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stanleybmanly's avatar

From the sound of things thus far, it appears no one will be able to accuse the Dems of rolling over on the Kavanaugh nomination. What do you think?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) September 4th, 2018
41 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

This one will be a knockdown fight.

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elbanditoroso's avatar

Too early to tell. But the Republicans are cheating on this one. May they rot in hell.

stanleybmanly's avatar

They may have the bonus of rotting on the airwaves.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

November can’t come soon enough for a lot of us.

chyna's avatar

I’m pretty sick of the commercials already, so I can’t watfor it to be over either.

filmfann's avatar

Too soon to tell.
It will come down to how he replies to questions about his lying to the Senate the last time he was being questioned by them.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Republicans are already to call it done and he is in place, no due process or due diligence.

He’s Trump boy and the Rep’s are tripping over themselves to get him in the SCOTUS.

seawulf575's avatar

I find the whole thing silly. Kavanaugh is fully qualified. All the hubbub is nothing more than political posturing. The excuses from the Dems are disingenuous at the very best. They are squawking about 42,000 documents that suddenly came up. Meanwhile they have already been handed over 900,000 documents…more than the last 5 justices put together. They claim that it should be wrong to use the nuclear option, but they are the ones that used it during the last administration when they wanted something, despite being told they would regret it. They claim it is wrong that Trump should be allowed to nominate anyone while there is an ongoing investigation into people around him. First, let’s be honest…it’s a witch hunt that has yielded nothing on Trump. Secondly, statements like that ignore that Bill Clinton was allowed to nominate and had confirmed TWO SCOTUS justices….Ginsburg and Breyer…while he was under investigation which ended in his impeachment. And the Repubs supported the picks almost wholly. All the stuff going on is a push to keep America divisive.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 and did you think it was as silly when McConnell refused to bring Merrick Garland’s nomination to hearings even? Garland was fully qualified as well and a moderate. Puhleeze!!

seawulf575's avatar

Actually @janbb I think it is silly. There was much precedence for not allowing a nomination in an election year, but even that shows that politics rules the day. It shows that our elected leaders aren’t working for the country. It shows that agenda means more than honesty and fairness. In a perfect world, judges and justices would rule strictly on the rule of law, not on opinion. That doesn’t happen. In a perfect world, a nominee could be vetted well enough and if they have shown respect for the law, they could be confirmed (I give you Ginsburg and Breyer as example). Also, something that everyone seems to forget is that despite their ideological slant, most of the justices rule pretty fairly down the line. Ginsburg has supported conservative cases and Thomas has supported liberal ones. If you look, the worst of them only goes along their ideological lines about 55% of the time. The only time I have taken exception was with Ginsburg and Kagan on the Obergefell case. And that had nothing to do with their opinions, it had to do with their ethics. The rules are pretty clear…they can’t participate in something that is on the docket of the court. They both participated in same-sex weddings while Obergefell was in their docket. They should have recused themselves from the case or excused themselves from the weddings. They did neither and that shows an ethics issue. There was another case where I read the “liberal” opinion (I’ll be honest, the case slips my mind right now) and it was not a ruling on the law. It involved things like they didn’t see how the Congress could afford to do whatever was on the table with the case. That one bothered me because it wasn’t an interpretation of the law, it was their opinion of how Congress would or wouldn’t be successful doing their jobs. That isn’t the purpose of the SCOTUS and shows an overreach. But as I said, these are just a couple that bothered me and I don’t see them as the norm. I see them as points on the curve that bother me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 By your guidelines: 1) he is conservative and therefore doesn’t need to have anyone read the 100,000 pages blocked by executive order and the other 400,000 pages drop in the Dems lap late last night.

Oh I know you read them all including the 100,000 pages !

Dutchess_III's avatar

According to @seawulf575 It’s not cheating or breaking the law if the conservatives do it. They’re just fine and anyone who tries to call them out on it is just “silly.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

THIS. Dems being silly.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

2) He’d be good for Trump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and not the United States of America!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s right.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You must have passed your creative reading class since your statement about the pages is created out of thin air. Your numbers are really weird. Let me help you. They have already given over 900,000 pages of stuff on Kavanaugh. Trump did put a hold on 100,000 pages of stuff. His reasoning is a matter of speculation. And they released another 42,000 yesterday (not 400,000). The arguments the Dems are trying to push make no sense. They are screaming about needing a delay to review the 42,000. Let me help you. The Judiciary committee reviewed only about 430,000 pages on the last 5 justices….total. All 5, not each. It is nothing more than a stall tactic to push for more now. They already have more than twice as much as 5 previous justices…and average of 10x more than each justice. Sorry….I don’t buy the “we don’t have enough info” argument.
I understand that if you used actual facts your argument would fall apart, but gee…that is how reality works. You don’t get to create your own facts.
Next, at what point did I say anything about him being conservative and therefore deserving any special treatment? What I have said is just the opposite…he is getting way more scrutiny by Dems because he is a conservative. Maybe you should cogitate on that a bit. The bias in this discussion is all on the left, not on the right.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III you are hitching your wagon to @Tropical_Willie. So let me help you as well. Where did I say something wasn’t cheating or breaking the law? Please….help me out with that. Like him, you don’t get to create your own facts. I stated I felt the Dems’ arguments were disingenuous and I stated my reasons…reasons that have facts that can easily be verified. Nowhere in my conversations have I spoken of anything illegal. If you feel I have, then you need to revisit your definitions and you need to revisit your support of Dems since most of what is going on was done by the Dems previously. So if you feel it is a crime now (and I still have no idea what that might be), you have to admit it was a crime then. Ditto that if you feel it is cheating now. Nuclear Option? That was done by Harry Reid and the Dems at the objection of the Repubs. Now that the Dems are out of power and the Repubs are using the nuclear option, the liberals are crying foul. Where was your sense of propriety when the Dems were doing it? OR….are you just doing the classic liberal projectionism and accusing me of what you, yourself, are doing?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . I hope you have a nice bed. Surely, even you, grow tired of your pathetic defenses of the Trump administration… Uh oh… Time to make a list?.. Time to deflect? Time to bring up Obama? I’ll spare you the time… You are a TOTAL hypocrite. I wish you were stupid, so I could understand you more. Oh well…

Cry about your “facts.” Cry about conspiracy theories, that make NO sense AT ALL.

Let me help you.

Stop eating everything the GOP feeds you. Even the lowly liberals fact check, and take things with a grain of salt. The fact that you are a hypocrite, calling those who aren’t hypocrites, doesn’t do your arguments favor.


Just stop. Seriously? Just stop…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I think you need that same reading comprehension class I recommended for @Tropical_Willie. Where in this thread have I defended the Trump administration. I think you are confusing my disgust with politics in Congress with support for Trump. But please…go back and re-read. I have nowhere jumped on the Trump bandwagon. Nor have I mentioned conspiracy theories, nor deflected. Yet I have been attacked by now three jellies for things I never said.
As for facts, are you trying to tell me that @Tropical_Willie was correct? Really? Okay…prove it to me. Remember, even the lowly liberals fact check. Show me where they dumped 400,000 documents on the Dems the night before the confirmation hearings started. I’ll wait. hhmm….hmmm…do-de-dooo…..what? He wasn’t correct? You can’t find a single place that says he was right? He didn’t fact check? Oh! Then I must have given “facts”. And you are defending him. Guess you didn’t fact check either. I understand why liberals hate facts so much. I really do. Because the liberal beliefs are based on feelings. What you feel must be right. Except it isn’t all the time. When someone actually proves something to me, I will admit they are right. Liberals can’t do that because so much or your belief system is based on feelings that if you start questioning things or admitting they weren’t correct, your entire psyche will fall apart.
Let me turn things around on you a little: You call me a hypocrite. What was I a hypocrite about? I have slammed congressional politics and politicians. How is that hypocritical? I have pointed out and proved the hypocrisy of the Dems arguments against Kavanaugh. How is that hypocritical on my part? You have accused me of defending the Trump administration when I did no such thing in this string. Yet you sit there chastising me in a vain attempt to blindly defend the Dems. You are the one defending the garbage in DC. You are the one that has created strawman arguments about me so that you can attempt to slam me. And all your strawmen are projectionism for what you are doing. Pathetic defense (of Dems), Deflecting (how does your attack have anything to do with the topic?), Stop eating everything the GOP (Dems) feed you, Fact Check (which you didn’t, but then strawman arguments don’t require facts and are, in fact hindered by them), and then accuse me of projectionism which brings us back to this. I understand why you would plead with me to stop. Your entire fantasy world is being threatened for some reason.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Can’t prove anything to you, because you have an opinion that only your opinion is valid!

si3tech's avatar

From reports it has been a 3 ring circus!

chyna's avatar

^Yes. So bad that they had to take his daughters out of the hearings yesterday.

Demosthenes's avatar

Republicans did everything they could to prevent Garland from being confirmed, so Democrats will do everything they can to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed. That’s politics. The Supreme Court shouldn’t be so partisan, but it is. And it’s only going to get worse as the country gets more divided.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You never said it wasn’t cheating or breaking the law @seawulf575. What you said is it’s no big deal and the dems are just being “silly” about it.

seawulf575's avatar

No, I find the whole thing silly. I find the Dems disingenuous because they are squawking about all the things they previously did. I find the excuses of why things should be delayed idiotic. I find the politics and game playing behind trying to pick a SCOTUS justice to be unworthy of adults, much less elected officials. And I don’t blame the Dems for all the fiasco. But let’s be honest…Kavanaugh is a well respected judge. He has a top notch rating from the lawyers of the country. There really is nothing wrong with him as a selection other than the fearmongering done by the Dems. That is all part of the politics game. But it would be wrong if the nuclear option has to be used to confirm him. What that says is that our elected officials are so polarized they cannot figure out how to put their politics aside and deal with what is best for the country. Is it any wonder that Congress gets such low approval ratings?

Dutchess_III's avatar

The only qualification trump needed from him was when he said a sitting president shouldn’t be prosecuted. I think he’s changed his mind, though.

MrGrimm888's avatar

One SCOTUS pick was stolen. It really does not matter who the GOP puts in. It will be a conservative, and it will change the country in that direction. Whether the majority wants it, or not.

The end result will be a more divided nation. No SCOTUS nominee should be allowed to have religion. It’s a pathetic joke, to assume he won’t be morivated to make decisions based on it. It’s far more pathetic, to think he may be personally appointed to help Trump get out of the mess he’s in.

Yes indeed. Anyone claiming no bias, yet supporting the way this pick gets in, is a hypocrite. I’m sure that a smart conservative, could read thousands of pages in a couple of days.

For the woefully ignorant, if you are hiding something, there is ALWAYS a reason to. It’s beyond stupid, to try to deflect in this case.

Trump won’t release his tax records, nor will he be questioned by the team investigating him. Yeah. Just an old honest guy Trump. Well. When he’s not peeing on underage Russian girls, or having unprotected sex with over-the-hill porn stars, and using campaign funds to pay them not to speak of how pathetic he is.

Love the new book too BTW. Sounds 100% accurate. Almost funny, how terrible Don is. His entire staff, are either recording him in hopes of black mailing him, OR they are working to keep him as uninvolved as possible. Sounds like when Don said he’d surround himself with the best people, he meant baby sitters, and criminals.

Trumpers will just squeeze those old eyes shut, and eat Trump’s bullshit sandwiches at a rabid pace… Their arteries will soon clog with bullshit, and we won’t have to worry about them anymore!

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stanleybmanly's avatar

The mods will soon destroy the answer above, but let’s pick apart your paragraph above mine. Let’s start with the assertion that if all of the accusations against Trump held any water, he would already be impeached. THAT one we can dismiss without discussion and you fully understand why. I won’t attempt to argue the impossible to settle dispute as to who outnumbers whom when it comes liberals vs. conservatives. What IS crystal clear is that blue reliably smothers red when it comes to the popular vote. Devices such as the electoral college, and the truly egregious and lopsided proportional representation in the Senate are all that save conservative bacon.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I am indeed one of the few conservatives willing to voice and defend my positions. What I find odd, though, is that most of the liberals on these pages try to attribute things to me that I have neither stated nor supported. They attribute their own flaws to me while they are doing exactly what they accuse me of. Take @MrGrimm888 as an example. He implies I am a hypocrite and that I am ignorant. Meanwhile, he continues to repeat the same, lame statements about liberals being the majority…the statements I have proven false to him previously. I even asked him for his proof….and he dodged (on the previous discussion) and never did. But I am accused of being ignorant and squeezing my eyes shut to see things. And yes, I started off with a strong statement. But when he comes at me from that sort of position, he deserves it. I have been called that and worse for far less.
As for the liberals being the majority, it isn’t impossible to prove. It is quite easy.

Granted, the CNN article is 5 years old, but it still holds true based on Gallup. Gee…that was easy enough to look up!

stanleybmanly's avatar

My problem with the poll lies in what’s going on in that “moderate” camp. Remember these folks are self identifying as liberal, conservative or moderate. And there are huge
differences in what you and I consider those 3 things to be. And it isn’t what people claim to be on which we should rely. It’s how and for whom they vote where things may be reliably counted. What is conspicuously clear is that the factions continue to intensify by populations in various strongholds. Were I a conservative, I would be alarmed at the fact that the 10% with all the money are decidely concentrated in yhe bluelands, with the trend accelerating. The reason I continue these discussions with you is because I believe you might come to understand the logic in the liberal point of view and pry yourself from the dark side. Consider that 10% with all the money. Then take a look at the suffering of the overall populations in red states, and tell me why it is that the redder the state, the more ragged the safety net for the bulging outsized populations of needy people?

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seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yes, you asked me if I thought Trumpers were a majority in the world. That was after you claimed that Conservatives weren’t the majority. I ignored your question because it was a dodge. You tried changing your statement entirely. I didn’t play your silly game and still won’t. You made the statement and couldn’t back it up at all. Yet you will not say you were wrong. Instead you try changing your statement so you could be right. Childish move, but expected from liberals.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly You are making a lot of claims that don’t have facts to back them up. You discuss the redder states not caring about their people and having ragged safety nets for them. Yet if you look California and New York have the highest percentage of homeless people in the nation. They also have the highest number of people so they really are out there. And aren’t they both solidly blue states? Meanwhile, the red states are all pretty reasonable.

Now granted, this was 2013 data, but the trends continue to show NY and CA are struggling and homelessness continues to rise at an astounding rate.
And this is an example of why I will likely never see the “logic” of liberalism/progressivism. It isn’t logical, unless you consider making claims about whatever and mentally turning them into “facts” is logical. I don’t. I consider it mentally askew.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . It’s interesting to me, that you constantly call others out for assuming things about you, when I have told you countless times, that I am not a liberal.

IMO. There’s not a lot separating conservatives, and Trumpers. So. I don’t feel that my talking point is invalid. You are the one dodging the point. That’s what I expect from a hypocrite.

Call me liberal. Call me an idiot. It won’t change your severely flawed, and biased logic. I have at least admitted to my biases. Maybe if you talk to @Yellowdog , you can borrow some of his courage and just be honest about your bigotry, and white nationalism. Which is why you constantly support Trump, and whatever ridiculous conspiracy theories you think he is fighting against.

Your rhetoric is typical Trumper trash. You thinly veil your bigotry, with bullshit about national security, and the economy. It hasn’t fooled me, and judging by most jellies’ responses to your fake news spreading, it hasn’t fooled them either. Please drink lots of water when eating Trump’s bullshit sandwiches. They are really bad for you. I’m sorry, for you, that we don’t eat them here…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Obama is back! Big sigh of relief to hear his voice.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You continue on your liberal rants. You may say I am assuming things, but your rants are full on liberal so maybe you need to revisit your own political leanings. Maybe you have just been hanging around these uber-liberals too long.
As for the difference between conservatives and “Trumpers” (a term by which you mean someone that is entirely ga-ga over Trump) is like the difference between grass and plants. Yes, all grass are plants, but not all plants are grass. All “Trumpers” are probably conservatives, but certainly not all Conservatives are Trumpers. In fact, most of the conservatives I know aren’t ga-ga about Trump at all. They hold him to standards that they hold everyone to. As I have stated in the past, I have negative views about Trump’s behaviors, but I also see good that he is doing. I can look at the performance of Obama or Bush or Clinton before him and find things that I think were foolish and/or illegal. So far, despite all the rhetoric and accusations about him, he really hasn’t done anything dreadful. I think about some of his decisions and think they might be right…things like getting rid of NAFTA and using Tariffs to equalize the trade balance with other countries. I think those are things that should have been done all along, but at least he is addressing them. The cries about impeaching him are idiotic. Generally, intelligent people wait for the conditions to be met before calling for the punishment. I have also stated that if it turned up that he broke the law somehow he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. I am a genuine conservative, but not a Trumper. MAYBE, the issue is your definition of a “Trumper”. Apparently, anyone that disagrees with liberal illogic is a “Trumper” to you. I guess if that is your definition then maybe I am. But that is like saying everyone that disagreed with a policy decision from Obama was a racist. You automatically assign beliefs to someone so you can try slamming them for disagreeing with you. That is how that comes off. But I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually hold my first definition.
You state I continually support Trump and whatever ridiculous conspiracy theories he might be fighting against. That, again, is a warped view by you. I might agree with his efforts on some things (as I have mentioned), but not on all things. Meanwhile, what it seems like you mean is that I don’t go along with all the hate spewed about him so that makes me a cheerleader for him. When you (or someone) come out and make statements about how he has committed all these crimes that are horrible and yet cannot actually produce any proof other than innuendo and accusation, I will not go along with that. I still believe that people actually deserve to have proof presented before they are called a criminal. I have stated that Obama violated the Constitution numerous times and that he acted illegally. But I can produce proof on those accusations. Despite the fact he wasn’t prosecuted, he still did the crime. If I drive 10 mph over the limit but don’t get a ticket, it doesn’t change the fact I was still breaking the law. I just got away with it. But when you want to generate a punishment against someone, now you are entering into a realm where that person deserves first off to be formally charged with something, not just hinted at. They deserve to see the evidence that exists of their crime. There ought to be some form a trial where they get to defend themselves against bogus charges. Once you get past all that, if you want to punish them, have at it. But most of you libbies don’t want to go through all that…you just want him punished. What does that say about you?
I think you, and many of the jellies on here, really need to revisit your own hatreds, bigotries, and biases. You all seem to have a hard time answering direct questions directly, you have a hard time distinguishing between facts and opinions, and you all have a hard time challenging your liberal popular opinions.

chyna's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . I have no reason to revisit my opinions on Trumpers. I back every word, and challenge any to oppose my views. Although we HAVE had a couple Trumpers be brave enough to admit their bigotry, we have not seen any real defense of their beliefs.

Hatred. Bigotry, and biases.

I have, and will continue to admit to hating bigots. I will continue to call them out. And I will not be silenced. Because I am using YOUR words, and those of the administration you support.


I AM PROUD AS FUCK, TO ADMIT MY BIASES. I hate the current administration. I hate it’s supporters. And I will never hide behind a false ideology, to justifymy biases. The Trump administration, is a dumpster fire. It has done irreversible damage to our world, and our country. Few made lots of money, while the environment, and billions of people suffer. That’s something to be proud of…

I still don’t understand why opposing greedy, bigoted, white nationals, makes me a liberal…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn snowflake!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf STOP COPYING – - – - – - Right wing Blogs.

Shows you’re not as smart as you pretend to be !

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