General Question

anonymousmousie's avatar

How can I test positive for Chlamydia when my partner is negative and he's the only one I've been with?

Asked by anonymousmousie (151points) January 30th, 2019
60 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Freaking out. I know it’s curable but I can’t get treated. My parents will fucking hate me if they find out. I’m 18.
He is negative. He worked in a hospital he gets tested regularly. Last time was ¾ months ago-ish and he was negative. Last time we’ve been intimate was 6+ months ago. I can’t call doc until Monday because he’s out. I told him not to send prescription. I can’t be positive if he’s negative, right?

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anonymousmousie's avatar

That should read as ” 3 to 4 months ago” not “three fourths” It’s showing up as a fraction instead of what I meant which was 3 / 4

chyna's avatar

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is a reason your boyfriend gets tested regularly for STD’s. He is lying to you one way or another. Either he has the disease or he has not been tested.

anonymousmousie's avatar

He has to get tested as part of his Job.

chyna's avatar

I’ve worked in a hospital for years. No one has ever had to be tested for a STD as part of the job. You can only get the disease from having sex or having very close contact with another person while naked.

anonymousmousie's avatar

He won’t admit it that he’s been lying he’s driving me nuts I’m going to cry. As soon as I confronted him he tried to deny we even had sex??? I’m so confused and hurt right now

anonymousmousie's avatar

Like can’t he be held responsible for this?

chyna's avatar

Probaby not.

Jeruba's avatar

Speaking as your mother (which I’m not, but I could be), or maybe your father:

I’m concerned for your health and well-being above all else.

Sure, I might be disappointed if you’ve behaved in an irresponsible way or even gone against the way we raised you, and I might be angry, but all kids do dumb stuff. I’ll be much angrier with the guy, I promise.

Right now I want you to get properly diagnosed and treated, and then we’ll talk about the rest. If you need counseling to help you think things through, I’ll help you get it.

Even if you’ve done something you shouldn’t and something you regret, I’m still your mother (or your father), and I love you.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sweetie…You need a better boyfriend!!! Either he’s lying to you or he’s dumb as dirt. They don’t test guys for Chlamydia because they don’t get it…girls do. Guys just hold the germ & pass it on or give it back to you. They have a pill that you will have to take that will get rid of it. ONLY problem is that your boyfriend will need to take it too & I bet he’ll refuse…he can’t drink alcoholic beverages while taking it. It won’t do you any good to take the pill to get rid of it as long as you’re still having sex with him, IF he doesn’t take it too. Both of you will need to take it for a week.

You really should find a new boyfriend who RESPECTS you more than this clown does!!!

anonymousmousie's avatar

Do you guys know how much could this cost? I have a friend who could drive me and I’ll pay out of pocket but I only have 50$

anonymousmousie's avatar

At least it’s curable

Caravanfan's avatar

Go to Planned Parenthood. They will be able to treat you, and they’d likely treat you for free or very low cost.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Most drs will charge you more than $50 for the office visit. The pills for the cure aren’t expensive in comparison to other meds but your grand total will more than likely be more than the $50 you have. Take @Caravanfan idea & go to Planned Parenthood & ask them for help. They should be able to cure you for free!!!

While you’re at Planned Parenthood, ask them to also provide you with some birth control pills. Since this guy is denying having sex with you over an STD, he’ll dump you when you tell him that you’re pregnant. Still he’ll be wanting to have sex with you again & he won’t use a condom. He’ll leave you to raise a baby all by yourself. Planned Parenthood doesn’t charge for bc pills either.

IF you think it is hard to tell your parents that you have an STD, think what it will be like to tell them you’re pregnant!!! YOU have to be responsible for YOUR body/life; so, take good care of it!!!

Inspired_2write's avatar

How did you know that you tested positive? Didn’t you see a Doctor? If so why then didn’t he prescribe the pills, then?
I wouldn’t trust that boyfriend of yours again, leave this one , for sure!
This is a wake up call for YOU to take control..never mind what the boyfriend says or does.
Playing around has consequences, remember that and usually the boyfriend takes off, depending on age and maturity. If you don’t take care of this problem now, it could blow into something more serious and permanent. Go to the Hospital perhaps and get immediate assistance. ( don’t wait for monday)

anonymousmousie's avatar

@LadyMarissa @Inspired_2write I told my doc not to give me the pills yet. I was already diagnosed. I only need to pay for the pills. How much would that be. PP is not an option at the moment

Kardamom's avatar

^^ You need the pills right now. Either confess to your parents and beg them to lend you the money (or beg some of your friends) or get on a bus and go to a town where there is a Planned Parenthood. While you are there, have a serious dicussion with them about how to have safer sex. Then dump your boyfriend.

Don’t play around with your health.

anonymousmousie's avatar


chyna's avatar

Get the name of the prescription you will need. You’ve already been to the doctor so call and ask the prescription name and dosage. Then call around to the pharmacies in your area to ask and compare the price.

raum's avatar

Why can’t you go to Planned Parenthood?

PS Stop yelling.

Caravanfan's avatar

Jeezus. Calm down. The prescription is under 50 bucks.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I just can’t? I’m in the process of ruining this mans life for what he just infected me with. I can’t believe him at all.

raum's avatar

Planned Parenthood isn’t going to have your dickhead boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. Don’t be an idiot. Get the meds.

Also…you’re ruining his life with what he infected you with? That statement makes no sense whatsoever.

Jeruba's avatar

She’s not listening, @raum.

raum's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

She claimed to be 18. An adult. I’m beginning to doubt that. I think she should tell her parents what she’s been up to, and beg them to borrow the money for the pills, which some of you have already determined should be less than $50.

Kardamom's avatar

This article discusses treatment for chlamydia, and suggests that the prescription is usually about $10 to $20. It also discusses why a person needs to get treated right away.

And here is some info on all the different places people can get treated, inexpensively in some of the facilities, for STDs, including Planned Parenthood.

Jeruba's avatar

@Kardamom, she has yet to understand that the wisest course is not necessarily the most comfortable one. For whatever reason, she doesn’t trust her parents, and she doesn’t see the relative merits of her options. She also appears to be protecting the young man (or the not-young man).

In her place, you or I might ask ourselves: what will it cost down the road if the condition is left untreated or inadequately treated now? I might even ask, if something bad does develop, how much would I pay then not to have it?—which is why I paid $200 for a shingles vaccination some years ago. If I ever got shingles, I would curse myself for my foolishiness in having passed it up. But she’s not there yet.

For what it’s worth, I can think of people twice her age (or more) who aren’t making any better decisions than that. But unfortunately advice is no teacher. Pain is a teacher.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Question: what country are you living in? Is there a problem of going to the hospital and getting treated now? I guess it depends on your countries Health Care plan? They can bill you and you pay when you have the money, its not that fact Have your boyfriend pay for his mistake.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ The “boyfriend” has denied having had sex with anyone else (although he clearly got chlamydia from someone he slept with and passed it to the OP). He had also denied ever having sexual relations with the OP.

She needs to ditch this guy, and not expect him to help her. He had already lied to her, and is being a jerk. She needs to walk away from him, and get treated immediately.

The treatment should only cost about $10 to $20. She needs to get treated now, or risk serious health problems.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I am going to call doctor on Monday to get meds. I will pay out of pocket. I am 18, and I am not trying to be unruly here.
I can tell my parents if I want to be on the street or have no money for college.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I’m not talking to him. I’m reporting him to police, not planned parenthood.

Jeruba's avatar

Dear @anonymousmousie, assuming all you’ve said is true, we’re trying to support you here. You do need an ally. Your parents may judge and punish you just as you imagine, or they may not, but that’s for later. Right now, it sounds like (a) you are getting the meds (good!) and (b) you are reporting something to police. If there was a crime involved, this is the right step.

What state are you in? and what sort of area, urban, suburban, rural?

Do you have any friend or relative you can trust? And do you have proof of this man’s relationship with you? Store it securely, away from your phone or computer.

And come back here and tell us what’s happening. We care.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I may not report him. I am in a state where 16–17 is a misdemeanor but is legal where he is. So I am unsure what can happen. All evidence is on phone FB messenger.
He is a liar. I am hurt.

Jeruba's avatar

Can you copy it off to a flash drive?

How old is he? and was he ever in some position of authority or, let’s say, social superiority over you? a boss, teacher, spiritual advisor, older family friend, etc.? It sounds to me like you’re a victim here, of misconduct even if not of a crime. You need advice. How about a counselor at school?

Or the doctor who’s treating you? Say you need a referral for counseling to deal with the emotional aspect of this situation.

Try the suicide & crisis hotline if nothing else—you’re in a crisis. They can refer you to agencies and resources. Or start with your public library.

I’m so sorry for your distress. Many people can relate to it. There are people who can help you once you reach out.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I was 16, he was 25. He lied to me many times on many things, got my hopes up making me think we were going to live together and all this shit. Told me he would never cheat yet he did from when we met till when we broke up. He truly fucked me up mentally, I’ll never be able to trust like that again.
Now, this.
He still claims he is clean, he was put on antibiotics for another illness for 2 weeks that could have gotten rid of it for him.

I am very scarred by all this. I put so much love and trust into this man it’s unbelievable. It wasn’t physicall abusive but it was certainly emotionally. He really really screwed me up.

Jeruba's avatar

So, just guessing, it’s somebody you met on the Internet? You went to his state, where you were considered of age, and not he to yours? And you maybe lied to your parents about where you were?

(Sorry, I can’t help still being a little mom-ish here.)

You can deal with this. You’ve dealt with a lot already, figured things out and figured out how to do things. You’re stronger than you think. And it’s okay not to be able to do it all alone. You came here for help. Now we’re pointing you to real-life resources where you can actually talk to someone and get some kind of direct aid.

Are there alcohol or drugs in this picture? There’s help available with that too.

Also noted: If you’re 18 now, you weren’t 16 six months ago. So either one of those data points is wrong or you were involved with this guy for a long time.

anonymousmousie's avatar

He went to my state. And yes, met online. I’ve known him for 2.5 years.
No drugs or alcohol.

Jeruba's avatar

So what, specifically, is going to cause the explosion with your parents? Which is the one thing (not “all of it”) that you don’t think they can accept?

anonymousmousie's avatar

They genuinely will not pay for my college nor will they allow me to stay at home. They did this to my sister when she got pregnant at 17.

Jeruba's avatar

Which thing will cause that, though? The premarital sex? the older man? the STD? the sneaking around and lying? breaking a religious rule? Which?

And do you live in a small town?

anonymousmousie's avatar

Premarital sex, STD.
And yes.

janbb's avatar

So grow up and get the meds and take care of yourself. At 18, you don’t need to involve your parents nor do I see any particular reason to call the police. Take care of yourself, break up with the guy and consider it a lesson well learned.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Go to counselling as soon as possible and the state will make sure that you are cared for.
Counselling etc will all be paid for by the governing authority.
They won’t judge you., but they will support you.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I will get the meds, they are 10$. I don’t need your rudeness @janbb This is harder than it sounds.

Jeruba's avatar

@janbb isn’t being rude. She’s being a straight talker. Some of us are pretty experienced with pain and disappointment (our own and our children’s too) and may understand your situation better than you might think.

Kardamom's avatar

@janbb is telling you the straight truth. Don’t take out your frustrations on her.

You came here for advice. That’s what we give here, advice, based on exactly what you tell us your situation is.

You are 18 now, so that makes you an adult. You’ve got adult problems right now. First things first. Unless this guy physically abused you, he really hasn’t done much more than be a jerky boyfriend (like so many other jerky guys have done to naive females over millenia).

Right now, it’s time for you to grow up. You have no choice at this point.

Your best bet, whether you like it or not, is to come clean with your parents. If they won’t pay for your college because you were “naughty” then that’s the breaks, kiddo. Although you were underage, you knew what the consequences of sneaking around, and having underage sex, and hiding this from your parents would be, but you did it anyway.

What you didn’t plan on was STD. But now that you have one, be grateful that it is curable if you deal with it now.

If you think this dude is guilty of statutory rape, which it sounds like he was, then it’s best for you to tell your parents, and report him, and suffer the consequences of their not paying for your school.

You need to educate yourself on how to protect yourself from this point forward, against rape, against other worse STD’s, and pregnancy.

We are here to tell you where to get help. Don’t blame the messenger. You are an adult now, and you have to take responsibilty for yourself, including your part in getting involved with this guy.

If you want to go to the police, get all your proof together and do that. But you don’t have to do that alone.

If you decide not to go to the police, then you just need to get your own act together, and find better ways to live your life, to avoid the pitfalls you’ve already experienced.

I can’t say enough about Planned Parenthood. They are not just dispensers of birth control. They can help you create a better plan for living a healthy life. Talk to them, and let them know that you’ve been through. This is in addition to getting treated for the STD.

I am not a parent, but I have been the advocate for several friends who have experienced unplanned pregnancies, an abortion, and being catfished. Every female I know has been hurt, in small ways, and big ways by males who either lied to them, cheated on them, abused them, or simply did not care about them.

I wish I could grab every young woman and shake some sense into them. You have to be independent. You have to take care of yourself. Even if you are lucky enough to share the love of a good man. You have to be your own advocate.

We are here to help, but you also have to help yourself.

Here is the website for Planned Parenthood:

anonymousmousie's avatar

You guys are discounting the trauma he caused me. You don’t know the half of it. You think he is just shitty like other guys… You don’t know. At all.

Kardamom's avatar


I have known a hundred females over my lifetime who have been taken advantage of. You don’t think I have a clue? I am 55 years old. I have been through it all, my friends and relatives have been through it all.

Three months ago, my dear friend had to have an abortion. This week, another friend, in her thirties died from pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a husband, and two tiny children. Don’t even attempt to tell me I don’t understand!!!

You are an unfortunate, and naive 18 year old girl. Grow up now! You have no choice.

We adults here are trying to help you. If you don’t want our help, then….

Kardamom's avatar

Go to the police, get rape counseling, tell your parents that you screwed up, move out, get a job and pay for your own school, don’t hook up with dudes online.

Kardamom's avatar

No one is discounting the fact that your boyfriend is a dick. It’s up to you, what you are going to do about it.

You can whine “that no one understands” or you can read what everyone has said and realize that EVERYONE understands, and is trying to help you. Do not shoot the messenger!!!

Jeruba's avatar

@anonymousmousie, get this straight: We’re talking about priorities here. First aid. We’re treating your crisis as a crisis. Are you?

You have lots of time to deal with the emotional trauma later. Right now you have to pull yourself together enough to deal with the pressing problems.

We are the first responders. And as your first responders, we’re putting first things first. We’re addressing the immediate threat, which is the infection. The potential damage to your physical health is something you can and must take care of now.

Then we want to prevent further injury, which means your getting the source of harm out of your life. Securing the perimeter, you could say.

If we were discounting the trauma, girl, we would not be putting so much effort into talking with you. But if what you want is someone to do battle with, to take out your anger on, to defend your erstwhile lover (who may be just a wonderful guy aside from a little statutory rape, STD transmission, and chronic lying) and justify your bad decisions of the past 2½ years, or just wail about your misfortunes, you’re not open to help yet.

Let us know when you’re ready. Meanwhile, I, for one, have things to do elsewhere.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Ignore the stupid advice above, get the meds, do not speak to your parents or the police, you’ll be fine.

Jeruba's avatar

Most of the stupid advice above says to get the meds.

Pinguidchance's avatar

“Ignore the stupid advice above, get the meds, do not speak to your parents or the police, you’ll be fine.”

@Jeruba “Most of the stupid advice above says to get the meds.”

Does it?

The stupid advice I referred to was ‘telling your parents and the police’.

I agree with your contention that there is other stupid advice.

Kardamom's avatar

This young woman was taken advantage of (statutory rape is a crime). She can press charges against this prick if she so chooses. Why would that be stupid?

She needs to learn to understand how things work, and deal with them. How is hiding this situation from her parents useful? She needs their support. Her parents can help her, and guide her, but only if she comes clean. How is being honest about her situation stupid?

anonymousmousie's avatar

I am getting the meds today.

anonymousmousie's avatar

I took them. Was 2 pills that I was supposed to take all at once. Made me sick as hell though.

chyna's avatar

It beats the alternative.

anonymousmousie's avatar

Of course.

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