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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Can we give it up to Hillary for being an example to her colleagues by being a gracious loser and attending the inauguration?

While many other Democratic lawmakers were boycotting the inauguration to suck lemons or eat sour grapes, Hillary and Bill attended as well as some other DNC legislators. If anyone had reason to stay home and sulk, or be out protesting it would be her, but she took the high road and was there in attendance, behaving with graciousness and humility. Will the liberals and DNC give her kudos for that? If people want to focus of the “WE” in POTUS Trump’s speech, isn’t it somewhat disingenuous not to support who was elected even if you cared to have someone different? Why not take the stance Clinton has and say I am not going to hold a grudge, let’s move forward even if not arm in arm?

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