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MooCows's avatar

Do you know your spouse "Love Language"?

Asked by MooCows (3216points) March 18th, 2016
18 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Everyone has a love language…something that they really respond to and it makes them happy. There are 5 love languages and yours is probably different from your S/O. It would definitely be worth
it to know your spouse LL as it might be just a small thing when
you are thinking it is something big that makes your S/O happy.

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Adagio's avatar

I haven’t heard the term “love language” since the early 80s : ^)

janbb's avatar

Apparently I didn’t.

jca's avatar

I don’t have a spouse but I never heard the term “love language.”

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Jak's avatar

My love language is chocolate. I speak it fluently. So…. you’d better bring it!

MooCows's avatar

If you have never read the 80’s book “Men are from Mars and Women from Venus” that book explains why men are different from women very plainly and to this day has not gone out of style. I bought it for a friend of mine’s daughter and she so appreciated it and completely understood it and learned alot about what to do and not do when men go “into their cave”.
Look the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman back up and you will see a dramatic change in your relationships “if” you are using her “love language” which is probably not the love language you are using.

nylascotia68's avatar

I have been married for almost 19 years and I have never heard the term love language. Unless you count speaking and listening to each other as the“LL”, then I think both my husband and I are doing pretty good; considering he just told me he is taking me back to Scotland ( my ancestral home) to renew our vows with our twin daughters next year on our 20th anniversay and will even wear his kilt again, which is amazing because he is Chilean.

janbb's avatar

@nylascotia68 As @MooCows says above it was a book a while ago. Supposedly some people express their love in words, others use deeds, etc.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I need a mind mate.
Someone with a sense of curiosity, good humor, playful and able to engage me. My ex husband did not speak my love language at all. He wanted a help mate I wanted a mind mate. Enter “ex.”

Trying to have a stimulating conversation with him was like talking to a tree stump. Total intellectual mismatch.

JLeslie's avatar

We have taken the quiz, but I don’t remember what his results were. LOL. Oy, I probably should pay more attention.

I was actually just thinking about this yesterday. I was thinking my inlaws should take the quiz. I need to google to find it in Spanish.

JLeslie's avatar

A link with the link to the quiz.

Seek's avatar

I’ve been married almost nine years. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

JLeslie's avatar

^^See the quiz link on my link just above.

Seek's avatar

Yeah, apparently I didn’t like the quiz back then. I just clicked in again, and the feeling hasn’t changed.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I did the quiz and I asked my husband the questions. There were no surprises and we’re very in sync.

cookieman's avatar

and to this day has not gone out of style.

I disagree. I feel it went out of style five minutes after it was published. Sorry, I can’t stand that silliness.

How do I better understand the the opposite sex? I dunno, treat them like a human maybe.

JLeslie's avatar

The 5 love languages isn’t really about gender. Maybe there are some commonalities among the genders, but I’m sure there must be lots of crossover. Just between my husband and me he would be more gift oriented, I would guess that’s seen as a “female” thing by most people.

MooCows's avatar

The 5 love languages help you express love to your S/O in a way they understand.
Here are the 5 love languages:

Maybe you are giving your wife gifts to show her that you love her and that is ok.
But instead of a gift it would really show you love her it you washed her car for her.
Or watched the kids so she could have some me time. This would be “acts of service”
that really show her that you love her more than that gift you bought. Same for a husband.
Maybe the wife is always telling her husband how great he is(words of affirmation) when what would really show him that you love him would be “quality time” with him away from the children! Most husband and wife have different love languages. If you want to truly show your S/O that you love them then do it in the language that they prefer..that really gets them “ticking”! Maybe checking this out and changing the way you approach your S/O would put that extra spark in your marriage without doing anything but taking the time to actually find out WHAT love language your spouse really wishes you would use!

Coloma's avatar

Love is a verb, action not just an emotion.

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