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PixieGirl98's avatar

Has he become uninterested?

Asked by PixieGirl98 (74points) July 1st, 2016
22 responses
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So this guy I had been talking with asked me out. He kept wondering if I was free this weekend, but I said no because of work and the holiday, but told him I was free this Thursday. He told me he’ll let me know if he can and it’s been a few hours since then. I feel like he has suddenly become uninterested, or am I just overthinking things? I mean, it seemed like he really wanted to and now all of the sudden there’s just nothing. I’m just getting a bit tired of guys flaking on me for no reason.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

A few hours? That’s nothing.

PixieGirl98's avatar

@Darth_Algar Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m just psyching myself out.

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ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

A few hours is over reacting. Give the endorphins time to die down and then relax a little.

Haleth's avatar

A few hours is a very short amount of time. It’s easy to get hung up on a new guy and hover around your phone waiting to hear back from them.

This isn’t easy, but try to treat it as if he’s a new female friend you just met. You don’t know each other that well yet, but your new friend seems fun and wants to hang out. If you didn’t hear from a new friend for a few hours, how would you feel about it? How about one day, or a few days?

This is about how much emotion you should invest into a new date. Again, it’s REALLY hard to see things like this, because you get the butterflies and it’s really easy to imagine how it could be the start of an amazing new relationship. But this new connection is just getting off the ground right now.

Sometimes I catch myself doing that hovering around the phone, waiting for a text thing over a guy. When that happens, I try to remember things that are really important and make me happy, like spending time on a favorite hobby or calling a friend or family member.

Good luck with your date!

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gorillapaws's avatar

If you haven’t heard from him by around 6–7pm Monday, give him a call and see if he’s up for doing something on Thursday. Be sure to call instead of text because that leads to ambiguity/confusion when you’re trying to figure out what’s what.

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Sunshinegirl11's avatar

It’s easy to over think things when you like someone. And I think you might be over thinking this a bit:) Happens to me all of the time!!

He could be driving, he could be trying to figure out his schedule, maybe he is with family and doesn’t want to be rude by being on his phone, maybe he is working, maybe he’s really into his video game, maybe he’s watching a long movie… You get the point, there’s an endless list of things he could be doing.

Now if in a week you don’t hear back, then maybe he lost interest. But a couple of hours? That’s nothing!

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jca's avatar

It might also be that he’s at work and can’t look at his phone. Relax. Please let us know if you will, what ends up happening. Good luck!

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
chyna's avatar

@PixieGirl98 I see you aren’t really a newbie, that you have been here since February, but welcome to Fluther.
No matter what your age, we all still get anxious over first dates or dating in general. I have been in your shoes, waiting by the phone for a call. If you can do something today that will keep you busy so you aren’t looking at your phone every few minutes it will make the time go by and keep your mind off of what he is doing.
Good luck and let us know what happens.

imrainmaker's avatar

So any updates on this guy… it’s been 15 hours already..))

PixieGirl98's avatar

Thank you to everyone who answered—it was all very helpful. As of now, he still hasn’t responded. I’m just going to keep waiting it out and keep myself busy, as he would message me if he really wanted to go, without my own intervention. Again, thank you guys!

stanleybmanly's avatar

These sorts of questions give me a fit. For the love of God, will someone please explain to me why otherwise smart and capable women torment themselves like this, when the obvious solution is to confront the bum and get the answers directly. You’re a fool to sit around pining after some man. Track him down and pounce before some bimbo does and walks away with your prize.

PixieGirl98's avatar

@stanleybmanly For me, it’s because many men view assertive women as “crazy”, especially if they don’t know them well. That’s not to say that’s how all men see women. It won’t matter if I get an answer from him or not. If he doesn’t answer back, I know he wasn’t interested enough in me, which saves me the problem of dealing with a guy who isn’t exactly into me. If he answers, then we go from there.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’ll tell you a secret imparted to me by a girl 2 years older than myself when I was 18. “Men don’t know what they want. The average man can’t tell the difference between a terrific woman and a bowling pin. It’s up to me to TELL them what they want.” Any man who views an assertive woman as crazy these days DOES NOT DESERVE your attention & you might as well begin sorting them out.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Careful, however, that one does not confuse being clingy for assertiveness.

gorillapaws's avatar

@PixieGirl98 “For me, it’s because many men view assertive women as “crazy”, especially if they don’t know them well.”

If a guy is going to give you grief for trying to hang out or making the first move, then you know he’s a tool and should move on. It’s one thing if the lady is blowing you up with dozens of messages, but it’s 2016, there’s nothing wrong with a woman calling a guy to hang out. If the guy thinks there is, then he’s done you the favor of letting you know he’s not worth your time.

Did you ever end up getting in touch with him?

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