General Question

Askingtheq's avatar

Do you support President Donald Trump?

Asked by Askingtheq (13points) December 14th, 2017
184 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

If so, why?
If not, why?

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Zaku's avatar

No, for all the reasons.

stanleybmanly's avatar

no of course not. The man is an embarrassment to basic decency.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nope, what they said^^^^ plus I am a Canadian.

AshLeigh's avatar

I sincerely hope that he does a good job.

gondwanalon's avatar

Yest because he is the President of the U.S.A.

I’ll support him until he is proven to broken the law to the level that indicates impeachment.

Demosthenes's avatar

What does it mean to “support” a president?

Does it mean to agree with him? Well, I agree with Trump’s opinions and decisions sometimes, but most of the time I’d say not. Does it mean to not hope he fails? I won’t hope any President fails, because then they fail our nation. I hope some of his bad policy ideas fail, though, but I hope the better ones succeed.

seawulf575's avatar

I support a lot of the ideals he brought, such as draining the swamp. He has been doing wonders for the economy. He has been working to minimize the part the federal government plays in all our lives. I’m not keen on his excessive use of Twitter, but then I’m a bit old fashioned. Today’s world is full of social media…that’s how this country communicates…so maybe this is just the start of future trends.
There has never been and probably never will be a president with whom I agree all the time. But overall, I support him because of some of his goals and because he is the President of the United States.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I am all in favor of him being an ex president immediately.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do not. To be fair, it’s REALLY hard for a politician to get my support though.

In Trump’s case, it’s REALLY easy to dismiss him as a pathetic man, propped up by a pathetically ignorant third of the US population, who is clearly unqualified, and over his head in nearly all facets of his position.

His ridiculous claims as a candidate, are still ridiculous, and only a small handful of his agenda, is even remotely possible. The rest was him telling his moronic base, what they wanted to hear, in small sentences, with small words.
His diplomacy is terrible-nonexistent. His ability to work with others, to achieve common goals, is nonexistent. His inability to simply not make every situation he gets into worse, is glaring. He is an embarrassment. He is likely a criminal, and a self admitted sexual predator. He has no understanding of tact. He has been instrumental, in further dividing our country (he’s doing what you wanted Putin.) He seems to be trying to turn the POTUS into a tyrannical, dictatorship. He wants absolute power, with no accountability. He is at war with free press, and the poor, and middle class. He is oppressing women, and minorities. His personal security, has cost tax payers much needed money. Our stance in the international community, is decaying daily. He is pushing us close to war, and has shown the world that he has little separating him from the likes of North Korea’s Kim. Or as he so smartly called him“rocket man,” or “short, and fat.” That is, when Trump isn’t threatening nuclear destruction. I could go on, and on….

How anyone who voted for him, can still support him, just makes any hope for the future bleak.

Once the new tax reform bill, and defense spending increase take effect, we will be watching the national debt reach levels we will have great difficulty recovering from. Worse news, there is NO plan to offset it. Unless the GOP can rob from the poor, and finally replace the ACA. That would put a dent in the newly created debt.

He will follow the pattern of the past. The Republicans will cut taxes, and skyrocket debt. Maybe sprinkle in a few wars we can’t afford too. Then, as the country nose dives, a Democrat will be elected. They will be forced to raise taxes, deal with the economic fallout, and try to get us out of whatever wars we never should have been in. The Republicans will cry that all the negative side effects of the new president are all his/her fault. Their ignorant base, will believe them, as they are incapable of forming their own opinions, just being spoon fed BS on right wing media.

No. I do not support Trump, or the people who support him…

Sorry for the rant. Hopefully I kept it “general” enough, not to get moded…

LostInParadise's avatar

Definitely not. My objections fall into two categories.

The first is the general way he deports himself. He is a habitual liar, constantly boasts about his supposed accomplishments, gets into petty arguments and makes racist and misogynistic statements. He uses an elementary school vocabulary and gives the impression of not being very knowledgeable.

The second category of objection is Trump’s political stance. It is misguided at best and downright nasty at worst. He has deregulating industry in the belief that this will be good for the economy even as it increases pollution. Similarly, he supports a tax plan that favors corporations. These are misguided supply side assumptions. Trump has discriminated against transgenders by blocking them from military service. He wants to build a useless wall on the Mexican border. He does not believe in climate change. He has withdrawn from international organizations, supported dictators and angered allies.

I hope that, one way or another, he does not get to serve a second term.

Mariah's avatar

No, I disagree vehemently with just about every stance he has on the issues, especially healthcare.

I also abhor his demeanor, personality, values, actions, and general behavior, which are all far too low for the presidency.

kritiper's avatar

No. He’s a total buffoon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course not. No one with a single working brain cell would support him.

Having said that, I’m just waiting for our legal system to do its thing and impeach him. Until then I’ll just deal with how his idiotic decisions affect me and my life.

@AshLeigh It’s been a year. If he was going to do a good job we would know by now. He is incapable of doing a “good job.”

rockfan's avatar

No, because he’s a pathological liar and hypocrite who has horrendous policies.

RocketGuy's avatar

Absolutely no for me – everything he is doing is the exact opposite of what would be good for 99% of Americans.

Kardamom's avatar

No. He is a mean human being. He is ignorant. He tells horrendous lies about all manner of subjects. He is an admitted sexual assaulter. He only has his own best interest in mind. He is unconcerned about the most vulnerable people in our country. He has made the United States look foolish in the eyes of the rest of the world. He is greedy. Oh, did I mention that he’s mean?

Dutchess_III's avatar

And mean. You forgot “mean” @Kardamom.

tinyfaery's avatar

Hell to the motherfuckin’ no. He is everything I hate in a person.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t support Trump and it worries me that he got elected. Trump is personalising government. He is bringing in family members and sacking anyone who disagree with him. He acts more like a tinpot dictator than the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. If this is what he means by “draining the swamp” then I prefer the swamp.

Trump and his coterie of billionaires are blatantly supporting big business over the interests of Americans so why should we support him. When he says he is removing bureaucracy and giving more rights to citizens what he invariably means is that big business will be allowed unregulated access to what should belong to the people.

The Trump administration is chaotic. What Rex Tillerson says one day is contradicted in a presidential tweet the next. There is no consistent message being sent to North Korea, for example, allowing a very dangerous situation to escalate.

Trump has been irresponsible by giving support to far right crazies such as Britain First. This has caused huge offence to people in the UK and is sabotaging relations with the country and putting his planned visit next year in jeopardy.

Trump has no conception of the truth. He will say whatever is convenient to him while denouncing truth as “fake news”. He is a fraudster who set up “Trump University” to award bogus degrees to the gullible while making himself even wealthier.

He is a consummate conman and a clown but he has the potential to bring disaster down upon our heads.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He said he was going to “drain the swamp,” but instead he raised it 300 feet and added more alligators and piranhas.

He has the vocabulary and intelligence of a 4th grader. His unrelenting tweets, full of misspellings and grammatical errors, are those of an uncontrolled lunatic.

Pandora's avatar

Well once this tax bill goes through we will all be supporting Trump and his comrades. Welfare for the Rich.
He’s a con man. I’m not in the habit of supporting con men, no matter who they are. I said over a year ago that he only got into this to make money and so far, he has proven that theory right. This tax break is probably going to save him billions each year. But he’s not done scalping the American People. Next he’s going to do away with Medicare and SS. Republicans don’t want to pay back the 2 trillion dollars they borrowed from SS. So they are going to declare SS bankrupt. Trumps go to formula for stealing money the legal way. Borrow money, declare SS bankrupt and shut it down and suddenly a 2 trillion dollar debt is paid. Only people who paid into SS get absolutely nothing back.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Its a novelty for me. I want to watch the state of the union address in January.

JennWithOneN's avatar

No, but I don’t think he’s the devil, just really stupid and embarrassing

kritiper's avatar

His buddy, Steve Bannon, is the devil. Incarnate!

reijinni's avatar

I hope he has either a nacho or a pretzel.

johnpowell's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 :: Yeah about that tax plan that is close to passing. 13 Million people will lose healthcare. My mom is one of those 13 million. She has type 2 diabetes.

So it is great you are entertained. But my mother’s health could plummet. When Canada’s Trump comes along and takes away your healthcare and disability I will try to actually give a shit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m not speaking for him, but I doubt that his intention, was to hurt you…

He’s looking in.
I can’t blame him for watching the neighbor’s house burn. Lots of us are watching the Trump administration, like a car wreck. It is with morbid curiosity, I suppose, that I bother to listen to ANYTHING Trump says…

@RedDeerGuy1 is just being honest. Trump is a source of entertainment. I would be much more entertained, if he wasn’t my president. So, I get that…

Pandora's avatar

@JennWithOneN Anyone who is okay with taking away money from the poor and sick is evil. Especially when they know it will mean many senseless deaths. Also anyone who is also okay with rolling back safety standards to save a buck is also evil. Our water, and land is going to be poisoned and infrastructure is going to become hazardous since there will be no real regulations to ensure safety. Along with food and drugs. We are going to become China.

johnpowell's avatar

@MrGrimm888 :: I know that. He is a nice guy. I have no ill will towards him. It is just I see a lot of people basically saying this is who you voted for so fucking deal with it. It is sort of like Brexit. I’m not cheering on the economic clusterfuck they are walking into.

flutherother's avatar

@Pandora No, worse than China. China is improving safety standards and is taking steps to tackle pollution. America is heading in the opposite direction.

Jaxk's avatar

Yes, I do support Trump and his agenda. I’m a small government advocate and believe the economy grows with less government interference. If we can get economic growth up in the 4–6% range not only will we see wage growth but the deficit and many of our other problems will become much easier to fix. Massive government growth is how we got into this mess. More government will not solve the problem.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@johnpowell . I get your point too. Thanks for clarification ;)

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jaxk . That’s great, if the economy grows. What about everything else?

There are many pressing issues. The current administration, seems laser focused on helping the wealthy. What about the other 99% of us?

johnpowell's avatar

The trickle down thing is bullshit. 30 fucking years later and people still spew it.


If you think I am wrong go kill a few people and make soap in your bathtub. Supply!! Should be a millionaire tomorrow.

People are flush with capital. Juicero the fucking juicer that did the same thing your hands can do raised $118,500,000 and later folded.

And let’s talk wages.

You are a free market person. So if you are all free market why would you pay more for someone to do the current job they do at a higher wage? Are you going to sacrifice profits out of the good of your heart? You shouldn’t.

If you want we can dig into frictional unemployment. Let me know. Chicken nuggets are nearing completion.

Yellowdog's avatar

Doesn’t the fact that employment is way up, and the economy is improving in every measurable way, and no one has lost healthcare—say something contrary to what most of you are saying?

The reason Trump was elected primarily was a reaction to the affordable care act—most have lost their plans and doctors. The system was set up to fail so that we’d move to a single-payer plan. People are suffering abysmally under “Obamacare.” If anyone were to actually lose their insurance they would qualify for Social Security disability—it pays for everything.

A year ago, when Trump won the election, we were told to head for the hills, that FEMA would be sending some of us to concentration camps, that we’d be under a puppet government of vladmir Putin, that cats would be sleeping with dogs, etc etc. Well, now it seems the Hillary campaign was colluding with Russia—the fake Ritz Carlton stories and the Dossier—all Hillary, Fusion G.P.S. Christopher Steele and Russia to influence an American election. No one cares.

Look around you. All the hysteria has not materialized into reality yet your hatred grows and grows. Isn’t it time for a reality check? You and your society have been brainwashed. The hate and fear did not bear out a Hitler or Putin.

The poor will not benefit much from tax reform but are not harmed by it, and most do not pay taxes so won’t benefit from reform. The ones who will benefit most are those who make between 30k and 100k. Tax Reform is pretty normal for Republicans

But reconsider your hate, fear, and rancor as a product as deliberate efforts of a foreign power to control your minds and your society. Reagan and Kennedy advocated similar tax reform, and the hatred for them wasn’t ten percent what you have for Trump.

If you were to actually succeed with your unseating a duly elected sitting president, especially with the actions and conspiracies the left has propogated, America as you know it would fall and be decimated. It would be a fallen and unstable morass similar to the Y2K imagery you may recall.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog If no one has yet lost healthcare it’s not through want of Trump trying and so far, while the American economy is continuing to do very well under Trump, the question is, very well for who? The gains in GDP are not being shared fairly across society and those who are struggling to get by will struggle even more while those already earning obscene amounts of wealth will become ever wealthier.

This is Trump’s immoral view of how his country should progress through the 21st Century. Trump is even prepared to increase the national debt to give handouts to the super wealthy. This is just one reason why I object to Trump, there are many others.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog The $30K to $100K income is limited to ten years of better tax positions, the ultra rich and corporations don’t have a limit of years.
Can you survive cancer when the Medicare won’t pay for hospitalization? And if you are a veteran; the money will be going to offset the tax cuts for the corporations, benefits will cut.
Oh the censorship in the government’s departments has begun, “The Ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty, and Truth” are alive and well in Trump’s government. Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) is the government ministry concerned with creating propaganda, controlling the media, manipulating historical documents, and in 1984 producing Newspeak dictionaries changing the meaning of words.
And your children and grandchildren will be paying back the $1.5 trillion increase in deficit ! And the GOP says the Democrats like spending money and increasing the deficit, oh the Dem’s money was for healthcare, seniors and vets, not the President’s corporate buddies.

Mariah's avatar

@Yellowdog – people haven’t lost healthcare yet because the Senate has failed to pass a healthcare bill, despite their best efforts. However, on Tuesday they are expected to pass their tax bill, which is secretly a healthcare bill because they threw a repeal of the individual mandate into it.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has predicted that this will result in a loss of healthcare for 13 million Americans. Because studies have shown that for every 830 uninsured, one person dies needlessly per year, this means that this bill will carry a death toll of 16 thousand per year, which is the equivalent of 5 annual 9/11’s inflicted upon us by our own government.

But tell me again how my disgust with this administration is “hysteria.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog Obama’s financial policies were in effect until just a month and a half ago and he’s the reason employment is up and the economy is good, not Trump. Trump has yet to make his inroads into the retarding of America but he’s getting there. Next year is going to be so fun.

kritiper's avatar

I wonder when inflation will kick in…. BIG TIME!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t think it’s accurate to describe the attitudes here as hatred. Revulsion or disgust would be closer to the mark. I think my reaction to Trump is comparable to my feelings about gangrene or malfunctioning septic tanks. I don’t believe there has been a President who did not believe that he has the best interests of the country as his agenda (at least initially). But Trump is exceptional in that he is both clueless and arrogant about the government he now fronts. And this first year has clearly demonstrated that the only thing standing between the orange pile of ignorance and the country’s certain catastrophe are constitutional checks of which he is cluelesss and incapable of understanding (much as with the document itself.) “Tax reform is pretty normal for Republicans” only if you define reform as a stipulation that the rich are deprived and MUST ALWAYS get richer. This latest scam is so naked a demonstration of that principle that it is unpopular nearly to the point of fomenting open revolt. But it’s pointless bitching about Trump. If you can’t see the man for the turd he is, then Merry Christmas to you.

LostInParadise's avatar

I would add fear to the above list of feelings. It gives me the willies that Trump keeps attacking the press while acting in such an authoritarian manner. Free press is always the first thing to go when a dictator takes over. Fortunately, we have checks in place to limit Trump’s power, but we still must keep constant vigilance.

Jaxk's avatar

We have seen a sluggish economy for 8 years now. After 8 years Obama leaves office and the economy begins to improve and you want us to believe this is the result of Obama’s policies that have done nothing for 8 years. But maybe Obama leaving the Whitehouse did bring some optimism to the country.

Everything you all claim to be worried about has happened under Obama and the far left policies you claim to want. The rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer, and the wage gap has increased dramatically. We have healthcare but no one can afford it. The workforce participation rate has dropped like a stone and the world has gotten much more dangerous. What exactly do you think could go wrong that hasn’t already gone wrong under Obama. If you are afraid, you should be afraid of 8 more years of that crap.

LostInParadise's avatar

What exactly has Trump done to improve the economy? Remove pollution controls, which will make us all sicker?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Jaxk The economy was tanked by Bush and it takes longer than fifteen minutes of “make Murica (Sick) Grate (sic) again”.
~ ~ ~But Trump knows it was him and it took twenty minutes.

flutherother's avatar

@Jaxk The American economy has grown by 15% over the last eight years which is pretty good. The rich have got richer and the poor poorer but Trump doesn’t care and his tax bill blatantly favours the wealthy. America still seemed like America under Obama, with Trump in charge it resembles a third world country run by an ignorant tinpot dictator.

Demosthenes's avatar

When has the economy ever not been terrible, though? It’s always terrible for someone. The poorest don’t feel like they’ve gained anything and the richest don’t feel like they’ve lost anything. If the unemployment rate were 1%, that wouldn’t make the people who are still unemployed feel like anything is going well. And it’s the middle who notice the changes the most. I don’t think Trump has done much to hurt the economy yet, but he certainly has the potential to.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

When Obama took on any debt,the Rep/cons would grab their heads and scream the sky is falling.
With Trumps new tax cuts for the wealthy he is going to push your national debt way higher than Obama ever did, and the Rep/cons just shrug and say eh, that’s what it’s going to take to get the ball rolling again type thing.
(I don’t get it.)
The large corporations might be liking Trump ,who wouldn’t if you deregulate all environmental laws,give them large tax breaks, and cut all branches of Government that keeps big business in check.
Hell maybe we all can get jobs in coal mines, or cleaning up large oil spills, fuck who needs water to drink, or air to breath as long as we all have jobs! RIGHT??

Jaxk's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – the answer to that is really very simple and quite widely known. For every additional 1% of economic growth we get an additional $1.5 trillion in revenue to the government. Yes the tax cuts cost up front but more than pay for themselves over time.

You all have been calling Trump a donkey because he hasn’t gotten any major legislation through. Now you are calling him a donkey because he is on the verge of his first major legislative victory. That’s called “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. What I like is that the tax cuts should hit in February. That means that you’ll have a few paychecks from the current rate (January) and then the cuts will hit and your paycheck will go up or down. Up means you got a tax cut. Down means you got a tax hike. No more screaming and yelling from Dems on what could happen, only clear results. I can’t wait to hear the excuses they come up with.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The “donkey” as you call him, is feeding the USA economy to his buddies in high places.
All the money in the end will go to the 2% at the top of the income scale.
All they do is buy a third vacation home in a new place like Grand Cayman where they can funnel their money to an offshore account.
The impact is the long run your children and grandchildren will pay for the $1.5 TRILLION increase in the deficit.
If the Dem’s had done that, @Jaxk, you’d be screaming foul and bloody murder because it was done by a Centrist President like Barry Obama.

Jaxk's avatar

Barrack and the Dems added $10 trillion to the debt. Hell $1.5 is pocket change to those clowns.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And the rep/cons screamed the sky is falling with every penny, but this $1.5trilloin is worth it?

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seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You claim Bush tanked the economy and it takes more than 15 minutes to make it recover again. You are right. But between Bush and Trump we had 8 years of Obama. And you will have a hard time coming up with any policy he had that actually helped this country. He doubled the national debt in 8 years. Doubled! What did he have to show for it? Nothing. He had to change the way unemployment was calculated so it wouldn’t show that he was killing jobs. Please, enlighten us all….tell us which of Obama’s policies it was that we are seeing at work today? Which one is helping the stock market, the creation of real jobs (not just part time jobs)? Which one was it? And why didn’t it work for 8 years?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Anything I say will be ignored by you; because you have the right-wing agenda and are a Trump Fanboy.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

An affordable health care act could be chalked up as one,that the rep/cons want to kill and throw millions off it,hows that??
And my hair isn’t on fire, but was the rep/cons that kept screaming the ski is falling during that time was theirs??
You are right though the usa is recovering so lets give the pussy grabbing orange hair twit all the credit.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The affordable health care act is bankrupting the country. It is making healthcare costs go up, not down. It is taking away healthcare choices. It is a horrible piece of legislation that was concocted solely by the Dems, approved solely by the Dems, and approved solely by the Dems. All the warnings the Repubs gave about it have come to pass. Obama had to violate the Constitution to keep the full effect of the law from hitting the public while he was in office. But I can see where you think that was a good piece of legislation. Though I guess technically you did answer the question…it is still at work today.
I will help you not look quite so foolish with this one….a ski is what you strap to your foot to go down the hill. the SKY is what is over your head. Just for future reference.
You have managed to entirely avoid answering the obvious question though….if the huge boost we are seeing in today’s economy is not due to Trump, what is it due to?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Do you have anyone that will be dead in the next couple of years because they will no longer have medical coverage?
We have three family friends that have been able to get cancer surgery and chemo. Next year they probably won’t be able to afford insurance. The bankruptcy is a bogus comment, Trump made sure that the people that are young and healthy can bailout of paying into the insurance pool, leaving the old and infirm to die because they don’t the money to pay for the increases per person caused by Trump and the GOP.

~~You might be the Grinch.

Oh you’re one of the 2% so you don’t need medical insurance.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You would have to point out a spelling goof to try and make some one that opposes your view foolish, how very right wing of you.
You blame Obama for the whole debt won’t even try and say the ole GWB started it and was growing huge even when Obama took over, no its all on Obama.
And I agree with @Tropical_Willie the bankruptcy is a bogus concept started by the Rep/cons endorsed by the rep/cons.
Trump is adding another 1.5 trillion to the debt but seeing that it is being done by a rep/con for the wealthy it’s a good thing.
Think maybe that 1.5 Trillion would be better in the health care sector than a tax cut for the wealthy?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All I can really say for your so called great country, is thank GOD I am a Canadian!
It has been over 17years since I have been in the states and if I ever have to go down there again it will be too soon.
I really wish your beloved orang hair pussy grabbing leader would build a wall between Canada and the states first.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Let’s get real about what Obama achieved and the REAL reason for the doubling of the debt. Obama took office with the world teetering on the brink of global economic collapse. Not only did he pull the country out of the biggest hole since the great depression, the stock market TRIPLED in value by the end of his term. Obama oversaw the 3rd longest sustained bull market of any President in the country’s history. For the current clown to match Obama’s record, the Dow Jones would have to be at 50,000 points. Obama handed Trump an economy already accelerating and the ignorant pile of orange crap has the gall to claim the credit for it, while you dummies believe the fool. What Obama avhieved is actually monumental, and bear in mind that he pulled it off while dragging behind him the dead weight of the most obstructionist obtuse herd of Republican idiots in the nation’s history.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Super excellent answer @stanleybmanly .
I just wish the Rep/cons would admit it,but they are too busy admiring their orange hair pussy grabbing credit stealing leader to see any truth.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’ve said it before. You’re wasting your time trying to use logic, and fact. These Trumpers, only see what Trump wants them to see. It’s embarrassing, if you ask me… To be so thoroughly, willingly led astray.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sadly @MrGrimm888 I feel you are correct at that.
But we can still blame Obama can’t we???

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t know why we bother arguing with any fan of the Donald. I mean how do you get through to people who can’t recognize that they are in fact worshiping a living monument to ADD?

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longgone's avatar

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MrGrimm888's avatar

Good grief!

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly – Sorry but I can’t let that stand. The recession Obama had to deal with was no worse that the one that Reagan had to deal with. The idea that Obama saved the world from imminent destruction is simply overstated to say the least. As if that wasn’t enough, the recession was over before Obama got any of his policies into action. It’s hard to give credit to the Stimulus, when the recession was over before a single dollar got spent. If you want to give credit to something for stopping the recession and arresting the fall of the economy and the stock market, you’ll need to look where something was actually done. The bailouts, as unpopular as they were, are actually responsible for stabilizing the financial markets and the economy.

When Obama said we would look to the day he was nominated as the day the world began to heal and the oceans began to recede, he was blowing smoke up your butt. He shouldn’t be taken seriously.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The bailouts are indeed responsible for stability as well as the doubling of the debt that you bitch about. And you are wrong about the stakes involved when Obama took power compared to Reagan’s crisis. I have great issues with Obama, the principal one being his letting the bankers off the hook. But as I said in another thread, the simple and indisputable proof of Obama’s achievement can be ascertained through the simple comparison of the country and its economy when he was sworn in with the condition of the place when the pumpkin took the oath. By that measure ALONE the man is a genius.

Jaxk's avatar

First of all, the bailouts didn’t add anything to the debt, they were paid back. With interest. If we want to rely on a single issue, Obama is the first President to go 8 years without a single year of 3% or higher economic growth. By that measure alone he was an idiot.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Demosthenes the economy was not terrible in the 60’s. I look back on my parent’s generation and just shake my head at their good fortune. They built a house for $35,000 in 1968. 13 years later it sold for $175,000.
I bought a house for $45,000 in 1983 and 13 years later I sold it for $47,000.
They had pensions that don’t even exist any more.
They didn’t worry that SS was going to collapse around them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk You are correct about the bailouts. I was mistaken in including the massive economic incentives in the bailout pile. Where you are dead wrong is in the assertion that Reagan’s recession was in any way comparable to the economic meltdown confronting Obama, and you know it. Reagan’s downturn was a bump resulting from the abrupt increase in interst rates on the part of
Volcker’s Federal Reserve. Conservatives love to whine about the fact that economic growth never exceeded 3% in any year under Obama as the country pulled away from catastrophe, but Obama set a record with 75 straight months of job growth resulting in better
than 11 million non farm non government jobs—5 times the total of GW and 3rd only behind Clinton and Reagan. I repeat : there is no possible way to compare conditions at the beginning and end of the Obama Presidency and honestly conclude his Presidency a failure.

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III Do you remember, back in the 60’s, when savings accounts paid 5% compounded quarterly? Try to find that nowdays…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, no. I was a little child in the 60’s.

RocketGuy's avatar

I got 8% during Carter’s stag-flation days. That didn’t work out very well for a lot of people.

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly – Actually I can compare the recession Reagan had to deal with. Most indicators unemployment, stock market, money supply were comparable. Hell Reagan even had the savings and loan meltdown to deal with. Yup, I can compare them.

As for Obama’s jobs record, keep in mind that Obama created mostly low wage and part time jobs. When you try and compare that to any other President that was creating good middle class jobs, Obama falls woefully short.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jaxk there you go…trying to use facts. When will you learn those pale in comparison to Stanley’s beliefs?

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s right. Can’t fool you!

stanleybmanly's avatar


Jaxk's avatar

Merry Christmas Y’all. Despite our differences I hope you have the very best day of the year.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ditto brother :)

seawulf575's avatar

Merry Christmas, all.

flutherother's avatar

Merry Christmas everyone!

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

I am not an American, but I am in the USA now. My friends support Trump, so I join them. I trust their judgement.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Or. Use your own judgment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What a concept!

Yellowdog's avatar

I think he was joking (i.e. mocking Trump supporters)

MrGrimm888's avatar

Just sound advice. In any circumstances…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think so @Yellowdog. Thus far @SimpatichnayaZhopa hasn’t shown an intelligent sense of humor, much less a dry one.

Ha ha. Trump’s personal lawyer got his shit raided! When is Trump going to just QUIT?? He had way too many skeletons in his closets to have even considered running for any public office.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Obviously, Trump is used to being untouchable, unquestionable, and all powerful. When faced with harsher criticism, he will be exposed.

Again, I find it relevant to say that all of this “witch hunt” crap, is his fault. He made powerful enemies, by being a dumbass.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Yeah. I heard a rumor that when Trump testifies in whatever is coming up, his attorneys want to be allowed to have the questions in writing, rather than having him verbally respond. I don’t know if it’s true, but if I was his attorney the thought of him answering questions would terrify me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The aspect of Trump being able to “choose” his line of questioning, is exactly why there is such a division between the minority population, and the nation’s police departments.
When minorities are facing litigation, they don’t usually have such options. Or at least not as good of legal advice, or representation…

If he’s innocent, like Trump claims, he should “stand tall before the man.”

Yellowdog's avatar

YES!!! The raid was to find documents proving $130,000 out of campaign funds to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about an affair. . Authorized by Rosenstien and Muiller These raid tactics are normally used against terrorists and extremely dangerous criminals. Better find that evidence that the 130,000 was out of campaign funds!!! Scary high crimes and misdemeanors.

No Russian collusion. No obstruction. Maybe THIS will stick.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They aren’t done with Russia. That’s why Trump is in a huge sweat trying to get Mueller fired. The raid had to do with the Stormy Daniels thing, not the Russia thing.

And it wasn’t authorized by Mueller. The warrant was granted by a judge. Mueller is not a judge.

“Several law enforcement officials confirmed the search of Cohen’s office was not the work of Mueller’s prosecutors. It involves a matter that the Mueller team came across, which the team concluded did not fall under its mandate and passed on to the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan.” Source

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think it baffling that from the moment of the announcement of a special prosecutor, anyone understanding what that meant could possibly assume that Trump might emerge from rigorous investigation unindicted. The mind boggling pileup of stuff like conflicts of interest, open peddling of influence, and the train of never ending lies leaves me to wonder how he can possibly avoid impeachment. The single thing consistent in all of Trump’s behaviors is that he acutually carries on as though he doesn’t realize that he is a criminal—an astonishing thought. Is ignorance a valid defense?

Yellowdog's avatar

Hillary got off because SHE didn’t realize she was a criminal Even destroying evidence was not a crime. Since there was no inditctement, most of you are agreeing that she is NOT officially a criminal, But if Trump can’t prove that 130 grand didn’t come from campaign funds, he will be impeached and face prison time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure that 130 K was the evidence they were looking for in the raid, and there was, apparently, good enough reason to suspect it was there or the judge wouldn’t have signed the warrant.

Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.
Trump is doing everything wrong. AND he needs to repeat 4th grade.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog that’s just the point. It’s Trump’s ignorance of the law as well as his propensity to ignore or chastise those who DO try to tell him the law that guarantees his assured demise. There are so many approaches to nailing the man that have popped up outside mueller’s investigation, that it’s difficult to imagine him wiggling out. For example, it has become increasingly obvious without any revelations from Mueller that Trump’s real estate empire is in fact one big money laundering operation facilitating the world wide looting of government treasuries. And right at the top of the long list of thieves participating in the racket is the entire panoply of Russian kleptocrats.

Yellowdog's avatar

At least Trump’s friendship with Putin and alliance with Russia has kept us safe from Russia and its activities in Syria and Iraq.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And his friendship with Kimmy and North Korea has been a real ASSet too.

Oh, and BTW. He insulted the hell out of Kim Jong Un recently. Don’t know if it was today or yesterday.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

It is a good idea to listen to informed people and not make snap judgements. The liberal media crucifies Trump, and many people mindlessly believe its lies. I am not America, so informed Americans can inform me about the situation in politics. I listened to my professors in college after all.

flutherother's avatar

It’s an even better idea to become an informed person yourself so you can come to your own conclusions.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

That takes time. It does not magically occur overnight. It is good to have proper guidance in nay topic. I have international friends, and I expect them to know more about their own nations than I do. It is all too easy to have wrong ideas. One thing I have observed is that the media is deceptive and controls many people’s thoughts on all subjects. Some friends tell me Rolex watches are overrated, because they spend twice as much on advertising s any other brand. The watch magazines are not going to give bad reviews to the brand that gives them the most money. Rolex is actually an entry level luxury brand. There are many brand that are made better and cost much more, but some naïve people who are confused by the media imagins Rolex is the best and costliest watch brand. If we cannot trust the media about watches, we doubly cannot on politics.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That makes sense ^ ...So Trumpo is a Timex.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

A Timex is cheap and serviceable. A quartz Timex keeps time more accurately than a Rolex. What is a Trumpo? Is it like a trumpet or Columbo? President Donald Trump is a Vacheron Constantin watch. Vacheron Constantin is the oldest watch brand continuously in business. It began in 1755 and is still in business. It mae the most complicated pockertwatch in 2015. Its “Kallista” was the most valuable wristwatch 1981–2014.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Serviceable by buying a new one.

Oh I bet Putin gave him the Vacheron Constantin.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Yes, if one fails, it costs little to buy another. No, he is a Vacheron Constantin. Its current price range is $19,900 to $523,300. Its “Kallista” was valued at $9,000,000 in 2000 and said to be increasing in value by $4,000 per day.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Trump is increasing our national debt by the day. Maybe you’re on to something….

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

My friends tell me Obama did more of that than anyone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Stop with the friends thing, unless you’re just a robot. Look it up yourself.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

It is difficult to find an objective source for such data. Wiiliam Hjorstberg wrote, “The Truth is an exceedingly elusive quarry.” You should question your sources. You sound bised to me. True research is looking objectively at all sides in a debate. I have seen in several nations that media are biased and deceive people to support their biases. I have trustworthy friends. If I want information about Physics, I ask a reputable professor of Physics. If I want information about watches, I know a man who has written many books about watches. If I want to know about Japan, I ask my good friend from Japan. If I want to know about America, I ask an intelligent American..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh brother! No it isn’t! You just have to be able to distinguish fact from fiction and that is what some people find so hard to do. From Forbes

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Why call upon your brother. Who is he? Yes it certainly is, especially about politics. It s not nearly so easy as you imagine. It would be too time-consuming to even attempt to find truth about political news. Many media are liberal biased and a few are conservative biased. To find truth, you must listen to both and try to read between the lines. Evidently, most people find it exceeding difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, including you. The media deceives people on all levels. What watch brand do you think is best? Which is costliest? Rolex spends twice as much on advertising as any other brand and has long had a publicity mill. Many people greatly overrate Rolex, because of the media blitz. Objectively, many brands are much costlier than Rolex and are also better-made. Watch magazines are not going to give bad reviews to the brand that gives them the most money. If it s so difficult to find the truth about watches, it is 100 times more difficult to find truth about politics. It is not nearly so easy as you imagine.

flutherother's avatar

Despite all this confusion about watches it’s not that hard to figure out what time it is.

Response moderated
Dutchess_III's avatar

Does anybody know what time it is
Does anybody care?

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

An atomic clock has the most accurate time. I was making a point. The media tells you to buy Rolex. and leads you to believe it is much better than it actually is. Some people mindlessly repeat anything movie critics write. Some people mindlessly believe any lies the liberal media tell. The media controls many people totally and misleads them badly.

flutherother's avatar

I try to avoid mindlessly believing lies – wherever they originate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As with most things people are upset about, you can find the majority coming straight from Trump’s mouth. Sorry. No liberal conspiracy…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@flutherother I avoid believing lies too and I’ll fact check almost anything that is said about Trump, no matter how much I want to believe it.
It’s super sad that there is more than enough true stuff out there that you can believe.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There seems to be some confusion with the distinction between media and advertising.

flutherother's avatar

A confusion that extends to some of the so called “media” themselves who promote an agenda rather than the truth. A phenomenon by no means confined to the liberal end of the spectrum either.

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SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Advertising is the life blood of media. It is an inherent part of it. The media will not say anything unfavorable about its biggest advertisers, and it will not say anything unfavorable about its pets. It will not say anything nice about those against whom it is biased. The example of Rolex being greatly overrated by people who mindlessly believe anything media says is to demonstrate a point. If they lie so much about watches, they will lie much more about politics. All media lies to support its biases, whether the bias is for Rolex, Glock, Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, etc. Someone speaks of “fact checking” but shows no ability to determine what are facts. “The truth is an exceedingly elusive quarry”, wrote William Hjortsberg. Someone claims she avoids believing lies, but fails to demonstrate that. The truth is not so easy to find as she imagines.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I disagree. Fact checking is quite easy in many circumstances. The difference is that now, people like Trump will call facts “fake news.” Attempting to invalidate a fact that shows you in poor light, doesn’t change anything.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The truth is easy to find, but you have to be willing to research. Not your forte @SimpatichnayaZhopa.

Yellowdog's avatar

Hillary Clinton was under Federal Criminal Investigation for pay-to-play and collusion with foreign governments when she was nominated for the Democratic primaries. The primaries were rigged against Bernie Sanders for Hillary.

When information was subpoenaed, she deleted 33,000 emails from her illega private server and destroyed devices with a hammer and had her illegal, secret server erased with Bleachbit.

Hillary was exonerated in May, 2016, two months before she or any witnesses were interviewed. There are no records of the interview. Hillary was never even put under oath.

Comey and McCabe swept this under the rug because of their bias to have her elected president.

The Inspector General (Horowitz) report has cited four counts of lying on Andrew McCabe. The Inspector General report also lays out several counts of lying on James Comey as well.

McCabe and Comey will likely be indicted, no matter what your “news” is carrying. They lied, plain and simple, to undermine an election

McCabe, Comey, and others have been actively working against a sitting U.S, president because of political bias—unheard of before in American politics. Most of you don’t care, and will go right on turning to your same sources: The Guardian, Mother Jones, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Ellen DeGeneres show, Morning Joe, Whoopi, and the fine ladies of The View to get your news and check your facts

A year ago, many of you were believing that within just a few months (drip – drip – drip) Trump would be frog-marched in chains out of the White House for Russian collusion and rigging an election. Fifteen months have passed, and no sign of collusion. The investigation has gone everywhere but no indictment of Trump. Mueller is now even saying he is nor a target.

I really don’t care what anyone here believes or what news they follow. Admittedly I AM a little concerned that when people start going to prison, many of you—even a big fraction of the country, will be totally ignorant of the crimes they committed against a U.S> president and really against our constitution .and lying before juries and congress, I really don’t care. That’s YOUR problem. However, I do have a problem with those of you mocking SimpatichnaZhopa for thinking for himself and holding to his own position.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog Putin has photos !

Yellowdog's avatar

Where are they?

stanleybmanly's avatar

hidden in one of the many condos Trump unloaded on Russian kleptocrats laundering looted money.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog . “She.” Has admitted ignorance of fact, and stated that she has friends with those opinions and thinks they are right.

As far as photos. Why would you show them, if you were Putin? Extortion doesn’t work without something to blackmail someone with. As long as Trump is useful, the photos will never be seen. That shouldn’t be hard to understand right?

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog I love the image of Hillary with her hammer. I’m not sure how true it is but it is quite amusing. However Hillary is not president and never will be.

Trump on the other hand is president and causing far more damage with his autocratic style of government and his inane tweets than the entire Clinton clan is capable of were you to give each of them a ten pound hammer.

Yellowdog's avatar

MrGrimm888: To believe such photos exist without evidence except for a document produced by the Clinton campaign is to believe that the neighbors turn into toads at midnight. Our relations with Russia are worse now than they were in the cold war, because of Trump. Under Obama, with Hillary as secretary of state, relations with Putin were cordial. How soon you forget Hillary and the Russian Reset button, and the 2009 Uranium One deal

Flutherother: Our current problems with two F.B.I leaders, never before heard of in American history, are because of the Obama presidency and the Hillary presidential campaign. James Comey and Andrew McCabe both exonerated Hillary of crimes she was under investigation for in order for her to win the White House—and have currently been working against Trump since the election.

Inspector General Horowitz is no conservative. Yet he believes McCabe should be indicted for lying to congress, to the DOJ and to Comey. Comey changed his own story from month to month. Never before have we had so many important FBI leaders lying for political biases, fully believing they are like Hillary Clinton and above the law.

I assume that by autocratic you are implying that Trump is a dictator or wields absolute power in this country. Actually, he has decentralized our government as has been giving it back to the individual states—and consults for days with committees before making executive decisions. Obama never did that.

Show me evidence or an example of an autocratic decision, or where he worked against the will of the people of this nation.

I voted for Obama over McCain in 2008, because Obama spoke very differently then about who he was and the unity and change he would bring about—and the positive vibe of the masses at the time. In 2012, I voted for Romney, primarily because Obama did not support Israel. But I was very surprised when Hillary won the nomination because the Clinton controversy involving Benghazi (and the Clinton’s close association with Ansar al-Sharia in Libya—“Pay to Play”)—and the fact that the Clinton campaign was under several investigations at the time.

I was working with several History students (Graduate interns) at the Special Collections D Division of the University of Memphis at the time, who were surprised that Hillary was nominated. But they had no doubt that she would be cleared and fully expected that she would win the election because so much was rigged in her favor. Everything from the media to the DOJ and FBI.

Sounds far more autocratic than Trump, who has had the media, the DOJ leaders and FBI leaders working against him every step of the way, and who works daily with committees, commissions, and military leaders.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She might be in 2020.

Man, that net is dropping on Trump. It’s so funny that people screamed “Hillary for jail,” based on a bunch of rumors, but Trump is well on his way to jail based on a bunch of facts they just didn’t want to see.

RocketGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III – can I e-mail you some champagne when that happens?

Funny how psychological projection works.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

I am optimistic that we will see a return to sanity by 2020. Hillary would have made a competent president.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog . I should clarify. I don’t “believe” the photos exist, necessarily. I do believe Putin has something on Trump though.

And relationships with Russia, and all countries are because of Putin, not Trump. Trump.has been a large obstacle to sanctions on Russia. That indicates a relationship with the oligarchs that run that country. As they were the targets of some of the sanctions.

Whether it’s photos, or something financial, I believe there is a relationship there.

You seem to be ignoring the Trump/Hannity connection. For someone who spouts of media conspiracy, I would think you would be interested in this. A vague guess of what I’ve seen so far, is that Trump’s lawyer and Trump were helping Sean get richer with business dealings, in exchange for him pushing Trump’s agenda to the sheep.

On a side note, there seems to be indication from Stormy’s camp, that there is some sort of footage, or pictures of Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I will say again. I don’t believe that the hunt for Trump’s unseating would be so ferocious, if not for Trump’s own mouth. His abhorrent rhetoric, and behavior are what put him in this mess.
It’s also what keeps him looking worse, and worse. Guilty or not of wrong doing, I can’t envision a person acting more guilty. If he fires Mueller, we’ll see how far the GOP will go to protect him. It will be a defining moment for the Republicans. And a turning point for the country.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog Dictators work with committees commissions and military leaders too the difference is they fire, or worse, anyone who disagrees with them. The FBI and the DOJ and the media are there to serve the country not Trump. Trump is there to serve the country himself and if he could bring a little humility to the role it would be a fine thing but humility is not a quality Trump, or any dictator, possesses.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog I can’t believe you think Trump free of autocratic tendencies. He makes autocratic declarations daily, simply because he understands neither his job, nor the most basic functions of the country’s government. As a result the courts have been slapping his ignorant ass around since the day he was sworn in. Thank God for checks and balances. But let’s review his “greatest hits”:Remember the Muslim ban? How about “no gays in the military”? Then there was the threat to cease paying the nation’s UN dues in direct violation of our treaty obligations (about which he hasn’t a clue). It isn’t bad enough that the man is so hopelessly ignorant. He compounds the flaw by incessantly running his mouth on topics he knows nothing about. Why can’t he just shut the fk up?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Don’t you get it? That’s how he controls his sheep/base. Lies, and misrepresentation, at high volume. Shotgun tactics. The louder, and more frequently his base hears his ramblings, the more credibility it gets, in their eyes. The more disinformation he puts into circulation, the better chances it clouds the truth…

It’s not a genius strategy. It’s been done.

Yellowdog's avatar

The FBI and DOJ and the Media certainly don’t serve Trump. They have been trying to unseat Trump for the past 14 months, Thank God for checks and balances—McCabe was fired and will face criminal charges. He was NOT fired by Trump. Comey may have been fired by Trump, and Trump certainly boasted that he was going to fire Comey anyway. But it was Rod Rosenstien who drafted Comey’s termination. The Democrats were demanding it. Comey leaked classified information for political motives and will eventually be indicted. .

The F.B.I and D.O.J. DO serve the executive branch, and the president CAN fire them. But this D.O.J. and F.B.I, have a few leaders with conflicted loyalties with the Clinton campaign. Untrue to their purpose, they have leaked and lied about the current president, and have been caught.

Former FBI Director Eric Holder described himself as Obama’s “Wingman” Believe me, the FBI was Obama’s secret police, and unmasked and spied on private citizens esp. the Trump campaign.

The F.B.I and D.O.J. framed Trump to protect Hillary and Obama. They do NOT serve Trump, nor does the media. which is OVERWHELMINGLY against Trump and loyal to the Democratic platform.

Unlike Obama and Hillary, Donald Trump has not attempted to criminalize political differences. In fact, he has been the target of criminalization of political differences.

No “Muslim Ban”—we just don’t receive unvetted individuals from countries whose constitution vows our demise, and have sent us terrorists.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t believe anyone can be so blind.

Yellowdog's avatar

What do you dispute?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not even…@Yellowdog, what will you say when he gets impeached?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump was in multimillion dollar deals with Russian banks. Lots of taxable transfers. Sounds like exactly the type of person that the FBI should be paying attention to.

Banning all people from countries that are vastly Muslim, can easily be considered a Muslim ban. That’s just common sense.

The FBI, and CIA framed Trump? Another ridiculous, baseless claim. Trump publicly asked the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails, whilst on the campaign trail. So. You have a crazy conspiracy theory involving our nation’s top intelligence agencies, or, you can just listen to the actual words coming from Trump’s lips. Again. Nothing manufactured by the left here…

The “but Hillary did this” argument is completely irrelevant… A deflection tactic, that only works on the conservative sheep…

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog It isn’t the job of the DOJ, FBI or media to”serve Trump, (excluding the embarrassing exception of FOX). But it is more than a mistake to equate criticism of the fool with proof positive liberal bias. It is in fact DISHONEST. Liberal bias is hardly to blame for negative press on Trump who strives mightily to publicly flaunt his imterminable defects. Those defects are spectacular and so pronounced, that even his defenders understand the futility in contesting the open facts. So how does one defend or rationalize that which on its is face is both irrational and indefensible? Declare any notice or mention of the flaws as irrefutable evidence that “they’re out to get him”.

flutherother's avatar

Jeff Sessions, who leads the DOJ, was appointed by Trump. Do you believe he has been trying to unseat Trump for the last 14 months ever since he was appointed? As for criminalising political opponents the example that shocked me at the time was Trump publicly stating his political opponent should be jailed.

Yellowdog's avatar


In a national debate, in what was a joke on a not-so-serious issue for which Hillary should have been on trial for, Trump did not ask the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails, but to turn over those which she had deleted and acid-washed with bleachbit.

Many of these were indeed in the hands of the Russians and other hostile governments, along with classified information. Some of it was in the hands of Pakistanis. Much of it, along with classified information were on the hardware of Anthony Weiner (who was not authorized to have classified information) when the F.B.I confiscated the equipment when Anthony Weiner was sexting and exposing himself to 16-year-old girls. Is this really where you want to find classified information and national security documents?

In any case, Hillary was conducting her own dubious ‘pay-to-play’ Clinton foundation business and did not want that information available to watchdog groups, whistle blowers, and law enforcement. That’s why she was conducting this business on her own devices and acid washed it and destroyed the devices when it was subpoenaed. and yes, Flutherother, she should be in prison for it—if for nothing else than destroying subpoenaed emails and devices, and storing classified info on computers, and the fact that some of it was on Anthony Weiner’s porn sites.

flutherother's avatar

Mrs Clinton’s email system existed in a grey area of the law – and one that has been changed several times since she left office.

Following a detailed investigation of the facts Comey stated “Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog . I believe Trump is simply too stupid, or has so much complacency, that he said what he said.

As far as irrelevant Hillary, throw her ass in jail. Nobody cares…

basstrom188's avatar

Donald Trump the man who failed to sell meat to a nation of carnivores

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s been an enlightening 3 years.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes it has. And not in a good way @stanleybmanly. We’ve seen how far to the depths American’s can sink.

Yellowdog's avatar

If you don’t like it, why are you joining in the disruption?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to explain in more detail @Yellowdog?

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stanleybmanly's avatar

Dutchess III You know it suddenly occurs to me that @Yellowdog is pulling our collective leg. He is actually pretending to believe that the problem isn’t Trump, but rather those of us complaining about him. All evidence that the fool is an insufferable fkup is dismissed on the spot and those commenting on it dismissed as haters. And the proof of the hatred? They notice the fool and complain about him!

Dutchess_III's avatar

The man is so damn stupid, that it blows my mind that anyone can make excuses for him. Most recently he’s been musing aloud, wondering if he should be taking insulin. No, he does not have diabetes. He just finally caught win of the insulin catastrophe, and the fact that many people flat can’t afford it, so he figured he’d jump on the band wagon…with no clue as to what insulin is or what it’s used for.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I can’t decide if he’s terrifying or morbidly funny.

RocketGuy's avatar

@stanleybmanly – he would be funny if people did not take him seriously.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But I mean he has a damned serious job. As ridiculous as he is, the consequences are frightening.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@RocketGuy…but we have no choice but to take him seriously. Look at all the people he’s infected with his retarded “No vote by mail” bs, among so many, many other things.

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