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jholler's avatar

Judaism question...

Asked by jholler (2389points) July 31st, 2008
29 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

If Jews don’t believe Christ was the Messiah and that His blood was the sacrifice for our redemption, why don’t they still sacrifice animals for redemption?

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La_chica_gomela's avatar

Jews stopped sacrificing animals with the destruction of the second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. The 1st century rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai taught that “acts of loving-kindness superseded sacrifices as the preferred way of attaining God’s forgiveness. In addition to deeds of loving-kindness, the Talmud later taught that ‘studying Torah is a greater act than bringing daily sacrifices (Megillah 3b)’ ”

(Quote and info from Jewish Literacy by Rabbi Telushkin)

In addition, Jews pray for redemption for sins committed against God on the Holy day of Yom Kippur.

trumi's avatar

+ Why don’t I dress like a pirate daily?

Its just not practical.

aaronou's avatar

Ya, no temple = no sacrifice. Even the first destruction of the Temple and the exile caused some to begin to look for other means of pleasing God. This is where the pharisaical (Pharisee) tradition came in and allowed for a vast number of specific legates that had to be followed. Thus, following “the law” (not just the Ten Commandments) became the substitute for sacrifice in a way. In the long run, with more and more Jews scattered about throught the world, it simply was not practical for everyone to come to Jerusalem and offer their sacrifices.

jholler's avatar

Great answers, thanks! As a Christian, I still believe the Jews have “missed the boat” so to speak, but that’s not for me to decide, I reckon.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yes. You’re right. It’s not for you to decide.

AstroChuck's avatar

Some of the things people write here…
I just don’t know.

ebenezer's avatar

What boat?

tinyfaery's avatar

The ark I guess.

tinyfaery's avatar

In Judaism the messiah is supposed to bring god’s kingdom to earth; when the messiah comes the world will be a heaven. As far as I can see, this has yet to happen. For Jews, Jesus is not the messiah. I see their point.

AstroChuck's avatar

tinyfaery- Now when I see your new avatar I can’t get that damn electronic music ffrom playing in my head.

Seesul's avatar

(and thanks for the intelligent, clear lesson, folks. Well done!)

tinyfaery's avatar

@ac I went to California Adventure on Sunday. The park sucks, but the Electric Light Parade was so awesome; it brought back such memories. Look for new avatars with pics from my day.

wildflower's avatar

Hope you do at least make the effort on 19th of September…..

jholler's avatar

Thanks for the excellent answers. As far as my “boat” comment, as a Christian, I believe Jesus when He said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”. The Jews historically and theologically have been God’s “chosen people,” and yet they do not believe in the salvation He sent for them. I believe God favors them, but that they “missed the boat” on salvation. Thankfully, like I said, whether or not someone is saved is not my decision. I believe I am right…that’s what faith is. One of these days I’ll see for sure.

AstroChuck's avatar

jholler- When it comes to tact and humility, I think you’ve missed he boat.

trumi's avatar


lapilofu's avatar

Other people have answered this question perfectly, but I think it bears noting that theoretically, were the temple to be rebuilt tomorrow, Judaism would demand that we sacrifice again. Whether or not we would actually do it (nevermind whether or not the temple will ever be rebuilt) remains up to debate.

However, it’s interesting to note that there are still religions that animal sacrifice is a part of. Muslims, I believe, still practice animal sacrifice. It’s not so unusual. In fact, I would suggest that part of our immediate negative response to the idea of sacrifice has a lot to do with the recent distance society and the meat industry have put between the killing of animals and their appearance on our dinner plate.

If we were still raised, or slaughtered our own livestock for food, then a ritual sacrifice might not seem so strange. Particularly if the sacrifice is then used as food.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Actually, lailofu, while Orthodox Jews do still pray for the restoration of the Temple of sacrifices, and perhaps some would call for the reinstatement of sacrifices, one of the greatest Jewish thinkers of all time, Maimonides, who compiled the Mishneh Torah, wrote that (in summary by of Rabbi Telushkin) “sacrifices were ordained in the Bible as a concession to the religious need s of a more primitive age, and implied that (in the future) they would not be reinstituted” (same source as above).

It seems that Maimonides rejected the idea of ritual sacrifice well before recent events of the meat industry since he lived in the 12th century.

jholler's avatar

I do believe we still make sacrifices today, just not by slaughtering livestock. When the church asks for a tithe,or when you volunteer your time to teach vacation bible school, you are sacrificing what holds value for you, money and time. In Jesus’ time, livestock and land were what held value. @astrochuck, does tact demand I compromise what I believe to placate political correctness? If so, then yes sir, I have missed that boat.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

jholler, Jews also donate money and time to synogogues, but we do not think of it as a sacrifice. We think of that as fulfilling God’s commandments, God’s mitzvot. It is our duty.

Before, you were talking about Jesus’s blood as “the sacrifice for our redemption”. Is donating your time and money to your church supposed to redeem you for your sins also? I don’t understand the connection.

I think the point Astrochuck made is worthwhile. No one wants to tell you what to believe. I have full respect for your right to believe whatever you want, even if it’s about me. But you basically said you think we’re going to hell. If I thought you were going to hell (which I don’t) I probably would chose not to share that opinion with you, out of politeness and tact.

jholler's avatar

I didn’t mean to sound like I was equating Jesus’ blood with VBS volunteering, but I guess it did come out that way. I was only exploring a correlary between sacrifice then and now. I do respect your right to believe what you choose, but what kind of Christian would I be if I didn’t try to convince you of what I believe to be the truth? “Go ye therefore into all nations….”

AstroChuck's avatar

@jholler- No one here told you that you had to compromise your beliefs. But you can stand on your soapbox and declare your faith to the world without insulting others beliefs. You know damn well how antisemetic your question and comments are. You can play innocent all you want. I don’t buy it for an instant.

jholler's avatar

buy what you want, I’m not here to impress you, and I’m not antisemitic, I’m curious. If you can’t explain your faith, maybe having it questioned will help you to strengthen it. Maybe someone else will learn something from hearing you explain it. I don’t have to believe in Judaism to learn about it, and I don’t have to pretend to believe it’s right when it contradicts the most basic premise of MY religion. If I see you walking down a path I believe to be false, would it not be irresponsible of me to pretend it’s ok just so I don’t offend you?

tinyfaery's avatar

What gives you the right to shove your religion down other people’s throat? Just let us sinners go to hell and back off.

AstroChuck's avatar


jholler's avatar

my faith gives me the obligation to try. Do you believe in Jesus?

tinyfaery's avatar

To try to impose yourself upon others? When did jesus preach that?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

No, kidding, Tiny!
jholler, I appreciate that this was a legitimate question, and I did not take it as antisemitic in the first place, egocentric and maybe a little ignorant, but not hateful. However, the more you try to proselytize, the more I want to have nothing to do with you. I think the rest of us feel the same way. No one wants to be proselytized, and this is very much not the place to do it. Your question has been answered, now please move on to some other topic.

jholler's avatar

Matthew 28:18–20

I understand. Opinions are good as long as you’re willing to compromise them to avoid offending anyone. Understand that I can believe you are wrong without hating you. You believe I am wrong, you’ve said so, and I’m not offended. Next.

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