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wrestlemaniac's avatar

Do you ever feel lost?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (810points) August 13th, 2008
29 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

i always get these feelings like i don’t belong here, in this world, you know those stories about spirits and supernatural things, i feel like i have a connection with them like i know them sometimes, and my stroke of luck in life comes from “them”, i feel like one of the characters in the novel i’m writing, it’s wired i can’t place it. the strangest thing is when i require dire help and luck, and ask “them” i always, always get it, it a some way or form.

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trumi's avatar

Is it possible that you are smoking too much pot? Or not enough?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

sorry i don’t do drugs and i don’t believe in it.

trumi's avatar

That might be the problem….

McBean's avatar

I think it’s normal to feel “in touch” with something outside yourself while you’re creating. Some call it their Muse. Some say it is connecting with the collective unconscious (see Carl Jung). Wherever you get your inspiration, it is a gift. But you are still the one who must filter it and have the fortitude to put it down on paper (or on screen), so the credit goes to you. Enjoy the creative process!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i shall not be tempted, or influenced!.

trumi's avatar

How old are you?

scamp's avatar

He’s 16 trumi, according to his profile.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

and how old are you?

trumi's avatar

Yeah, you probably don’t want to start just yet. You need that brain for schooling. Grammar and such need to sink in young.

trumi's avatar

Maybe just keep writing? Fiction, poetry, Sci Fi. Whatever suits you. It sounds like it is already helping you to express yourself.

And to answer the question, I’ve felt the same way before.

Good luck!

scamp's avatar

I felt something like what you are talking about when I was growing up in Ohio. My Mother’s parents were southern (from Florida) and I felt out of place until I actually moved to Florida when I was 21. Once I moved there, I fit right in and felt like I was where I was meant to be. I know it’s not exactly what you are talking about, but I know the feeling.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i warn you. i never have never will, and i am in fact writing a story, but keep in mind NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

yeah somewhere around the feeling, but you got over it i still yet to have.

scamp's avatar

Be patient, you will. It’s pretty coomon at your age hun.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

it’s not it’s my gift and i will learn to control and master it. it has helped me a lot, even saved me, i WILL learn to use it.

scamp's avatar

Good luck learning how to use it. Out of curiousity, do you mind telling me how it saved you? If you’re not comfortable posting it here, send me a pm. I’d really like to know more about this.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i shall tomorrow or later, but be assured i shall answer your question, good night and may your faith and goodness protect you, keep following this question.

SeekerSeekiing's avatar

I’ve also had my ‘sixth sense’ save me…I’ve called ‘it’ many things, God, spirits, my intuition, my survival tool, whatever it is….it comes when IT wants. The more I try to bring it to me the less it comes. It comes easier when I’m grounded and calm. IT comes the more I listen to It and believe It.

The only thing I can do or harness on my own is a type of remote viewing…where I can go within and find out how those folks I care about are, sometimes I can tell WHERE they are, and how they are feeling. I’ve called them the next day and said, “Sorry, you were sick last night, especially around 11pm.” They are shocked! It still shocks me sometimes.

Make friends with it. Go with it. But don’t chase it.

trumi's avatar

Ever called it coincidence?

jasonhannah20's avatar

yes sometimes i feel like giving up on myself. but i dont. things endup turning around sooner or later.

hearkat's avatar

Right now I feel alone in the middle of the ocean, and I don’t know how long I can keep treading water.

SeekerSeekiing's avatar

Hearkat: Hang on for as long as it takes. Seek support from friends. Get a venting partner. Venting means you just want to rant. Set a time period—say 10 minutes. Your vent partner just listens and says nothing; they are not there to fix anything. At the end of 10 minutes the only question is, do you need a little longer? Be kind to yourself during this time….MAKE time for yourself. There’s a reason why the airplane stewards say ‘secure your own face mask first.” Cause you have to take care of you. Take bubble baths with candles…do something everyday for you. And know my wishes, best vibes, and prayers are with you—as I’m sure are many many others.

hearkat's avatar

@SeekerSeeking: I appreciate your support! I have been in an on-and-off relationship for several months, and it’s taken a toll on me. He is a wonderful man, and the potential for us as a team is amazing; but life is complicated.

I’ll be fine with or without him; but there are so many unanswered questions, and there is so much at stake. I hate being in limbo.

TheHaight's avatar

All the time.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

@Scamp- sorry i couldn’t answer you i had to watch the ECW Rerun that i missed tuesday, anyway i was on my dad’s boat, we had to stop cause we found our fishing ground, i had throw the anchor overboard, so i did what i didn’t know was that few ropes were tangled around my feet, when i release the anchor i tripped and fell into the murky depths with the anchor around my feet i was sinking when out of desperation i called to the spirits of my grandfather and his men who died under his command to help me, shortly after i felt a strange force push me upward, there was nothing under me when i look, i broke the surface and waited for my dad’s boat to pull up. since then i am afraid of open water.

scamp's avatar

@wrestlemaniac , thanks for sharing that. What an amazing story! I’ll share mine with you later on when things slow down at work and I have the time to type it all. we are pretty busy right now

wrestlemaniac's avatar

oh well take your time, no rush.

marinelife's avatar

You sond like an intense person in the midst of a physically intense time, teen years. Enjoy your writing, hang on to your connections to the spirit world, but remember that you are a part of this world.

You need to exist here rather than yearn to be somewhere else. Your grandfather would not have helped save you otherwise. mMake him proud.

Cultivate friends on this plane. Enjoy each day. It is a gift to you now.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

thanks marina, if you ever need help with anything fell free to ask me, i’m sure “they” can make an exeption to help.

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