@MaisyS I don’t taunt over personal or religious reasons. But I also don’t pressure to have you reveal something you’d rather not. But I will tell you that from a religious aspect, I find that most religions praise God with music. God created music and I believe he finds it pleasing to have us use his gifts. And even Atheists enjoy music. But that is my opinion on the religious aspects. I am not your family so they may not be the same.
As for choosing a field to go into for a career, I have several feelings on that. First, the field you choose should be something you find interest in and have an aptitude for. Often parents see things in you that they believe you would be good at and that could provide guidance to urge you towards that goal. Parents usually want what is best for their children. But in the end, one day you will be an adult and have to do things that you can live with. I’m not suggesting open rebellion against your parents, just maturity enough to make decisions and have rational discussions with your parents.
Secondly, and more pertinent to this question, what career you choose does not imply you can learn nothing else. As I said, I learned piano and cello when I was younger. I ended up working most of my adult life as a chemistry and environmental person in nuclear power plants. But I still enjoy music in my personal life. I haven’t played an instrument for years, but still enjoy listening to music and appreciate the talent and beauty of it. Even if you study biology in school, you will have to learn things about chemistry, math, humanities and social sciences, and a variety of other topics that will offer nothing you will use regularly in a biology related job. Music might be one of those things.
My last thought is one of a personal view. We don’t live to work, we work to live. Our personal lives are often very different from our jobs. Very few people find complete satisfaction with their jobs…they want other things in their lives. We find enjoyment in things that have nothing to do with our jobs. We call them hobbies. They are the things we do to decompress from work and to add variety in our lives. Playing a musical instrument can be that.
I would say it sounds like your parents are afraid you will spend too much time focusing on guitar at the detriment of your studies on biology. I don’t know you nor your parents so this one you have to figure out on your own. You need to understand the reasons your parents are resistant to your interest in guitar and address them directly. I always told my kids it was okay to disagree with me, but not to be disagreeable with me. Don’t be rude. Be calm and rational when you deal with your parents. They are often much more fragile than you think.