a thread you’re not a part of, you get a notification? That’s interesting.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m not sure how to put this.

I would like to find a way that would keep old threads going. I’ve always thought that these questions died off too quickly. I mean they pretty much have a lifespan of a fruit fly and it’s one of the reasons this place often seems so dead. But if every time someone posts on an old question that question could be revived by automatically moving to page one where everyone could see it, things might get more lively and interesting. Anyway, more questions would appear, both the new ones and some of the old ones.

I don’t know anything about programming, so this may be impractical, but I think it could make things more interesting, especially on slow days. The incidents of just asking inane questions simply to break the boredom might be reduced as well. Our more interesting questions might be revived instead just by someone stumbling across it and answering it.

Times change, the population here has changed. Many people now here haven’t seen many of the best questions ever asked here.

imrainmaker's avatar

It would be great if I’m able to set in my profile default tab to be shown to me based on my preference general / social or meta etc…I’m being a bit lazy you know..))

JLeslie's avatar

Can you double check that we really get 10 minutes to edit? It seems shorter to me. If we could increase it to 20 minutes that would be great, but that would be a policy change.

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus You can sometimes stumble on older questions by looking at the “Related questions” in the sidebar.

Mariah's avatar

Apologies if anybody got a server error just now. That was me. :)

Mariah's avatar

Spot the changes! :) I did 3 small things today, all from your requests in this thread. Familiarizing myself with the codebase. This is fun and a good learning experience for me.

Soubresaut's avatar

:D I see a “great” one!

Edit: I saw another one—but it’s wrong, tape or no over my camera, I’m definitely wearing pants!

This is way too much fun for me

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m waiting for the day when I wake up and suddenly Fluther looks different :)

janbb's avatar

@Mariah View retired fields is gone! Yay!

dappled_leaves's avatar

Ooooh – can broken awards be fixed? I know not everyone likes them, but some of us do.

dxs's avatar

And can you add an award for visiting 9253064378 days in a row?

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (8points)
dxs's avatar

Hah! I just saw a comment I’ve never seen before. I’ve also just refreshed my page 9253064378 times!

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
DrasticDreamer's avatar

Aw, I just realized that one of my suggestions for the greetings was chosen! Teehee!

dxs's avatar

I was so flattered when I saw mine!

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Mimishu1995's avatar

Mine too!

augustlan's avatar

Love this whole thread. <3

imrainmaker's avatar

@Mariah – Just curious..on which platform this site is based on?

NerdyKeith's avatar

Another suggestion for you:

When we are viewing the most recent questions asked. Is it possible to have a combined view (combining all the most recent general, social and meta questions on one page, all at once)?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@NerdyKeith I think you can do it by viewing the right side of your profile page. But yeah, I think that part needs to be lenghtened.

Soubresaut's avatar

If @Mariah and @PhiNotPi are still taking suggestions—if/when the OP responds in a thread, and someone else @-tags them, could the tag send us up to the OP’s most recent response instead of the top of the page? (It’s easy enough to just go back and scroll or ctrl-f the name to find the response, but having the @-tag take me there would feel smoother!)

Also thanks again you guys, you rock!

janbb's avatar

I don’t think the @ tag takes you anywhere now, does it?

Soubresaut's avatar

Oh, maybe poor wording, sorry. I meant “takes” you and in slides you up the page to the most recent post by that person—unless the @ tag is for the person who posted the question, then even if they’ve posted in the discussion it takes you to the top of the page? (Maybe that’s just me though?)

For example, @Mariah will take me to the top of the page even though Mariah has posted most recently here? But also maybe there’s a reason for it—I could see how having @OP go to top of page could be convenient when everyone’s addressing the original question, and the OP is simply responding to people. And I can always just link to a specific quip/post on my own. So idk, maybe my change-@OP-function is superfluous.

janbb's avatar

For me, it just stays in the Answer box in front of my comment.

Soubresaut's avatar

@janbb—oh, I’m probably not saying this clearly at all… I mean when I click on the @ tags already posted, not when I’m typing them

janbb's avatar

Aha – Now I got it!

Soubresaut's avatar

@janbb—yay! Aha, I was struggling with describing it (I’m sure there’s a simple way to explain it, but I’m not up on @ tag terminology) so I’m glad you helped me clarify :)

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