General Question

McBean's avatar

What do you want to share about yourself today?

Asked by McBean (1703points) September 6th, 2008
95 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Your favorite color, food, or gripe? A nasty secret? It will be safe with us, we promise. A physical description of yourself? What makes you tick? Your biggest fear? Your greatest wish? Your guilty pleasure? Your latest discovery about yourself, someone else, or a great new product? We really do want to know. Stick to the fluther rules and guidelines, please.

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Darknymph's avatar

oh, I’m a naughty girl…....and I have erotic fetishes.

NecroKing's avatar

I have inhuman strength, that scares people, especially when I reach level 5 on anger.

McBean's avatar

@darknymph: Hmmm…who doesn’t?

wildflower's avatar

I sometimes have to fight the urge to knock sense and/or realism in to people who seem to live in an oblivious fantasy world…...I can usually convince myself with the argument that the knock would hurt me more than the recipient.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I am a very cunning and idealistic person, and I’m creative.

Darknymph's avatar

@Mcbean, I mean a VERY naughty girl, you know, one of those when daddy not home it’s always a party type of girl.

McBean's avatar

@darknymph: Oh…one of THOSE! :-)

Darknymph's avatar

Yesssss. but uh…a little gothic like.

wildflower's avatar

We used to call those type of girls ‘traveling trophy’s’

augustlan's avatar

I drank far too much last night, and had a wonderful time doing so!

Darknymph's avatar

I’m not a prize.

McBean's avatar

I often roll my eyes when talking to my mother on the phone.

I ALWAYS screen my phone calls.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I fear that I may be feeling the pain of this accident for the rest of my life.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I’m a combatant type of person.

Theotherkid's avatar

I have a bad cold at the moment unfortunately.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Here’s a fluther advil.

augustlan's avatar

@uber: I sure hope not.

McBean's avatar

@uberbatman: I’m so sorry. It’s only been a few days, though, right? Rest, and see your doc or chiropractor regularly about it.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I have the deepest desire to find a place like the wizardry world, like harry potter. (sigh)

JackAdams's avatar

I saw a snake having marital relations with a garden hose, this morning…

It got me excitied…

September 6, 2008, 2:05 PM EDT

Darknymph's avatar

Oh, what kind of snake.

JackAdams's avatar

It was hidden by the garden hose.

September 6, 2008, 2:25 PM EDT

Darknymph's avatar

so how do you know it was a snake.

JackAdams's avatar

It offered me some fruit from this forbidden tree in my backyard.

I declined.

September 6, 2008, 2:32 PM EDT

wildflower's avatar

@JA, so no fig leaf for you today?

Darknymph's avatar

You naked, or something.

JackAdams's avatar

I FIGure that what I don’t know, won’t hurt me.

September 6, 2008, 2:48 PM EDT

scamp's avatar

I know what my SO is getting me for my birthday, but I am going to act surprised anyway.

Bri_L's avatar

I know what Scamps SO is getting her for her birthday, but I also am going to act surprised.

JackAdams's avatar

Scamp, that reminds me of a related story, if you don’t mind me sharing.

I was married to a SHAKER, a person who always has to pick up a gift-wrapped package and SHAKE it vigorously, to try to determine the contents.

She’d do that with every package that she knew was hers, be it Xmas time or birthdays, or whatever.

One Xmas season, I decided to see if I could CURE her of that habit, so I went to a friend and had her wrap up a box in beautiful giftwrap, containing nothing but BROKEN GLASS.

Naturally, my bride picked it up, gave it shake, heard the sounds of the broken glass, and I said, “Oh no! Those were PRICELESS GLASS FIGURINES! How could you?”

On Xmas Day I revealed my joke to her, and within six weeks, we were divorced, for some reason.

Some folks just can’t take a joke, I guess.

September 6, 2008, 3:23 PM EDT

Bri_L's avatar

@ my reveal for today is I can’t stop thinking about Darknymph’s reveal.

Which is kinda weird since we have not said boo to each other ever.

@ Darknymph – boo

McBean's avatar

@Bri_L: you can always ask for details…

Bri_L's avatar

Now I’m all a blush.

McBean's avatar

That’s okay, Bri. We, at fluther, understand the intrigue. :-)

Bri_L's avatar


scamp's avatar

@Bri_L did he tell you it was the pearls I have been drooling over for 3 months, or the River lady dinner cruise?. the cruise was cancelled due to tropical storms hannas effects, but we are going next Saturday instead. He’s going to to give me the pearlson Tuesday….. YAY!!

Bri_L's avatar

@ scamp – t’aint tell’n! but it rhymes with orange.

McBean's avatar

@ Bri: I thought it rhymed with silver.

Bri_L's avatar

@ McBean – but nothing rhymes with….. wait….... hey maybe he didn’t really tell me.

Well I guess I can’t help you scamp!

scamp's avatar

He bought me a door hinge??????? :D

SuperMouse's avatar

I had a beautiful day yesterday.

stratman37's avatar

I told my wife over and over again last night: flutherer, flutherer, FLUTHERER!

She lurved it!

McBean's avatar

Wow, stratman…You definitely have a way with words!

loser's avatar

I want a new tattoo.

wildflower's avatar

@loser: what, where and why?

JackAdams's avatar

@stratman: Would my female parent be a mother flutherer?

Just asking…

September 6, 2008, 5:44 PM EDT

Trance24's avatar

The funny thing Mcbean is I was going to ask a similar question today. As to my answer I feel absolutely exhausted. I feel like my legs are going to fall off. I had to wake at 7 this morning get to my school for a cross country practice from 8–10 (a hard practice mind you). Then straight from there I went home showered and dressed for work in which I had to be at, at 11. I just got home from work at 5:45. So I have been on my legs since 7 am and I find them to be in quite a lot of pain. Ouch ouch ouch. Oh and I have a lot of homework.

Trance24's avatar

@Darknymph hmmm…sounds like fun.

stratman37's avatar

Yes, Jack, and you’re my brother from another mother!

McBean's avatar

@Trance24: Quick! Into a hot tub with you! Save the homework for tomorrow when you’ll have a well-rested brain.

JackAdams's avatar

@stratman: Must have something to do with Einstein’s Theory of Relatives.

September 6, 2008, 6:07 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

LOL, ladies and gentleman – the comedy stylings of our very own Jack Adams – GIVE IT UP!!

SuperMouse's avatar

and don’t forget to tip your waitress.

McBean's avatar

I have crushes on too many people. Thank goodness for crushes!

JackAdams's avatar

@stratman: Why do you want me to give up my punning?

September 6, 2008, 6:12 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

‘cause you’re no match for me!

Trance24's avatar

@Mcbean I wish I could just drop the homework but I simply can not there is too much. I have to do part tonight and part tomorrow after I get off of work. I go in tomorrow at 7 and get home at 3. =[ So much work so little time.

JackAdams's avatar

@stratman: I admire you, for having the BALLS to post the things you do.

September 6, 2008, 6:17 PM EDT

stratman37's avatar

It’s just like you to Penn such a response!

stratman37's avatar

Sorry, Jack. I’ll have to take this up later, I’ve got to attend my son’s birthday party.
It may sound like a lame excuse, but it’s not my FAULT!!!

JackAdams's avatar

Yes it is.

He wouldn’t be here to HAVE a birthday, if it wasn’t for you.

Did you LOVE being part of the conception process?

September 6, 2008, 6:20 PM EDT

Bri_L's avatar

I would seem he is no MATCH for you.

JackAdams's avatar

@Bri_L: I haven’t had a MATCH, since Superman died.

Or since I quit smoking!

September 6, 2008, 6:41 PM EDT

JackAdams's avatar

I just wanna publicly say that STRATMAN37 is a WONDERFUL and TERRIFIC human being!

And he’s the FIRST ONE to admit it!

September 6, 2008, 6:44 PM EDT

wildflower's avatar

Aww…..You two are so cute together!!

JackAdams's avatar

I contacted EVERYONE who admires STRATMAN37, and BOTH of them had only the nicest things to say about him.

September 6, 2008, 6:58 PM EDT

JackAdams's avatar

I’ll tell you the kind of fantastic human being STRATMAN37 is:

He would NOT HESITATE to cut off your right arm for you.

You don’t find guys like THAT, anymore!

September 6, 2008, 2:01 PM EDT

jca's avatar

my fantasy is something along the lines of playing “patient” in a naughty doctor’s examining room.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Bri_L's avatar

@ jca: I just.. . . . .like you so so much.


McBean's avatar

@Bri: It looks like you’re collecting crushes, too. :-)

Bri_L's avatar

There are just an abundance of wonderful women on fluther!

But I have a weakness for posts that start “my fantasy is….”


jlm11f's avatar

I have a need….for speed. (not the drug). But I am safe about it…race tracks :)

Allie's avatar

Favorite colors: Pink and green.
Fear: Spiders and bugs.
Love: Music, life, people..
Secret: I don’t really have any. I’m an open book.
Guilty Pleasure: Pop music.
Favorite candy: Starbursts and Sour Patch Kids Watermelons
Favorite fruits: Strawberries, pears, and pineapple.
I’m from California. I love to travel. My friend are the family I chose. Personality-wise, I’m a lover (not a fighter). I played rugby. I have one tattoo and seven piercings. People always think I’m a such goody goody, but once they get to know me they realize I’m not really like that (not all the time at least). I like parties. I like scary movies. I’m not afriad of the dark and can’t sleep unless it’s pitch black. I’ve got two dogs (Angus and Bleu) and two cats (Sophie and Jett). I’m ticklish as hell. Chocolate is better than vanilla.

tinyfaery's avatar

Last night I was 5 feet away from Dave Matthews, and tonight my wife hugged dave and took a picture with him, and tomorrow I’ll be in the from row at the show. After Sunday night, I’ll have seen dave in concert 17 times.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I love to fight!

Darknymph's avatar

@bri L what do you want to know?

cyndyh's avatar

I’ve had a great few weeks.

Labor Day weekend I went to a great music and arts festival with my sweetie. I’m still feeling that.

Friday my daughter brought me to a baseball game since she won tickets to it. The seats were great and they have decent beer and food at games these days. It was a great game to see, too. They were so “on”.

And yesterday we had fun at the mall and saw Pineapple Express—which was not a great movie but it was fun. Afterward we had fun browsing the bookstore.

shrubbery's avatar

I am happy.

marissa's avatar

“What do you want to share about yourself today?”

1) I love Fluther, the people here are great, I love answering questions and spend more time than I should here.
2) I should be doing something on my ‘to do’ list instead of answering this question (refer to #1) , but I’m not as disciplined as I should be.
3) I like to make lists (notice #2).
4) I am generally optimistic (ie, I’m sure someone will give my lurve for this answer), yet I worry too much (ie, but what if no one gives me lurve for this answer, that would be so embarassing, since I mentioned that I’m sure someone will give me lurve in this answer)
5) When I tell people things like ‘I hope you have a great day!’, ‘I’ll keep you in my thoughts.’, ‘My heart goes out to you’ and other such sentiments, I mean it. I’m not just saying it.
6) I hope you all are having a great day! (and ya know I mean it)
7) I love giving lurve…a round of ‘great answers’ for everyone on me :0P

Bri_L's avatar

Yay shrubbery

I couldn’t sleep last night. Stuff on my mind. Running on 2 hours.

marissa's avatar

Thank you to whomever just gave me lurve, you saved me from embarassment :0P

flameboi's avatar

I suck at sports
I love shopping
I bought a super duper expensive jacket
If my mom finds out, she would kill me

Favorite colors: black and purple
Fear: failure
Love: my gf, knowledge, cars, clothing
Secret: I can’t tell
Guilty Pleasure: fried chicken
Favorite candy: m&m’s
Favorite fruits: bananas
I live in Ecuador, nice place, mmm, what else, I dunno :) I love cats but I’m allergic, I love dogs but I live in an apartment, I love cars so I have 2 :)

Knotmyday's avatar

I have had a sniffle for the last two days. It’s annoying. Accursed germs!

jca's avatar

Bri L: first, “hello doctor.” what’s on your mind, baby?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Bri_L's avatar

you already know

jlm11f's avatar

Well, today I have nothing to share about myself…but I would like to share something about someone else. (hey I rhymed). It’s our dear scamp ‘s birthday today (9th sept), so make sure you wish her!!

McBean's avatar

Happy Birthday Scamp!!!

Bri_L's avatar

Happy Birthday to you Scamp.

Your the best.

wildflower's avatar

Happy Birthday Scamp!!!!! Hope you have a Fabulous Day!! :)

jlm11f's avatar

sorry McBean, I didn’t mean to take over your thread. everyone wanting to wish scamp should go to her profile so as not to make this too off topic

McBean's avatar

No worries, PnL. There is also this thread on which to wish our friend a Happy Day.

Bri_L's avatar

OOPS good point PnL

Sorry McBean

Milladyret's avatar

I’m quite boring…
And quite broke now a days! But that might be because I just bought my first house…

cyndyh's avatar

I have recently added leg of lamb and ratatouille my cooking repertoire.

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