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lenacooper's avatar

How do you relax?

I am very nervous because of my current project at work. And the muscles in my shoulders and neck are constantly tightened. And sometimes I even find it difficult to breathe, as if I can’t make a full breath (I really don’t know how to explain this correctly but it’s the most problematic thing about this). May be it’s because I spend much time in front of the computer. Should I try some kind of meditation or yoga? I don’t really get along with sports tbh. I’m not sure if I can do physical exercises. Or are there any ways to meditate without exercise? I learned to draw mandalas like in this tutorial some time ago, that was OK. It helped me a little, but I get tired of drawing too long and staying one to one with my thoughts.
What are the best ways to relax and distract yourself from anxious thoughts?

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