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gatablanca's avatar

Do you believe Cris Angel can really levetate?

Asked by gatablanca (37points) July 28th, 2008
39 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Do you believe cris can levatate or is it pure illusion

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jlm11f's avatar

*levitate. and no i don’t believe he can.

iwamoto's avatar

of course it’s pure illusion…how could it be otherwise, it’s just not possible…..

btko's avatar

nope, just TV trickery

iwamoto's avatar

what i want to know, did you seriously believe it was possible, or that anyone would say “yeah, i think it’s true” ?

fluther is a place of intellect, it’s not some high school forum..

gailcalled's avatar

@all; do check out gata’s other questions. S/He either is sniffing glue or trying to irritate.

gatablanca's avatar

I believe he can turn on a light bulb- because he’s using energy.

poofandmook's avatar

@iwamoto: Thank you.

gatablanca's avatar

what happened to your picture iwamoto——UGLY

poofandmook's avatar

lol um, WOW that was childish and petty.

ebenezer's avatar

He can levitate but only a couple centimeters~ It’s not easy…

syz's avatar

Illusion, of course.

syz (35958points)“Great Answer” (0points)
iwamoto's avatar

well getablanca, i’m glad that after a week you finally learned how to use the crop tool, although that badly edited picture matched perfectly with you childish behavior

but please, i want you to sit down for a minute and think of a good insult, and please don’t just say “yeah, your mom was sitting down too…. on my lap” i want an intelligent insult

dragonflyfaith's avatar

I think if he could it would be fussed over in the media rather than just a random stunt on his show. Penn and Teller’s Bullsh*t has covered tricks like that before.

PupnTaco's avatar

I can levitate, but only certain parts.

gailcalled's avatar

PnT; more than one? I’ll be right over.

Comedian's avatar

the only way to truely levitate is if you are possessed

poofandmook's avatar

…There’s really no way to respond nicely to that, Comedian. Truthfully. like iwamoto said, this isn’t high school.

Comedian's avatar

why are you so mean to me. I’m just trying to answer a question. you don’t always have to respond you know.

poofandmook's avatar

Have I responded to you, before, Comedian?

gailcalled's avatar

I am usually possessed by bad spelling but can say that I have truly levitated over it, yet. But I still have hopes. (And I am pointing the finger at no one specifically, please note.)

Comedian's avatar

I don’t want to get into this. let’s drop it shall we poof you and I stop?

poofandmook's avatar

What is it you don’t want to get into? I don’t remember responding to you before. This would be the first interaction with you. Unless, of course, this isn’t your only username.

Comedian's avatar

this is my only usar name. please lets not fight ok?

Seesul's avatar

iwa, I, for one, like your new icon, and the “big sisters” here won’t let anyone harass you, you’re too valuable to the collective.

gailcalled's avatar

and I also, like the new iconm now that I have learned – thanks to robmantu – how to enlarge the thumbnail

PupnTaco's avatar

@gail: I LOLed (as they say on the interwebs).

Hobbes's avatar

The funny thing about these so-called “magicians”, is that they never even claim to do anything incredible and obviously impossible, something that shatters the laws of physics and is impossible to fake. Cris Angel never “levitates” miles off the ground, only a foot or so into the air. Interesting, isn’t it, how not a single one of these people supposedly imbued with special powers ever do anything with them besides turning on light-bulbs and floating inches off the ground. If he really has enough power to levitate, why not fly? Why not throw fireballs around? Why just do lame parlor tricks?

Of course, maybe he doesn’t really have the power to levitate and is creating an elaborate illusion, like every other magician who has done something “impossible”. That’s always a possibility.

PupnTaco's avatar

The Amazing Randi is my hero on matters such as these.

sndfreQ's avatar

In a word: editing. You need to look at the way the sequence of images is edited, so as to not show the full “master” shot of the audience and the performer. I noticed this last night watching Cris do the “walking on water” routine; never were the images of his feet together with the crowd passing hands through them, or walking by; same goes for David Blaine with the levitation; they show a very specific angle that excludes the spectators, then cut to them for a reaction (versus panning over to them). Very easy to manipulate in the editing process…

poofandmook's avatar

@snd: But people actually do go to these shows… David Copperfield does a thing in Vegas, doesn’t he? What do they do without the editing then?

@Hobbes: David Copperfield did fly ;)

iwamoto's avatar

david flew with 2 thin nylon cords around his waste….

poofandmook's avatar

I’m not saying I believe the guy can fly, but I don’t pretend to have the slightest clue that I know how any of it is done. What about when he flew through the two hoops spinning in opposite directions? Where did the cords go?

iwamoto's avatar

i remember they showed how he did it on tv, damn i forgot how exactly, but i know it’s the 2 cords for sure…

gatablanca's avatar

What can you levetate popin taco???

iwamoto's avatar

i think me and dave know the same trick, when i had a shower with my ex i would always show her how i could levitate a towel… look, no hands…awesome stuff

poofandmook's avatar

@gatablanca: You have got to be kidding.

demogear's avatar

Here’s an image of that magic trick

gatablanca's avatar

however he does it, I think it’s very interesting

gatablanca's avatar

cris angel rocks

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