General Question

tabbycat's avatar

What was the last really great movie you saw?

Asked by tabbycat (1811points) August 25th, 2008
93 responses
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Why do you recommend it?

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iwamoto's avatar

i saw “he was a quiet man” and i thought it was awesome, it had everything, it even had romance on an unexpectedly high level, yeah, i recommend it !

simone54's avatar

The Dark Knight

and I finally saw The Godfather

Magnus's avatar

The Sopranos… Yes I’d call it a movie.

osullivanbr's avatar

Taken is a fantastic movie. Highly recommended. You’ll laugh a little, smile a little, cring a little, and cry a little. Also possibly gag a little because of the rediculously large snack pile fabulous had with her while watching it.

Note: That last point may not apply to everyone

Snoopy's avatar

John Adams. I found it very interesting, entertaining and educational.

A cinematic hat trick, if you will…..

jjd2006's avatar

“The Visitor”


hammer43's avatar

the dark knight the joker was the best one played out of all of the jokers in batman

cyndyh's avatar

I’m with you on that, hammer.

iwamoto's avatar

yeah, because there where like 12 jokers in all, right ? there where 2 jokers, and to be honest, jack wasn’t bad either, just watch the movie again and you’ll agree with me

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Hancock was pretty good!
So was Get Smart.
And Kung Fu Panda was hilarious, but not that great of a movie…Jack Black made it all better, though. =)

hammer43's avatar

Iwamoto, you may be too young to remember the tv show batman so in all there were three that I can think of. this batman has the joker really dark not funny like the other two so yes I myself think the dark knight’s joker is the best and by the way I own the first batman movie on dvd so I have seen it plenty of times to be able to judge.

hammer43's avatar


hammer43's avatar

thanks cyndyh, what did you like about the joker in this movie?

EnzoX24's avatar

Pineapple Express was an amazing Stoner Comedy.

jkainz's avatar

Hammer there were 4 jokers.

aanuszek1's avatar

The Dark Knight

Tantigirl's avatar

The last really great movie I saw was Serenity.

I love Firefly, can ya tell?

trumi's avatar

Just saw The Departed for the first time. Fucking brilliant. The acting is superb, the whole movie feels like you are actually in Boston, the characters are completely believable (if a little unoriginal), and the violence is amazing. Short, bloody gunshots. No suspense music or slow deaths, just a shot to the head. And the editing was incredible, by far my favorite part. It was quick but you didn’t feel dizzy, and the time line was completely fluid.

If you (like me) missed it when it was a huge deal, go rent it. I’m giving it 5 stars, which puts it in my top 20. I strongly recommend it.

jjd2006's avatar

Being from Boston, I COMPLETELY agree with you, trumi! Also, it was completely hilarious. It was dry, quick, and smart. Loved it! Agreed. See “The Departed.”

EnzoX24's avatar


The Departed is one of my favorite movies of all time. I actually watched it on Christmas Eve for the first time which was more of a gift than everything else I got the next morning.

cyndyh's avatar

@hammer: He just made my skin crawl. He was amazing in that role. I mean I love Jack Nicholson, but he’s playing another Jack Nicholson role. You expect him to be like that. Ledger felt the whole time like a really disturbed killer that has some really dark combination of motives. He’s more complex than just a BadGuy. The writing was really awesome, too, but the acting pulled the whole thing off.

hammer43's avatar

@cyndyh thanks for your comment and I agree with you

@jkainz thanks for the information about the fourth joker which one did I miss?

heysupnm's avatar

American History X

I wasn’t in the mood for a serious/heavy movie but forced myself to press play since I had some time to kill… I never had to press pause or stop – it had my complete attention until the credits finished rolling.

simone54's avatar

I just saw that recently too. Very good.

jlm11f's avatar

The Departed happens to make my “favorite” list too. And it wasn’t even because of the “matt damon” involvement, that movie is just classic

simone54's avatar

Speak up..

jlm11f's avatar

i would, but it isn’t an answer to the actual Q, because it wasn’t the “last really great movie that i saw” :P. which is why “whisper” mode is used!

simone54's avatar


iwamoto's avatar

did the people that saw the departed see Infernal Affairs ? seeing as the departed is a remake…

jlm11f's avatar

oooooooh, i did not know it’s a remake!!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I loved Death race, the players are convicts the cars are armed and the rules, no rules. kick ass!!!

NecroKing's avatar

Tropic thunder.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

dddon’t hhhurt memememee. (simple jack)

aanuszek1's avatar


Are you kidding me? that movie sucked!

EnzoX24's avatar


I thought it was a pretty good movie. I’m not that big a fan of Ben Stiller, but Downey Jr and Jack Black stole the show.

NecroKing's avatar

Did not!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Did too, any second death race?

NecroKing's avatar

I liked death race too.

iwamoto's avatar

i wonder how deathrace compares to the awesome orignial, will statham have a grenade hand too ?

jballou's avatar

@wrestlemaniac – I saw Infernal Affair. It was better in some ways, but also not as good in other ways. You get a much better sense of just how long he is actually undercover, which is never made all that clear in the Departed. There is a real threat surrounding his character not only with the danger from the mob, but also with him losing himself. He ends up being a function mobster way longer then he was a cop, which takes a toll on him. Leonardo DiCaprio’s version wasn’t as conflicted, he was just scared.

The Infernal Affair’s version of Matt Damon character is significantly different- much more conflicted. And there’s no Mark Wahlberg or Alec Baldwin counterparts, and those guys added a lot to the Departed, as did Scorcese’s filmmaking style. Overall, I’d say check it out if you’re up for dealing with subtitles.

jballou's avatar

@iwamoto I haven’t see the new Death Race, but I can tell you that the original had nothing to do with convicts winning their freedom. The race was cross country, not contained in an arena. The drivers got extra points for running down innocent bystanders. And generally speaking, the original didn’t take itself seriously in the least- it was pure B-movie all the way.

iwamoto's avatar

well, i’ve seen the original a lot of times, i know it was pretty B, but hey, it had carradine, stalone, A grade material in my book, and an awesome story

“he lost an arm in ‘98, a leg in ‘99” hahaha

El_Cadejo's avatar

The Dark Knight. It wasnt just the last really great movie i saw, but the greatest movie ive ever seen.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well i’m talking about the new one.

iwamoto's avatar

but did anyone see both ? i wonder how they compare, if there is a compare possible…

Tantigirl's avatar

Did nobody else like Serenity? sniffle

cyndyh's avatar

Of course! I really liked Serenity!

And I spent all those years never seeing the Terminator until I wanted to see some background on something Summer Glau was going to be in.

And I subscribe to the Buffy and Angel comics.

And I’m looking forward to Dollhouse.

There you go. I’ve outed myself. :^>

Tantigirl's avatar

Ah, cyndy you saved me, I was on the borderline of sitting in the corner, rocking back and forward sucking my thumb there for a second or two!!! Although, it isn’t enough to just like Serenity, you must LOVE it with every fibre of your being!!!

cyndyh's avatar

No, don’t do that. The only reason I didn’t mention Serenity earlier is that it’s nowhere near the last really great movie I saw.

Are you looking forward to Dollhouse, too?

Tantigirl's avatar

Oh shit yeah, I’ll be plonking myself right in front of the TV for that one.

jlm11f's avatar

buffy and angel comics? where? uh…i ask because i am sure someone on fluther would like to know about them :D

Tantigirl's avatar

PnL, we’d tell you but then we’d have to kill you!! ;)

jlm11f's avatar


Tantigirl's avatar

okay we’ll tell you, but you have to pledge your firstborn child to the Serenity gods first!!

jlm11f's avatar

i’ll probably get scolded for this….but uhhh what’s this Serenity nonsense?

Tantigirl's avatar

GASP tantigirl has fallen on the floor in a dead faint

cyndyh's avatar

Ha! PnL, check out Dark Horse Comics. Buffy Season 8 that’s what they call the continuing comic that picked up after the tv show ended is really quite good. I like Angel quite a lot, too, but I think most Buffy fans would like the Buffy comic more.

@tantigirl: Ok, get up now. It’s all gonna be ok.

Tantigirl's avatar

Tantigirl gets up off the floor and is breathing into a paper bag…

There is also a Serenity comic too.

osullivanbr's avatar

I’m with you here, didn’t have a donkey’s notion what the hell was going on there for a minute.

Tantigirl's avatar

Tantigirl puts her hand to her forehead because she is hyperventilating and is going to faint like a little girl again!!!

NecroKing's avatar

Buffy? as in Buffy the vampire slayer?

NecroKing's avatar

Tantigirl! Pull yerself togethar man! (pirate way).

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Serenity, I think i saw the movie, yeah i did, i loved it.

cyndyh's avatar

Yes, NecroKing, that Buffy.

NecroKing's avatar

Oh then in that case, I actually read all the buffy comics.

cyndyh's avatar

I want a Buffy movie.

NecroKing's avatar

I own one, it’s actually from the 80’s or 70’s something like that.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Which you stole from me.

cyndyh's avatar

No, not that one, silly. I want an update on what happened after Sunnydale fell into the earth.

NecroKing's avatar

Oh then I’m lost.

Darknymph's avatar

I love the movie mamma mia, and what’s serenity?

cyndyh's avatar

I liked the end of Mama Mia. By the time the story ended I thought it was pretty neat and I’m glad I saw it. But the start of that movie was just dragging on. It’s like it needed a tighter edit early on, IMO.

Serenity is the movie that continued the story from Firefly. If you ever watched the show and liked it, you’ll love this movie.

flameboi's avatar


Darknymph's avatar

which one?

Tantigirl's avatar

@NecroKing – I’m female my love which probably explains why I can go into a faint so easily lol

Tantigirl's avatar

@wrestlemaniac – you loved Serenity? Then in that case, by definition, that means I love you!!!! and if you were old enough I’d propose!!! lol ;)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I’m 16 in human years and 500 in inhuman years. I can give you imortality.

iwamoto's avatar

16, figures…

flameboi's avatar

The dark knight

iwamoto's avatar

haha, see, 16 year olds get upset when you say it that way, ha ha ha

NecroKing's avatar

i’m not upset.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I think she was talking to me, and well he ^ said it for me.

NecroKing's avatar

hehehehe. I know just a joke.

Darknymph's avatar

you two.

jlm11f's avatar

i really don’t want to encourage more off-topic banter on this thread, but fyi iwamoto = man

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Sorry I was looking at the other person…heh. (embarassed)

NecroKing's avatar

hahahah….ownage!!! hahahah..LOL

wrestlemaniac's avatar

shut it.

iwamoto's avatar

@PnL, you actually called me a man ? awesome ! with my 22 years young i still feel like a dude or guy, but not a…man, a man who has the power of castle greyskull !!!!

i want to see a movie that will wow me like Shoot em up did, something totally unexpectedly cool

OpryLeigh's avatar

The Boy in The Striped Pajamas

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