We have a saying in the construction industry that “You can have it quickly, cheaply and done well. Choose any two.”
I get the sense from the frequency of your posts on a wide range of interests that seem to capture your full attention from time to time that you don’t have a ton of patience. And clearly you’re interested in “inexpensive”. That leaves “quality workmanship” as a potential desire from your counseling that you may have to sacrifice if you want “quick and cheap”. That’s the one attribute that I would not suggest that you give up. “Quick and cheap” has no value.
So, quality counseling is either going to take longer than you would have wanted on a limited budget, or it’s going to cost a boatload of money to work on quickly to satisfy your impatient nature. You’d have to choose which alternative is best for you.
In any case, counseling, if you haven’t done it before, does not consist of someone giving you a plug-n-play life map. You can’t just buy results, or simply wait for them, either. It’s a ton of work and deep introspection, most of the work being yours, and all of the introspection. No one else’s insights into your life and psyche won’t matter a damn if YOU can’t have them and apply them in your own life.
Good luck.