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Mimishu1995's avatar

Was there a Russian warship on the coast of Florida recently?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23766points) June 21st, 2024
30 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I heard from an American friend that there has been a Russian warship spotted on the coast of Florida recently, and the US is planning to go to war with Russia and they are drafting able-bodied men and women. Is it true? I just want to fact check this.

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janbb's avatar

No, that’s pretty much garbage except that I had read that some Russian war ships are around Cuba. Probably some saber rattling tactic but nobody is planning a war with Russia. Geez!

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jca2's avatar

If Russia and US were going to war, you would hear it from more places than your friend – it would be front page news, TV news, everything.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

So apparently every year or so, Russia sends a ship or two to Cuba for whatever purpose. We are aware that this happens and there is no cause for alarm. But of course the media made it sound much worse than it is. And technically it was off the coast of Florida because Cuba and Florida are not that far away. So while we may have other reasons to worry about World War III starting, that does not appear to be one of them.

Also, somebody online wisely pointed out that if Russia wanted to fire missiles at us nowadays, unlike the Cuban missile crisis back when, they would not have to do so from Cuba. They could just do it from Russia. I’m not sure how comforting that is but it goes to show that a ship being off the coast of Florida is not as big a deal as the media would have you believe.

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Smashley's avatar

So a loser country with shit for a military drove by and tried to scare us? Give me a break. The Russian army is so decrepit and worn down from graft, corruption, a shit economy, alcohol, ineptitude, and on the battlefield losses (external and internal) that only a fool would worry about a direct military confrontation at this point.

Of course, we are never in short supply of fools, especially when there’s an election coming up.

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Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks everyone. I’m not an American so I don’t know anything about the Cuba thing. My friend was panicking when she told me that. She was convinced a war was going to happen. The reason why I didn’t question anything although I hadn’t heard from other sources was because I thought it was a new development, hence this question.

To be honest this situation reminded me of the period of my time in about 2014. I think you have all forgotten about it, but I was absolutely convinced that China was going after us and I was ready to join the military to defend my country. That’s why the situation with my friend really hit a chord in me.

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SavoirFaire's avatar

[Mod Says] Please remember that this question is in the General Section. Responses must be helpful and on-topic. Thanks!

canidmajor's avatar

@Mimishu1995, am I remembering correctly that you are in Vietnam? Your perspective on these subjects is always interesting.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@canidmajor I have no knowledge about American politics to comment on this. But I just can’t help but make the connection with my own politics when I heard about this. You have probably seen my answer above. To sum it up, in 2014 there was a big political outrage in Vietnam. Basically China published a map that had a large border line on the sea. The aim was to claim a large chunk of the sea including several islands as their own. And two of our archipelagos were included in the border. People were outrageous. It was everywhere on the media. There was even a violent protest (which was a big deal because we rarely ever protest, let alone violently). It felt like a war was coming. It later turned out to be an overreaction and nothing really happened. But the effect is still felt to this day. Some people are still fearing a war with China and China is just holding back for fear of backlash from other more powerful countries (that means with the situation in Ukraine the chance of them rising up is really high). It doesn’t help that Chinese media occasionally put the map into their products.

So when I heard from my friend, I immediately thought of that incident. A lot of things were similar: it happened while America and Russia are having a hard time with each other, there was a sudden move from one side, and there was the fear of war. That’s why I believed it so quickly. But my friend’s situation is just misinformation based on something that has been happening for a long time. My situation is much more real.

canidmajor's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I remember that incident. I appreciate that you gave us your perspective on it, it is, I feel, always a good idea to see the perspective from people from different nations to try and understand the global picture.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Venezuela, is Russia’s biggest trade partner, in Latin America. (Oil buddies.)

It is common to see Russia shipping materials to support a similar regime in Venezuela. The Ruskies like to keep Venezuela as an allie that doesn’t like America.

There has long been a connection with Russia, and Cuba.
It is interesting, because The Cuban Missile Project almost dragged America into war with Russia. Based on Russia having nuclear weapons capabilites on America’s doorstep.

One of the Vessels, is a Nuclear weapons attack submarine. It posts a significantly worse threat than 50 year old nuke programs.

The move, is a sign Putin feels he needs to show the US how tough he is.
The entire situation, is being blown out of proportion.
Pictures of the Russian sub, in Cuba, showed a vessel seemingly in poor condition.
Russian divers have been making repairs, and doing maintenance.
It’s just a principle type of thing.

Just for reference, ANY strategy a military might have as far as attacking the US mainland would be committing suicide.

The truth, is that many subs, from all over, are lurking around all of the time. If one decides to reveal its position it’s usually as a show of form.

Strauss's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Just remember that Cuba is 90 miles, or about 145 kilometers from the closest point in the US

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s really just a bunch of insecure chest thumping.
Having the Russian sub, with nuclear weapons capabilites, seems pretty much the same as the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Most advanced nations, already are poking around each other’s shores.

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