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tabbycat's avatar

What is the most peculiar food you've ever known a cat to eat?

Asked by tabbycat (1811points) August 12th, 2008
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trumi's avatar


My cat doesn’t settle for mice.

tinyfaery's avatar

Red Vines
Mandarin oranges

My cats eat weird things.

girlofscience's avatar

Mashed potatoes.

tonedef's avatar

I was carving a pumpkin in my front yard, and a stray cat that I was taking care of would walk around the yard and eat ALL of the innards of the pumpkin that I would toss around. I thought it was notable both for the fact that he was eating pumpkin, as well as for the sheer volume of it that he consumed. It was awesome.

gailcalled's avatar

moths, ants and occasionally me.

poofandmook's avatar

I had a cat that loved uncooked macaroni and collard greens. Bo loves Cheerios.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Basil—right off of the little potted plant. And his breath would smell like basil for the rest of the day. It was really adorable.

tonedef's avatar

My kitten loves to ear lemongrass! I wish it made her breath smell better. A google for cat lemongrass reveals just how much the critters love the stuff.

AstroChuck's avatar

We have a cat that keeps getting a hold of dryer sheets. I know they aren’t good for him but he finds his way to them. We’ve found some dryer sheet vomit in our house a couple of times.
My folks had a cat that used to go crazy whenever they made zucchinni. She was kind of a weird cat.

cak's avatar

Peas. Bootsie loves them. I’m not sure if they are good or bad for him, so he only gets 1 or 2 – if any. It’s like cat crack for him.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
timothykinney's avatar

My brother’s ferns.

Yogurt from a spoon, but not a dish. (And no, I didn’t put the spoon back in the yogurt or back in me mouth, ick).

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Tim! You’re online! What cat did you feed yogurt to?

Did you like how I said the Piojo one before you could?

thewied's avatar

My friends cat ate…well tried to eat my backback. I think it was because my backback was close to our grill the night before and the smell of hot-dogs, hamburgers, and steak may have stayed on my backpack. Hahaha!

syz's avatar

Apple, peaches, grapes, pickles, tomatoes, mustard, french bread, dry dog food…..Havoc eats almost anything.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
poofandmook's avatar

@syz: Half of what you said is on this list!! Be careful!!

syz's avatar

Nah. I don’t keep green tomatoes in the house, and the grape was experimental on his part – he doesn’t get them, normally. He’ll fight you for an apple, though.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
timothykinney's avatar

Bunny Gomela! Yes, I was going to mention Piojo, but you snatched it out from underneath me…but I had a hidden card up my sleeve. Piojo was indeed the yogurt eater (dramatic music).

I don’t think you’ve met Taz yet. He humps stuffed animals and eats ferns. Weirdo.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Taz is David’s cat right?
oohhh, i think i was there when piojo ate yogurt. that was funny. we were on the green futon when it was by the kitchen, right?

timothykinney's avatar

Yeah, David found Taz under a dumpster years ago and basically made a house cat out of him. And when I say made, I mean patiently put up with.

Re: Piojo, he wants yogurt sometimes, but not all the time. Maybe he’s experimenting with corporate health-marketed yogurts.

tedibear's avatar

We have a cat who loves cheese, particularly swiss cheese. Unfortunately, when he eats it, he barfs it back up about 10 minutes later. Ick!

dalepetrie's avatar

peas, pimentos and plastic…the 3 p’s

La_chica_gomela's avatar

i’ve always wondered why my dog will continue to eat something that always makes her barf. i know they don’t have brains just like ours, but if they can remember what “sit” means, you’d think they would remember barfing…

rowenaz's avatar

Green grapes, and another vote for marshmallows

cak's avatar

@dale, I thought mine was the only one that liked peas!


cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
wildflower's avatar

A cat we had when I was a kid loved ice cream and cucumbers…....he also once brought home a dead duck!

cak's avatar

@wildflower…yuck! A dead duck?

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
wildflower's avatar

Yeap….at least it was dead, unlike the various half-dead birds I had to either rescue or put out of their misery….

cak's avatar

my cat is far too lazy to chase anything…except for peas.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
McBean's avatar

At least 3 of my cats have absolutely loved marinara sauce! They would anxiously wait to clean plates after a spaghetti dinner.

My big cat, Memnoch, loves tortilla chips.

syz's avatar

I had a tiny little cat that was always trying to teach me to hunt. She would “call” me outside, then drop a live mouse on my foot and look at me with disgust when I didn’t pounce on it. When she was very old, I think she was concerned about my survival without her. I heard her calling me one day and went out to find that she had brought me an entire intact piece of fried chicken (the large breast piece). I have no idea who she stole it from.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (2points)
rowenaz's avatar

Sphinx moths are another one. I had a young cat when I lived in Santorini, Greece, and there were these giant moths – some kind of sphinx. When they got into the house, man, they must’ve been tasty…

Larssenabdo's avatar

Vegetarian fried rice.

gailcalled's avatar

@Rowena: any moths that were lucky enough to live in Santorini probably tasted of wild lavender and thyme. I might consider eating one.

buster's avatar


McBean's avatar

Oh, yes, buster. My younger cat eats choice parts of gophers and lizards and brings me the rest. :-(

tabbycat's avatar

I’ve had cats that were real vegetarians. One loved spinach, artichoke hearts, and any sort of beans. My sister had a cat that was crazy about asparagus, which she grew in her garden. The cat would dig up the asparagus plants to eat the asparagus.

Larssenabdo's avatar

@McBean, now that you mention it, we had a tuxedo cat who was a marinara fiend. You could always tell because he got it on his bib, just like humans when they eat Italian with a white shirt on.

BarbieM's avatar

A cat I had growing up loved raw green beans. Every summer when my mom and would snap beans, she would constantly stalk us a steal green beans from the pile and run off to eat them.

Tantigirl's avatar

One of my girls loves fries, she loves to steal them from my little bloke in particular. She’ll wait until his head it turned, and the next thing you know, she’s off into the laundry room with a fry hanging out of her face!!!! My other girl loves sticky tape. Doesn’t matter where it is, if it is on a cardboard carton, she’ll chew on that part of the carton, and we can’t leave any rolls of tape around, because the next time to go to use it, you’ll find it with teeth marks all over it.

rowenaz's avatar

Eeew – it’s like horse?? Isn’t horse what they make the glue from on packing tape? Actually, that’s quite interesting….

tabbycat's avatar

I’ve had cats that loved marinara sauce, too. And sticky tape. It’s funny. We’ve all had different cats with different tastes, but there are some preferences, weird as they are, that seem to be common to many cats. Go figure.

tinyfaery's avatar

I think cats are just universally odd, but odd in similar ways.

McBean's avatar

I love odd.

McBean's avatar

@Lars…What a funny visual. I wonder how he looked after a good bbq dinner?

BarbieM's avatar

She doesn’t actually ingest it, but my cat Abbey (in my avatar) chews on plastic shower curtains. If you look behind the cloth outer curtain, the plastic one has tiny holes as far up as she can reach.

scamp's avatar

My Daniel loves pizza!

McBean's avatar

It’s that sauce and cheese, scamp. I’m telling you!

scamp's avatar

You’re right McBean ! He always leaves the crust for the dogs, ha ha!!

Seesul's avatar

I swear my cat has pica. She tries to eat anything. This morning when I woke up, I nearly stepped on a bing cherry that she had gotten out of a colander on the kitchen counter and carried upstairs to me (a birthday gift perhaps)? Then I went downstairs and it looked as if she had been playing field hockey with the rest of them. It’s more like what she doesn’t try to eat…feathers, dust bunnies, rubber bands. I have to be very careful.

My sister’s cat ate the pumpkin pie her daughter had baked for her first Thanksgiving with her future in-laws.

I had a cat when I was a kid that would do ANYTHING for cantaloupe, including dig it out of the garbage disposal. If he got it, he would act like he was high.

Oh, and my last cat had a thing about Pepsi or Coke and loved to drink out of a glass.

scamp's avatar

@Seesul , that’s one interesting kitty you have! I got a giggle thinking about a cat burping from the coke! meee—rrrp!! ha ha!!

gailcalled's avatar

Seesul; Thank you for my pre-bedtime laughs.

XrayGirl's avatar

pimento stuffed green olives. My mom had a cat that loved those and cantaloupe. ;)

rowenaz's avatar

Today I saw a cat eat an anole.

gailcalled's avatar

@Rowenaz:A full-grown one? Still alive? One gulp or the spaghetti slurp technique? (I had to look up “anole.” )

I caught Milo eating a cup of strawberry ice cream yesterday. I turned my back for a nanosecond.

McBean's avatar

@gail: Milo is a cat after my own heart. :-)

gailcalled's avatar

@McBean: I deliberately switched from vanilla with a little fudge ripple because chocolate is supposed to give cats gas and diarrhea.

I rent him out for parties and special occasions. Where do you live?

rowenaz's avatar

A lot of chewing and gnawing from side to side…and yup that tail was the last to go in….

gailcalled's avatar

@rowenaz: apparently, you stayed for the entire show? Your cat?

rowenaz's avatar

The anole was a gonner (luckily, it wasn’t mine) – nor was the cat. But I always enjoy watching someone relish a good meal….. I have a VERY STRONG stomach. Caught myself wondering, “Now snails are good with garlic, butter, oil….anoles might be…?”

gailcalled's avatar

Recipe; Catch an anole.
Skin it. (there’s the rub.)

Seesul's avatar

I thought when cats ate anoles (or any kind of lizard) it did something funny to their eyes. Is syz around, or am I imagining things?

My mom could never keep a basil plant going because her cat would eat it down to the dirt. From other discussions, (about basil, mint and catnip being related) I now know why.

Engilshvintner's avatar

My cat was totally vegetarian. He would pick through the different cat food and pick out the veggie ones. He lived to be 13 years old (human years, not sure in cat). Maybe cause he was vegetarian. :)

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