While a bright sunny day refreshes my eyes?
Are you talking about the sudden introduction to light after being in a dark environment—slowly adapting pupils?
@stanleybmanly When waking up in the morning.
Let me understand. When you wake up, the ambient light through your window hurts your eyes?
@stanleybmanly Yes. Correct.
Do your eyes adjust quickly? Have you thought to time them?
@stanleybmanly No. Pop helps.
Soda pop? You need looking after. See a doctor.
@stanleybmanly I had an eye exam last month, she prescribed “Blink eye drops”. Other than needing glasses and having an anomaly (blood vessels in my eyes swollen) she said I was fine. I will see a doctor Nov. 2nd.
Usually the only time I’ve ever experienced something like that was with a hangover.
My guess is it’s related to diabetes or you’re dehydrated.
It happened to me the other morning. I guess my pupils just weren’t reacting like they outta.