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SmashTheState's avatar

Why don't people who "correct" my scientific knowledge admit their mistake?

Recently, someone on Fluther posted an “actually…” where he told me what I had stated about a subject was entirely wrong. I spent a half-hour or so looking up citations from peer-reviewed science journals which supported my initial claims. The response? Silence.

This has been going on for decades. I read a lot of science and follow Discover, Nature, SciAm, the NEJM, the Lancet, and a few other publications. I have an especial interest in “fringe” science, where the interesting stuff is most often found. Because of my knowledge of a lot of esoteric science, I’m confronted by a lot of “actually…“s from people who think I’m an idiot. I usually let it pass, but sometimes it annoys me enough to go and hunt down proper citations. And in all the years I’ve been doing this no one has ever said, “My bad, you were right.” Not once.

One of my most vivid memories of this happened on DALnet #Atheism, which is full of naive materialists who worship science, where I was regarded as a “pomo” crackpot. (“Pomo” is pejorative slang for “postmodern,” used by hardcore materialists as an insult for anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs.) One day in particular, I mentioned anti-entropic matter, pondering what physical properties it would possess. They mocked me for over an hour, telling me anti-entropic matter is “pseudo-science” or can’t exist, or I’ve clearly misunderstood something because I’m too dumb to grok it. I eventually became annoyed enough to spend 40 minutes looking up the paper on computer modelling of anti-entropic matter which I had initially read about – on the website of the American Physical Society – and presented it triumphantly to the people who had been mocking me… and was completely ignored.

I really don’t get it. People who are so quick to call me an idiot who doesn’t possess their (low) level of scientific knowledge are completely uninterested when I prove that I’m not stupid or lying, and was in fact perfectly correct. What gives?

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