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cazzie's avatar

When you purchase a business as a going concern, what documents and things would you expect to have turned over?

Accounting documents, of course, but what about past and ongoing correspondence with customers, vendors, suppliers? Is it normal to receive nothing but an email account that has been completely deleted of content? What about access to marketing efforts the company previously invested in? Logo? Furniture and shop fittings?
I was one third of the previous ownership, but the other ⅔ shut me out over a year ago (pushed me and my products out of the shop and took my key) and have been obstructionist and hostile recently during this buy-out period because after they kicked me out, the shop only lasted another 3 months. It isn’t that big a deal, but more like a principal involved here.
I’m seeing a lawyer on Friday about this, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this sort of thing.

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