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AG34's avatar

I have a crush on my best friend but we can’t be together. How do I decide what’s best for both of us and if I should get over her?

Before I start I apologize in advance for the lengthy post. Also I won’t be using real names so C(my crush/good friend). Okay so some backstory. I know C from discord(for those who don’t know it’s kind of like Skype but is more widely used for social and gaming reasons) and me and C get along well. We have a group on discord and we’ve all been friends for over a year now, as we all video call and voice chat whenever we can. C has always been a good friend of mine and she’s been there for me when I needed to turn to someone regarding the rough patch in life that I’m going through currently. I’ve always tried to return the favor to her too and help her out with somethings that she’s going through, and I do so because I really care about her well being. Around the end of this past summer I started taking to C and our friend group more then I used to as we didn’t talk much during the summer due to me getting some stuff in my life sorted out(escaping a toxic relationship, getting myself out of the horrible physical condition I was in due to that relationship, focusing on myself more etc.) So middle-end of January comes and I start getting feelings for her. Originally I just think it’s my head being all weird or whatever, and I think nothing of it until February begins. This is where I know for a fact I have feelings for her, as her and I have gotten really close at this point, closer then we’ve ever been. Funny enough she apparently felt the same way this whole time because two days after Valentine’s Day I just couldn’t hold it in anymore as it felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest if I didn’t tell her. I debated for a while though, as I really didn’t want to ruin the friendship. But it eventually came out and she told me that she had felt the same way this whole time. I’ll skip a bit to where I’m at now as this comment is already really long to start with. But fast forward to a week ago she told me through a bit of tears, how it’s probably best for both of us to not be in a relationship together because of distance, her parents not completely on board with it and her being really busy. Plus she’s never had a real relationship before so I can imagine she’d be a bit nervous and unsure. It was hard to hear and even though it hurt a bit given my feelings I really see where she’s coming from and I’d rather see her happy and stress free then stressed and in tears. This whole week has been just a blur for me as I’m just trying to figure out if I should let go of the feelings or hold on incase something happens later on between us. I’m just so conflicted on what to do but whether she’s just my friend moving forward or we become something more I just don’t want this to be how I lose her, because my feelings for her aside I genuinely care about her and I just don’t want to lose someone so close to me. She’s recently said how she doesn’t want to call and stuff for a bit and has discontinued her discord temporarily. I don’t want to stress her out, put pressure on her or seem too clingy, but when I asked her about what’s bothering her, as I could just feel in my gut something’s up, she didn’t deny it but she didn’t want to say what it was. I can respect that but with how everything is playing out, I just don’t want this to be the end of our friendship. I’m so sorry this is such a long post but I’m just scared and don’t know what to do and I hate losing people who are close to me. If I could have some advice on this I’d be very grateful. Thank you.

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