Can you help me think through how to set up an excel spreadsheet to create some graphs?
I haven’t been feeling well on and off for over a year now. I want to start keeping a food diary and some other measures to see if I find a pattern.
Ideally, I’d like to be able to superimpose two graphs on one. Like make my BP one line and my sodium intake another. See if there is a correlation.
I’m just trying to think through how to number the X and Y axis? If I want the X axis to be the date and I eat three times a day, how would I number that?
I might have multiple graphs and line them up.
The main things I’ll be tracking are: if I feel nauseas, if I have discomfort in my upper abdomen (not nausea, more like a knot), when I ate, my BP, fluid intake, sodium intake.
Any ideas I appreciate it.
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