My wedding night. We were spending the night in a town almost 200 miles from where we got married. We left about 4–5pm to get there. When we were about ⅓ of the way there I realized I had forgotten my medications and we had to go all the way back.
We finally got checked in to this gorgeous old hotel at Lake Junaluska around 9:30pm. We had one whole wing to ourselves, 20–30 rooms – not intentional on our part – and it was kinda spooky knowing we were so far from the lobby.
We had been given some champagne by my parents so we were planning on getting ready for bed, then having some. I was in the bathroom changing and as I felt around in my small incidentals bag, I sliced my finger on a razor. He went to the lobby and got a bandaid and by the time I got it on and we’d quit laughing we realized how tired we were. We drank a little of the champagne, decided we were too tired to do anything else and went to sleep. Awoke late and started our adventurous honeymoon driving and camping up through PA, NY, VT and into Maine to the coast.