@Dutchess_III I lay the responsibility for our next president on the doorstep of the DNC and Clinton supporters, and their allies the mainstream media and megacorporate donors. Sanders consistently polled as defeating Trump. In forcing Clinton to be the Democratic nominee in various lame ways, they also alienated most of the Sanders supporters, to prop up a weaker and all-around inferior candidate.
As for their “critical thinking skills”, I’d say people who suspect Clinton of various awful things are less gullible than ones who think she’s innocent and won the primary fairly. One mistake that organized deception makes (whether it is the corporate news media, corporate politicians, or corporate paid Internet trolls), is that when you lie enough you get caught, and then no one believes you. It’s the boy who cried Wolf Blitzer. When the best news coverage comes from comedians, and they and our best academics are also telling us that the USA has become an oligarchy and that the primary election was rigged, why not also believe that the Clintons have been responsible for the people who have died all around them, who were about to testify against them, etc etc. There are plenty of true enough stories that show we shouldn’t elect her president. I’m more worried about the critical thinking skills of whatever so-called-Democrats favored her over Sanders, in the face of her connections to Monsanto, Wal Mart, fracking, private prisons, etc etc.