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RayaHope's avatar

So what made you literally drop your phone?

Asked by RayaHope (7448points) August 28th, 2022

I was on Reddit just watching the r/cats thread and something went wrong.

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17 Answers

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

You mean as in being suddenly scared? Lol I had that happen last night at work. Was standing outside my car trying to text by boss about a minor issue, and some woman walked up behind me and asked if I would give her a ride to her Apts. Didnt know she was there and scared the crap out of me at two in the AM. Didn’t see her walk up and i DID drop my phone..told her I’m on duty and can’t oblige, so please move on on and get off my facility. I think Austin is getting weirder by the day. Fortunately my phone survived.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Check the times that your updates are, usually on Sundays, which may cause it to cut into your shows.

JLoon's avatar

A little too much lotion.

Rough on the device , but totally worth it… in other ways ;)

Forever_Free's avatar

r/cats and r/dogs will do it every time.
Otherwise it is when tip my Jeep so far that the phone slides out the door that is not there.

RayaHope's avatar

Somehow this…umm graphic picture pops up and I still don’t know what I did. But I got out of that real quick. ewww

Forever_Free's avatar

@RayaHope oh that r/cats subreddit :P

RayaHope's avatar

^^ It wasn’t the cats it was a man’s private part…yikes

Inspired_2write's avatar

^^ Hacked phone?
Run a Anti virus scan

Forever_Free's avatar

@RayaHope you can blame it on the Russians.

RayaHope's avatar

^^ Damn Russians again…grrrrrrr :(
@Inspired_2write running scan right now.

cookieman's avatar

@JLoon beat me to it.

RayaHope's avatar

@JLoon SPF can be slippery but that wasn’t the reason, I wish it was.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@RayaHope Didn’t I warn you about those pervy old turds Young Lady? :)

RayaHope's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums What did I do now? I don’t understand?

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Nothing I’m only kidding. Sorry, no offense intended. I have a screwy sense of humor. Humour? However the hell you spell that. @RayaHope

kritiper's avatar

It was that klutz that bumped into me.

RayaHope's avatar

^^ Oops…sorry

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