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wundayatta's avatar

How do you feel when you're meeting a group of new people? How prepared are you to introduce yourself?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) August 29th, 2008
16 responses
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In a new group, people are often asked to introduce themselves. Sometimes they give you a special question to answer, to help in the introduction. Sometimes you are asked to provide your background as it relates to the purpose of the group. Are you a long talker, excited to add lots of details, or do you hold back, and provide the minimum? How does it feel to be “on the spot?” How do you react to the attention?

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hearkat's avatar

I am shy by nature, so usually I am hoping that I won’t be called on first; then I follow the lead of how the majority of people are answering.

Harp's avatar

I’m usually quite uncomfortable in these situations (and it usually looks like most of the others hate it as much as I do). I blurt out a bare minimum of information and pass the baton to the next poor shmuck.

loser's avatar

I usually just hide in a corner.

JackAdams's avatar

I just smile to everyone and say, “Yo no se habla Inglés.”

From that point on, I’m ignored.

I can also say that in French, in case there are any Hispanics present.

August 29, 2008, 1:11 PM EDT

gailcalled's avatar

I hope that there are no Hispanics present. ”...hablar Inglés.”

gailcalled's avatar

It gets easier with practice. Keep it short and sweet.

JackAdams's avatar

She’s right. The more you practice hiding in a corner, the easier it gets.

August 29, 2008, 1:23 PM EDT

delirium's avatar

I am incredibly shy and have a bad habit of blushing profusely and making stuttering jokes that no one but my boyfriend can comprehend. I also don’t do small talk. I’m utter rubbish at it. Some people are put off by the fact that I adore discussion and debate.

Jack, as gail just informed you, I think when you say you don’t speak english, ironically enough you’re actually saying that you don’t speak a lick of spanish.

beccalynnx's avatar

i’m usually the quiet and shy one that nobody really pays attention. i never really minded before, but i’m learning that the more confident and bold i am when i meet new people, the more comfortable i become around them in later on situations. i’m still quite shy, but i’m working on it.

SeekerSeekiing's avatar

In my earlier days, I used to blush—and hated it! I was a foster-kid and not really allowed to have opinions or emotions, and blushing was the one thing I could not control.

I used to hate to get up for the intro’s, partly because of the blush….now I’m better at it. Short talker though. And I find, if I role-play or practice what I’ll say, I’m much calmer.

Blushing should be banned!

nocountry2's avatar

I am not very good at meeting people. Ironically, I have given speeches to thousands of people.

jlm11f's avatar

I usually don’t mind meeting new people unless it’s been one of those days. I am a “medium talker”, i will answer their Qs and ask some of my own. Some people take a while to get used to talking, so i try to be as lighthearted/funny/friendly as possible. I also don’t mind being on the spot (years of impromptu speeches does that to you) but i don’t crave attention and am more than happy to let someone else have the spotlight.

SeekerSeekiing's avatar

I’m good at “Hi, my name is Seeker and…I…” oh wait, that’s a private do not tell meeting…shhhh

wildflower's avatar

I usually keep my introduction brief, but I don’t mind standing up, making eye contact and all that. I just prefer to be a bit reflective in the beginning of a group formation – you could say it’s my strategy; to suss out the others before I pick my role and make my mark.

wundayatta's avatar

Hmm. I usually make a choice, depending on how important the group will be for me. Sometimes I’ll sit back, and not really give out too much, if I think the group is a bust. Other times, I’ll leap right in, and occasionally change the direction of a group somewhat drastically, if I think the people running it are taking it in the wrong direction.

I’ve gotten used to speaking to small groups over the years, and it doesn’t bother me any more. Also, I’ve learned to fake it. Finally, it seems that I come across as much more confident—possibly even arrogant—than I think I do. This shocks me, because, of course, inside, I feel like a fraud and incompetent, and I can’t imagine anyone would listen to me. I’m always shocked when they do. It’s almost disconcerting, because if I find out people are paying attention to me, I have to go back the other way, and destroy my own credibility. Oh well. That’s what it’s like being talented and having no self esteem.

Coloma's avatar

I’m very comfortable/confident socially, I’ll be the first to extend my hand and introduce myself. I really feel for those that struggle with social anxieties…I cannot fathom how that must be from one who relates with ease to most I meet.

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