Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the best, and worst, bang for your dollar?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24801points) April 4th, 2023
4 responses
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For you, or business and/or government.

Humor welcome.

For example best: hot school breakfasts and lunches for school children.

Worst: Free bazookas for everyone. ~ Though it would make a bang, but not the bang that we are looking for.

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RayaHope's avatar

I think my doctors have been. Although I don’t pay them myself.

Acrylic's avatar

Best for me is art supplies. Can buy a few bucks worth of paint, brush it onto a canvas, sell for nice profit. I enjoy doing art, too, so double bonus.

Worst is cars. I hate buying cars. $25,000 for a car? No thanks. Paid like $5,000 for my current ride and that was still way too much. Keep all your gizmos, just sell me an engine, manual transmission, crank widows, AM radio, with not much else. Couldn’t care less about color or backup cameras or satellite radio or even air conditioning. Sell me a basic car, no options, for as cheap as possible.

raum's avatar

A quality mattress is worth the money.

flutherother's avatar

Best. a bicycle
Worst, a military grade ashtray costing $5,000.

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