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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[NSFW] Would women sexually abuse men as much as men have women over history if women had an equalizer?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) August 5th, 2016
20 responses
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In another thread something was said that made me think the only reason why historically women are on the short end of a sexual assault is they are pound for pound physically weaker than men. What if women had an equalizer, say a powerful narcotic or neurotoxin they can produce at will in their saliva, so that if they wanted the can release it on a man during a kiss and incapacitate him, would women rape men equal to the point men have raped women over history, or even with such a tool, at their disposal they would scarcely use it?

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Unofficial_Member's avatar

You are implying that women will more likely to rape men if they have equal strength. It’s not needed for women to have equal/stronger power to sexually abuse men, they can just be smart and use a plot to incapacitate a man to abuse him. If a woman tries to incapacitate a man using your saliva method for her own sexual satisfaction you will most likely find that the man won’t get ‘hard’ to satisfy her.

It won’t make a difference as there are laws that prevent sexual abuse and women have stayed as the minorty of sexual abuser compared to men throughout the time.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power @HC. In my experience, women are not as aggressive as men and they don’t exert power in the same way some men do. I’m not saying women won’t use and abuse their power, because some do, but I can’t see women being driven to rape to feel powerful and in control.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power @HC.
Where does gratifying his sexual urge has to do with just power? He could just beat her down like a tent stake, or torture her for a few hours and leave her bruised and bleeding without ever removing a stich of clothes if it were totally about power and had no footing in sexual gratification.

flutherother's avatar

HC For whatever reason I don’t think many women have any inclination to rape men. A woman’s kiss is stimulating rather than incapacitating and I think most of us prefer it that way.

kritiper's avatar

The only equalizer would be if women craved sex the way men do.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Quick answer: YES, women would.

Longer answer: Women are (can be) just as nasty as men.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s a small minority of men who are abusers. It’s reasonable to assume it is a minority of women who would do the same.
It’s hard not to notice though on average that abusive men tend use physical means and abusive women tend use psychological means to feel powerfull. It is usually about power. Generally speaking the need for that power always seems to stem from some sort of deep seated insecurity.
Then there is that 1–2% of the population who are just sociopathic and use abuse as a means to an end.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ever heard of the Date Rape Drug? They could just use that. So there’s your equalizer. So why is that used almost exclusively by men to drug women and abuse or rape them? Why not the other way around? You already know the answer to that.
I thought you were going to take a cold shower, dude.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Why not the other way around? You already know the answer to that.
If I have to go off just that extrapolation of evidence I would have to conclude the standard scuttlebutt that women are not as sexual as men and more chaste less those who are wanton women sleeping with anything with a pulse just about. We want to start there?

Mariah's avatar

^ That’s not the only conclusion you could draw. As @Earthbound_Misfit said, rape is about power more than it is about sex.

Kardamom's avatar

No. They have no reason to.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You do know about women, @Hypocrisy_Central, don’t you? I assumed you did, which is why I said, “You already know the answer.” But maybe you don’t. Maybe you have no first hand experience? Or does everything you know about women comes from the internet?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Maybe you have no first hand experience? Or does everything you know about women comes from the internet?
I use any and all resources, I do not rely on my own experiences alone because I have not dated or had any relationships with all possible types of women there are. I have observed some relationships that never fit the classic design but work, and others that should have work, never work, and those that worked until they got married and forgot what they ad and started to feel trapped more than building a larger and more beautiful union.

LornaLove's avatar

Women have been sexually abusing both other women and males for centuries. They are lesser in numbers however and most of this is attributed to socialization in gender roles. As well as the ability to hide their crimes. For example, a woman abusing a child might appear more nurturing, kindly etc., leading the child to assume that nothing really bad happened.

There has also been a suggestion that men placed in power for example abused that power and now women do to. Like teachers for example.

So, one can conclude that they do not need a special drug to sexual abuse other people, instead they just do it anyway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well HC, it all averages out you see.

@LornaLove Abuse by women is more psychological. That’s not to downplay the power of psychotic abuse, but it doesn’t come into play in a stranger rape situation, where all the shit goes down in a matter of minutes, by sheer brute force. And if a woman is somehow “into” raping men, chances are that she, herself, was abused in someway by a man with sheer brute power over her.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ And if a woman is somehow “into” raping men, chances are that she, herself, was abused in someway by a man with sheer brute power over her.
I would say that is not the absolute, not all women who go into prostitution, the skin trade or who might be into sexually abusing men have been abused themselves. Of course a woman into abusing men will bill herself as a madam and may even get guys to pay her to abuse them.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Seems like it’s every other week some female teacher is getting caught messing around with teenage boys. Abuse from females on males is not an insignificant number.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, @ARE_you_kidding_me, when you were in school how many female teachers had a rep for being “pervy.”? How many came on to you? I had two male teachers, one in middle school and one in high school, who not only had the rep, but came on to the girls, including me. Of course, in those days everyone looked the other way. “Boys will be boys. Ha ha.”

The female teachers are certainly making the news lately. Especially since that one female teacher abused one of her students and wound up marrying him. It’s far more interesting to hear of a female teacher abusing a 17 or 18 year old boy, than it is to hear of yet another male teacher doing the same old thing.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The numbers are not insignificant though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No number is insignificant. I’m just saying the media is much more likely to latch onto a woman abuser than a male, because it’s quite unusual, comparatively.
Actually, I did have a teacher in HS who got into an “affair” with one of her male students. He was a senior. She was fresh out of teacher school. I remember all the girls gathered around her desk as she gushed over “Jesse.” She said she’d been at a party with him and had stormed off, upstairs because she was mad. She said he came after her and she yelled, “What do you want???!!!”
He said, “I want you, baby. For the rest of my life!”
All the girls said, “Oooohhh!! ♥♥♥”
I remember thinking, “This is very, very strange,” and walked away.
Actually, we were discussing that on my high school fb page recently. I don’t remember what ever came of them.

We also discussed the perv male HS teacher. All the girls agreed he gave them the creeps.

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