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NomoreY_A's avatar

Are Republicans trying to have thier immigrant cake, and eat it too?

Asked by NomoreY_A (5546points) August 3rd, 2017
15 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I was just reading an article, about how some of their constituents, largely farmers, are having second thoughts about Trump/Republican anti-immigrant policies. It’s beginning to dawn on a few of them, that this could have a negative effect on their “work force”, read cheap illegal immigrant farm labor. Can’t speak for the rest of you peeps, but I am ROTFLMAO with this.

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zenvelo's avatar

An issue we have been aware of in California for years. Central valley farmers can’t get enough workers to harvest crops.

It’s a laugh until you pay $5 for a tomato.

josie's avatar

It’s beginning to dawn on them?

As if these mega farmers were so hopelessly stupid, with no business sense whatsoever, doomed to drag their knuckles on the dry earth until they die penniless even though many of them are millionaires, but they are just so fucking stupid (for no other reason than they are Republicans, not withstanding that the Obama phone lady was a Democrat and truly is stupid, but who cares) that they they didn’t think about it before the election but merely twitched there way through the voting machine.
I appreciate you don’t like the president. I don’t either.
But seriously…

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have to wonder how many of these hick-republican farmers you speak of are actually democrats. Many of the farmers in the heartland are not exactly right wing. Don’t forget about the union members who voted Trump. They’re mostly democrats too. Also don’t forget that these are illegal immigration policies. Don’t like it? Change the laws. I want them changed, what we have on the books now makes no sense but…better sense than you’re making.

NomoreY_A's avatar

But, it makes perfect sense to whine and complain about immigrants and the need for a wall, (which they will only go under, over, or thru anyway) all the while you are hiring a gadzillion of them for your construction projects or farm labor needs. Yeah, it’s all so clear to me now.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Most conservatives are laughing at the wall too since you obviously don’t realize.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The United States Chamber of Commerce is an organization weighted heavily with Republican business owners. They have been lobbying for more lenient immigration policy due to the cost and lack of availability of domestic farm labor since at least the time of FDR.

The Republicans have been for a more stringent immigration policy since their party’s beginnings in the late 1850s.

Go figure.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Back and fourth like a damned yoyo. Go figure is right. Gotta love a coherent policy. @Espiritus_Corvus

cheebdragon's avatar

Sounds like a Huffington Post article.

Do you truly believe that people who would vote for trump because he promised to deport illegal immigrants are the same kind of people who would hire illegal immigrants in the first place? Really?~

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


LOL. I do.

California Farmers backed Trump but now fear losing field workers

Republicans who hire illegal immigrant labor is evidently quite common, starting with Trump himself:

Trump’s Labor Department pick admits to hiring illegal immigrant

What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

Trump’s Labor Dept. pick admits to employing undocumented worker

Top 6 Anti-immigrant Activists Caught Using Illegal Immigrant Labor

There’s a lot more where that came from. All you have to do is google “Top Republican charged with hiring illegal immigrant labor”.

NomoreY_A's avatar

No end to the hypocrisy of these people. Bottom line, $$$$. That’s who they are, that’s what they’re about, that’s where they’re coming from.

JLeslie's avatar

Who really knows what people are thinking unless you talk to them yourself. When Obama was president the company I used to put in my yard irrigation system complained that his staff was going back to Mexico and that under Obama a lot of people were being deported. This was hard on this guy, he needed the labor. It also meant to me the Mexicans likely were working illegally. Gotcha. I lived in a very red area, so I’m guessing these owners and managers were Republicans. I think most Trump supporters who wanted to “build the wall” aren’t business owners employing people from Latin America. They still might have supported Trump for other reasons.

Changing policy for letting people in legally, may not change much regarding the people here illegally working on farms.

Honestly, it all sounds like bullshit regarding building the wall. Playing to the crowd, Trump is brilliant at that. He was just in WV and brought up Hillary’s emails agains. Seriously? The crowd ate it up.

I guess he is talking about favoring immigrants who speak English and bring some investment of wealth into the county. The language thing is ridiculous in my opinion. The investment, we do that already to some extent, other countries do it more.

I do questions: do we have enough people to work the jobs many illegals do now? I think we probably do, but it will be difficult during the transition time. Or, maybe we don’t and we need to increase legal immigration for those jobs.

People need to decide on the goal, and then work towards it. If the goal is to get rid of illegals so legal people have more jobs, then I’d like to see all the applications for work filled in by legal residents that employers are throwing in the circular file? No one is stopping anyone from applying for anything.

I really don’t know if we know the full reality or not. Once an industry gets filled by a particular group, other groups hesitate to apply or even consider that industry. The question is out there, if more white/black/Asian pick a group started working on the farms, would more and more of the same group go to the farms? Im sure this is being tested to some extent, because from what I understand farms the last few years have been struggling to hire people from south of the border. I heard something about Georgia a few years ago.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

What is so hard to understand? People don’t have party loyalty if it goes against their personal interests. Republicans are not the only ones.

annacolleen's avatar

I’ve never met a conservative who would hire an illegal. I’ve only met liberals and when I ask, they say, “well they NEED a job”, A conservative usually understands that it’s part of a larger problem, and that is why they want and lobby for legal immigration. They want people to speak English if they want to come here. If a person wants a particular job, they must have certain skills to obtain it, and this is what we want. We have millions of unskilled workers in America already who don’t have and cannot find jobs. We cannot expect to have 1,000,000 people come in who cannot speak the language, and get welfare and food stamps right off the bat. That is unsustainable. Conservatives want immigrants to have skills; they want the best the world has to offer because that is what America offers. The best.

cheebdragon's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus That would probably be relevant if trump were a farmer, and considering his personal voting record I doubt anyone is surprised that he would hire illegals.

JLeslie's avatar

@annacolleen Republicans don’t employ illegal immigrants? LMAO. You aren’t serious are you?

Trump himself used to employ immigrants without working papers. His wife was illegally employed when she was first here, but I guess we don’t know if her employers were Republicans are Democrats. A republican TX senator a few months ago admitted he had been employing an immigrant who didn’t have papers. Plenty of republican business owners employ illegal immigrants.

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