Meta Question

Jeruba's avatar

Why am I setting this marker?

Asked by Jeruba (56016points) March 10th, 2023
43 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

According to the address bar, this is question number 235655.

And it is now 6:00 p.m. PST on Friday, March 10, 2023.

Want to guess why I’m posting this?

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s not an anniversary of when you joined this site, nor is it a milestone number of questions. I’m stumped.

I know.

You’ve solved a particularly difficult crossword puzzle.

Jeruba's avatar

Alas, no, but a good guess. In fact I broke a 772-game winning streak on one of my favorite word games, and I’m still licking my wounds. But that’s not what I’m marking.

kritiper's avatar

You started menopause.

canidmajor's avatar

@kritiper Huh? How do you get that?

rebbel's avatar

The 23rd of the 11th (5+6) month, in 1955 you were born.
The time and date are there in an attempt to confuse me.

Dig_Dug's avatar

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.

kritiper's avatar

@Jeruba wouldn’t tell us so I made a logical deduction as a guess.

canidmajor's avatar

How is that a logical deduction?

kritiper's avatar

@Jeruba is of an obvious age. From what I gather, not too old and not too young. And she is a female. She didn’t openly divulge what the “marker” was.
What would you guess?

canidmajor's avatar

I probably know a little a little more about how menopause works than you do, four sisters or not. All the numbers involved would imply something a bit more precise than menopause, which, unless artificially induced, is not a precise thing. Go ask your sisters. Although the kinds of discussions that you seem to have with them regarding genitalia and reproductive matters seems wildly inappropriate to repeat here.

I’m not guessing at her marker here, but I would bet everything that menopause isn’t it, especially because she, as a person, wouldn’t discuss it in this context.

But maybe your sisters would know. <<eyeroll>>

Acrylic's avatar

@Jeruba Talking about Wordle using email as a word? Unfair of them since that’s not a real word.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba Can we get a hint please? Something to get this thread back on topic would help.

Jeruba's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake, the point of the question is to set a marker. And the hint is in the tags.

I will be disclosing the answer shortly.

flutherother's avatar

You’ve given a very specific time in your question and your tag says “elapsed time” but I still can’t get it. Elapsed time from when?

rebbel's avatar

Is it “Number Wang!”?

Acrylic's avatar

Think I got it. 235655 hours =
26.901 calendar years. 2+3+5+6+5+5=26. If you March for 3 days, 6 hours a day, you’d have taken 102,023 steps. This may not be your right answer, but it can be an answer to this brain teaser.

janbb's avatar

I’ll bite. You want to see how long it will take Fluther to double that number of Qs?

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MrGrimm888's avatar

“Can’t we all just, get along?”
-Rodney King.

Perhaps @kritiper was just funnin’ the op… Intent is the most important variable in a crime. No harm, no foul…Right?

Sometimes. Fluther can seem like a game of BINGO, that’s being taken WAY too seriously…

jca2's avatar

OK, what’s the answer to the question?

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba Yes. Since none of us has a clue as to the answer to this rather obscure question, I think it’s time you let us know. Pleeeezzzee!

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chyna's avatar

So, what’s the answer?

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, @Jeruba, let us know. I am obviously too dense to suss it out.

Jeruba's avatar

Ok, then. Prepare to be bored.

As I stated above, the point of the question is to set a marker. I could have asked what color socks I’m wearing or how old your toothbrush is. I truly didn’t expect much of a response to this question, much less getting into flame-bait territory!

I was just curious about the rate of question postings these days. The marker allows me to pinpoint a precise interval in Flutherdom. So at 6 p.m. on any given day it’s an exact number of 24-hourses since this posting. My intent was to check at ten days. At that point, the difference between the latest question posted and this one, computed on question number, is the number of questions posted during that time.

If I want to go further, I can just manually count how many questions have appeared since the marker, and the difference between that and the total number I computed will be how many were spammers’ deleted questions (or questions deleted by the mods for other reasons).

I thought it might be interesting to note, for instance, what proportion of questions asked are legitimate questions.

Again, I was just curious, and in order to set the marker, I had to post some kind of question. I thought the post itself plus the tags would give it away.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba So my guess was pretty close!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jeruba . What constitutes a “legitimate” question?
Number of responses, or topic?

Jeruba's avatar

It was, @janbb, and I rather thought you were going to just go ahead and call it.

@MrGrimm888, the answer to that is in the paragraph preceding that one: namely, questions that are neither spam nor those deleted by mods for other reasons. That is, simply, questions that are allowed to remain active.

If course there’s a fuzzy area in there, like questions sent back for editing but abandoned by the OP, but fine precision isn’t necessary to get an idea, just for curiosity’s sake. And I know we’re a curious bunch—witness the response to this unintentionally baffling question.

In any case, that calculation would involve extra work that I probably wouldn’t do.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ok. May I ask. Have you conducted any previous experiments, to be able to appreciate a difference?

Jeruba's avatar

@MrGrimm888, no. But at some point this could be the previous experiment, even if the chance for a real baseline passed years ago. In this connection, please see @JLeslie’s historical post here.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@Jeruba I usually ask several questions everyday but I’ve been locked out for a couple days so your count may be off slightly. :(

Forever_Free's avatar

I think I see a flaw in the algorithm. Doing research.

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ Let me get my protractor…

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ll try to find my old TI-82 calculator…

Dig_Dug's avatar

Good I’ll see if I can find my old TI-30. Might be worth a couple bucks.

Forever_Free's avatar

Broke out my Dad’s Faber Castell slide rule
Hey, It put a man on the moon. Ready to calculate!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. But you can’t play Snake, on a slide ruler…

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ HA! watch me!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I can’t help but enjoy “hold my beer moments.”

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