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MrMontpetit's avatar

What are good Firefox add-ons?

Asked by MrMontpetit (1843points) August 30th, 2008
31 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I currently have FoxyTunes, TwitterFox, TwittyTunes, WebMail Notifier, ForcastFox, TinyUrl Creator, and Image Zoom. Does anybody know any good Mozilla Firefox Add-ons that are extremely useful? What can I say? I’m an Add-on Addict.

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MrBlogger's avatar

Inquisitor is good. It gives you suggested searches while you type and gives you a little peak at what youll get if you search that word

arnbev959's avatar

The only one that I use is FireGestures. It’s so convienent to be able to open a new tab just by clicking, or to be able to go back a page by scrolling.

MrMontpetit's avatar

I remember I had FireGestures before I reinstalled Firefox, the reason I never re-installed FireGestures is because I never rememered installed that Add-on, and figured it was a new thing that came with Firefox, but now I notice I don’t have it anymore, so thanks for that!

jrpowell's avatar

Adblock Plus
Firebug (if you do any web development)

MrMontpetit's avatar

Thanks johnpowell, I’ll look at them, and MrBlogger, I can’t find any “Inquisitor”?

aidje's avatar

I’m pretty sure Inquisitor is only for Safari.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Yeah, I think it is, I went to that link and it says “For Safari”

MrBlogger's avatar

Oh sorry when i downloaded it it said “Now you can use the fancy add-on the FireFox has.” So I thought it was for FireFox.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Maybe that means there is an equal add-on for firefox? I’ll search for it.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Thanks, windex.

windex's avatar

…and, I hit 200 points…MUHAHAHHHHAHA

MacBean's avatar

It’s not useful at all, but I get a big kick out of PMOG.

wilhel1812's avatar


swimmindude2496's avatar

For Facebook users use FireUploader. Wicked fast.
For AIM or other social network users use Meebo. Great App.
For facebook users go here and it has the instructions. Really works!!! Try it!

For help on FireUploader comment me because I had trouble at first…

St.George's avatar

I use FF and I recently noticed that when I search through google it does what I think you’re saying Inquisitor does: Gives me list of options for finishing my typing and tells me how many results for each one.

Vincentt's avatar

Locationbar2 is good, and there are plenty others that are very useful – if I get to my home computer I’ll dig up my list of extensions :)

MrMontpetit's avatar

@Megan64, what does “FF” stand for?

arnbev959's avatar


MrMontpetit's avatar

Well I have Firefox, and I’m looking for Firefox ADD-ONs. Like extensions? plug-ins? Yeah. And I think the thing you’re talking about when typing on Google, it starts to give you suggestions? I think that’s just a thing Google does, not just Firefox. I might be mistaken though, considering I usually am.

shadling21's avatar

Google generates the suggestions, I’m guessing, but Firefox makes it possible to see them.

Here’s a handy list of’s favourite Firefox plug-ins

MrMontpetit's avatar

Thanks for that, I’ll check it out.

benseven's avatar

Download Statusbar is a genius FF addon. Do away with the downloads window once and for all, and get the status of your downloads from a neat bar at the bottom of the screen.

Vincentt's avatar

Well, here’s my followup.

Extension List Dumper is very userful to, well, compile a list of all the extensions I’ve got installed :)

The ones I like best are Adblock Plus, Bugmenot, Download statusbar, Linkification, Locationbar2, More tools menu, Resurrect pages, Ubiquity.

Definitely check those I mentioned above out, they’re very useful to everybody :)

Truefire's avatar


stickyc's avatar

Here’s some of what I consider ‘must-haves’ and why:
TabMixPlus – What it gives is: The ability to load History/Search/Addressbar links all in new tabs automatically, control over where new tabs are created (next to original, at the end, etc), control over where the close button(s) for tabs are, how to handle display of many tabs (I prefer multi-line to scrolling), and much better session handling. You have to go to their forums for a link to the beta version if you’re using FF3 (
FoxMarks to syncronize my bookmarks between all my different machines.
Adblock+ and NoScript to avoid ads and other evils of the internets.
CustomizeGoogle to get rid of Google’s ads and force all my Google cloud connections to HTTPS.
Google Toolbar mainly for the autofill.
Delicious Bookmarks because I use and it’s great for tagging “to read” stuff.
PDF Download to give me the option to open a PDF link or download it.
Download Statusbar because they still dont have download management fixed in FF3.
Evernote ‘cloud-based notebook’. Store your clippings/notes/images/etc on a central server. Has desktop clients as well. The real win is it’ll OCR clipped images and you can search for text within them. Things like pics of business cards, conference badges, post-meeting-whiteboards. The OCR is outstanding (it can read my whiteboard-chicken-scratch).

Honorable Mentions:
StumbleApon – My use of this is in direct proportion to the size of my task list.
1Click Weather – I used to use ForecastFox, but I think this implementation may be slightly better.
FlashGot/FlashGet as download manager tools
Feedly – Just discovered this, takes your Google Reader feeds and presents them in more of a ‘daily newspaper’ style. It’s very young and has plenty of rough edges, but I like it. We’ll see if I’m still using it in a month.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Thanks for the amazing answer stickyc.

kullervo's avatar

Operator – lets you view microformats and grab peoples contact details straight into outlook etc

PicLens/Cooliris – can browse sites like flickr, google images and youtube in a whole new way. Makes like a flash gallery

If your a web developer then as mentioned Firebug, Webdeveloper toolbar, ColorZilla, and measureIt are excellent. FireFTP is handy to but would recommend using a proper FTP client.

Google browser sync is cool if you like being able to use firefox on different computers and it to remember your history and bookmarks and even opened tabs from both.

If you have a blog then Scribefire is great tool too – can blog from any page and makes it easy to insert images, links, video, tags etc.

limeaide's avatar

Firefox now has collections where you can put add-ons in a collection and install the whole collection. I have all of my must have add-ons in this collection.

Vincentt's avatar

@limeaide You still need to click Install for each individual add-on in a collection, right?

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