What is your funniest childhood memory?
I need a good laugh and I’m sure that quite a few people here need one too so that’s why I’m asking everyone to share their funniest childhood memory with me.
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21 Answers
Well, it won’t be funny to anyone else but I clearly remember the first time I laughed so hard I lost my breath. I was at McDonalds with someone and her older brother. We ate outside. I was maybe 6 and he was way older, like 8 or so. This was the old McDonalds with the single big arches out front. It also had yellow, light up signs on the front of the building, in the form of 3D ovals on the front of the building that simply said “Hamburgers” “French Fries” and “Drinks.” Because that was all they served then.
The older boy got silly and started hammering on those signs yelling out his order. He’d like bang on the “hamburger” sign and yell “I want a hamburger!!! Where is my hamburger??” It was a pretty futuristic thought, actually, as push button ordering was still a couple decades away.
I laughed so hard I fell down.
That actually is kind of funny. I laughed.
Well, yeah. That kind of technology wasn’t even heard of! It was kind of genius.
I was maybe 7 or 8, and my dad had been given a set of book matches that had a pic of a baby boy in front, and when you opened it up, one match popped out that resembled a penis. I got the bright idea of taking it to school (I stole it off of my dads desk in his study) and I got caught. The female teach had no sense of humor, but the Art Teacher, who took me to the Principle and the Principle him self, were easy going good natured sorts. The Principle, trying to act stern, asked me why I had brought this item to school, then opened it up. In my juvenile enthusiasm, I yelled out, “It’s a weenie!” The Principle and the Art Teacher almost fell down laughing, told me they were confiscating the item, and told me to go back to class. Adding that if anyone inquired, I had been given licks with the paddle. (I didn’t, but I was more than willing to go along with the ruse). I still hold these guys in the highest esteem.
When I was very little I watched a cartoon about a kid’s interaction with his family. In one episode the parents had a terrible quarrel and started using silent treatment. The boy was so disturbed by the parents’ behavior that he tried to find a way to reconnect them. He drew their angry faces on all of the wall. The parents got to see the drawings and realized how terrible they looked and they made up happily.
My, the stupid me thought it was an amazing idea!
One day my parents quarrelled and stopped talking to each other. I thought of giving it a try. While they were away I drew their faces on the walls. There were two serious problems: first, I was so bad at drawing that I ended up drawing circles with dots that hardly resembled any living object on Earth. Second, I didn’t know walls weren’t papers. When my parents went home I got a good beating from them. They had made up before I ever got to draw anyway.
I have an identical twin brother, and when we were 8 years old, our elementary school put on a play of the Wizard of the Oz and I played a winged monkey. At first I was nervous to act in the play but I eventually got over my stage fright. Before it started, I was backstage putting on my costume and the drama teacher noticed my twin brother was in the first row (she probably forgot I had a twin brother) with his class and she thought I was giving up. My teacher yelled at my brother “Please get over here! You’re on in ten minutes!”
We both ended up playing flying Monkeys. My parents were in the audience laughing like crazy.
Not particularly funny, but at least amusing lol
@Mimishu1995 too bad they reacted like that. One time my little daughter wrote on the wall, she was about 4. But the goof ball wrote her NAME on the wall! Then thought I was magic or something because I knew she was the one who had done it!
I scolded her and just said, “We draw on paper, not on walls.”
She stared at her work, then stared up and me and said, “How did ju know it wus me?”
I had to go to another room!
I think it’s hilarious @rockfan !
I don’t find anything I do funny.
But when I was around 8 we were getting a lot of pervey calls for my sister who was three years older but was a early bloomer.
It was bad enough my dad bought a speaker phone and all calls had to be on speaker. So one night during dinner there was a call and the extended family was there.
So I answer on speaker and some idiot 11 year old boy thought I was my sister. Puberty was still 7 years away for me.
So he goes.. “Is this Alyson?” and I say it is. He says he is masturbating. And I reply that I am too. Then about 20 people around the dinner table burst into laughter.
According to my mom this was the best thing I ever did. And then I had to answer questions about how I knew what masturbation was.
It wasn’t funny at the time but my friend and I had missed our stop for home on the bus when we were in elementary school. We drove for maybe a few miles before the driver realized we were still on the bus.
@NomoreY_A that is so funny! I smiled for the first time in 2 days because I got my second round of braces and they really hurt but I laughed!
@johnpowell I tried so hard not to laugh out loud because I’m in class so I put my fist on my mouth. When I did that, one of my brackets on my braces almost came off! Now I’m just laughing quietly at both of the things that just happened.
Happy to hear that, Zach. We can all use a chuckle now and then. And that was a true story, but I can’t remember what grade I was in when it happened.
I read the story @johnpowell told, and my heart just broke for his sister. She must have been horrified, mortified. She didn’t do anything to bring that shit on, but his family put in on loudspeaker for the whole world to witness her shame.
@Zachary_Mendes123…she was 11 years old. Even at 15, 16, 17, 35, 45, whatever, it would have been horrifying.
@Dutchess_III you’re right…... I know someone that got molested for 7 years…......... Its not funny at all.
Thank you. It just breaks my heart to think that her father, her ultimate protector, would hang her out like that so he could have a good laugh.
When I was 10 I was walking down the school hallway with my best friend. We stopped and looked at a picture hanging on the wall and I made a joke that we both started laughing at. The laughing went on and on and we both started hyperventilating. I laughed so hard I cried.
And I can’t remember the joke.
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