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imrainmaker's avatar

Is there any movie that you think should have a sequel?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) July 18th, 2016
26 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Name such a movie and reason for it. Also is there any movie that you think could have been better without a sequel?

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Dutchess_III's avatar

I think the Die Hard sequels were over kill. (ha ha!) Also, Jurassic Park and Jaws.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Dutchess. Die hard 2 and 3 were awesome. The 4th was the closest I’ve been to a religious person being offended by a blasphemer. I didnt make it past the part where they brought down the helicopter with a car.

McLain was always a tough guy, who through resourcefulness and determination would triumph over terrorism. When they started making it like the Matrix, they killed the franchise.

Don’t even get me started on Indiana Jones 4, the crystal skull whatever…...Sacrilege…..

chyna's avatar

Dirty Dancing should never have had a sequel. I think it went straight to DVD and was a dud.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t even know it had a sequel!

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s a rare thing for a sequel to live up to a top notch forerunner. The second Godfather is certainly the exception to the rule, as is the The Empire Strikes Back, but all in all, I brace myself for disappointment at announcement of a sequel.

Seek's avatar

The only thing worse than a sequel is a reboot.

Naturally, all things have their exceptions.

I know I was one of about four people that actually liked the live-action Super Mario Bros. Movie, but the end set the scene for a sequel that had Princess Daisy actually fighting instead of being just trapped in Trump—I mean, Koopa Tower. As a little girl I waited and waited for that sequel and it just never happened.

ucme's avatar

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior…best sequel ever, end of
A film i’d love to see a quality, genuine sequel to is The Italian Job (1968) original, because I have a hell of a theory on what happened to the gold & how to retrieve it

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’m going to see @Seek‘s reboots and raise remakes. Particularly foreign language films remade in English because Hollywood suits think English speakers can’t be bothered to read subtitles and 70’s horror movies remade shot for shot by people who can’t tell the difference between torture porn and horror.

As for the question – I wouldn’t mind a Simpsons movies sequel. Maybe…

Seek's avatar

^ uuugh, yes. I hate remakes, in most cases.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The only good one I can think of is John Carpenters The Thing (1982) which was a remake of The Thing from Another World (1951).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can think of one sequel that was better than the original, and that’s “Bad Boys II” Unusually sequels lack the imagination and power in the first one. It’s like a throw away movie, riding on the success of the first, just to get pocket change for the producers.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Roger Rabbit.

flutherother's avatar

Ex Machina which ended with an intelligent humanoid robot killing its creator and, as cool as a cucumber, escaping into the world.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I really wish they would make the third chapter of Chinatown (1974) before Jack Nicholson gets too old to slather with pancake makeup and prop up in front of the cameras. Robert Towne’s script, Cloverleaf, was written as the third part of the Chinatown saga back in the 70s when he wrote Chinatown and The Two Jakes. Roman Polanski is still around to direct, Nicholson is good enough to make us believe he’s like twenty years younger (or maybe they could tweak the script a little), and Jerry Goldman is even still around to give us a great 1950’s score.

Chinatown was the story of slightly slimy private eye J.J. “Jake” Gittes, a murder, political corruption, an affair in L.A. in the late 30’s. The Two Jakes (1990) was the sequel with many of the same actors and the continuation of the story set in LA ten years later in the late 40’s after Gittes did a stint in the USMC during WWII. These two films, seen together in sequence, were works of art—beautiful neo-noir cinematography, perfect Art Deco sets, rehabbed LA locations, period clothing and cars—all first class, the best American neo-noir ever made—one of the best films ever made, period. Cloverleaf is the continuation of the story set in late 50’s LA when they built the freeways, crammed the Valley with cookie-cutter homes and pools; the era of excess reflected in idols like Turner, Monroe and Mansfield, scandals and cover-ups. Ripe for an old P.I. like Jake.

I swear, if I were a billionaire, one of the few crazy extravagances I would indulge would be to pay whatever it takes to make this film, give these guys an offer they can’t refuse and finally finish this story properly. It drives me crazy that the only reason this hasn’t been done is because none of these crazy bastards can get along and be in the same room together long enough to get it done.

Zaku's avatar

It really depends on how good the sequel is. Unfortunately, there are so many films I dislike, and the odds for sequels being good seems so low. For instance, I’m glad The French Connection had a sequel, except I thought it was a much worse film.

I wish films I dislike would not have sequels… especially ones where someone has made a reboot of something I used to like, like J J Abrams doing Star Trek & Star Wars films, or the Alien films after Aliens (a good sequel followed by others I can’t stand).

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Blade runner needed one but it’s too late now.

Highlander did not need one..

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’d like to see Dinner at Eight remade in the same period (1933) set in the Art Deco society penthouses of NYC. Over-the-top sets and thirties clothing, only with today’s actors and color. It’s a great comedy that still stands up and could be even funnier now with the visual freedoms allowed Hollywood film making. The sharp humor of this script is still hilarious, especially the lines as delivered by Marie Dressler (Carlotta Vance) and Jean Harlow (Kitty Packard), and should be preserved. It would be a great film comedy. It might even be funnier to film it as a movie about making Dinner at Eight back in ‘33.

Marie Dressler basically played herself as an aging former Broadway superstar comfortable with her loss of youth, now wise and worldly. Out of the spotlight, Jean Harlow couldn’t stand her acting partner Wallace Beery’s bad breath, sweaty hands and lecherous advances. The rest of the cast thought Harlow was just an amateur, a tourist, some production exec’s girlfriend, and they shunned her—except Dressler, a trooper since she was in traveling shows at ten, who during production took Harlow under her wing and mentored her through her first movie role. And poor John Barrymore who, in real life at the time, was on the downside of his long acting career, drowning in alcoholism and had to have his lines read to him—exactly like the character he played. A film inclusive of all the set rivalries, glimpses at the private lives of the actors, and the original film too. That would make a great tragi-comedy.

imrainmaker's avatar

What about popular ones in recent times..lord of the rings / Harry you like them all?

Seek's avatar

@imrainmaker – Those are both based on books, and all of the books in each series have already been made into films.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The Lord of the Rings isn’t a trilogy it’s a single book published in three parts, so the 2nd and 3rd films aren’t really sequels. Harry Potter to a lesser extent is a single story over many parts so again I wouldn’t really classify the films as sequels.

A sequel takes the story and charcacters from something and expands upon it. The problem with most Hollywood produced sequels is that that expansion usually turns out to be nothing more than retreading the same story with bigger stunts and more special effects. There are very few that genuinely add something to the experience of the first work (obviously there are exceptions). Blade Runner (for example) is a masterpiece but I wonder if it would be so fondly remembered if there’d be a string of dodgy sequels.

Kardamom's avatar

@Lightlyseared I loved both of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movies, the Swedish version, and the English version. The casting and acting was top notch in both, but I think the British remake wins out only because I thought the scenery was better. It was all gray and windy and cold and snowy, like I think Sweden would be. The Swedish version had a lot of generic “downtown” cityscapes that could have been in Sweden, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit or pretty much anywhere. It didn’t suggest Sweden to me. Other than that, I thought they were both equally good.

I thought the American version of Shall We Dance, was a pretty nice movie of its own accord, as a stand alone movie. I preferred the Japanese version, mostly because I thought the lead star was very cute. I liked both movies, but not in comparison to each other.

I would like to see a 30 second sequel to Lost in Translation so I can know for sure what Bill Murray whispered to Scarlett Johansson. I know what I wish and think he said, but I’d like to know what the film makers actually had in mind. I loved that movie.

The Dirty Dancing “sequel” didn’t even have anything to do with the original cast or story. It blew.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas. Not exactly sure what I would want the story to be, but Jack and Sally were so romantic, the music was so good, the story was so good. I just want more. Maybe they meet up with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and that whole gang, only it’s dark.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m never reallg into sequels. I find that sequels usually ruin the original movies for me. To me a movie isn’t a good material for more story and character development. A movie already sets a complete story with completely developed characters, and when it ends everything is supposed to be resolved. Therefore I don’t see the point in more sequels except for stories that still have a lot of potential for more development. The sequels will try to hard to find something for the plot and it will end up horrible. Not to mention people have a tendency to compare.

I’m not really oppose to sequels though, but to me a triology is enough. More sequels and it’s going to look ridiculous. If you want more story and character development, how about turning it into a TV series?

imrainmaker's avatar

@seek – bad. Which one you liked or movie?

Seek's avatar

The book is very nearly always better, with very few exceptions.

Game of Thrones, for instance, is better on screen than paper. It even became about a thousand times better after they kicked the author off the writing team.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would have loved to see a sequel to Bladerunner, but I am kinda glad less someone messed it up, as they surely would have done. A.I. Artificial Intelligence would be another I would have loved to see a sequel to, I don’t know how they would have carried it on thought. Themla and Louise would have been another I would have like to see one more movie of.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

I would answer this in a general sense. Any movie where there is continuing story…Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc., should have subsequent sequels made. However, stories in and of themselves should NOT have sequels made just because we may not be happy with how they ended, For example, Gone With the Wind. Years later, there was some sort of sequel done with Rhett Butler’s character, and though I would have nothing ot it, I think that some stories, even with tragic endings, should be let be.

Maybe it’s our mentality as a society that everything has to come out neat, orderly and happy at the end that makes us want to take a story and do a “what if” with it, when often it is that sad, and realistic, ending that more closely mirrors life itself. If anyone here has ever read Thomas Hardy, you know how many of his novels are tragic and heart wrenching…and yet, would they really be improved upon if a sequel had been written where everything turns out right in the end?

Sorry, I know this is a social question, and I am taking this question much too seriously, but it really prompted the above thoughts in me.

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